Blessed Solanus left behind mulitple volumes of journal entries that document the people he met, ministered to and prayed with and for. Starting in 2019, the Vice-Postulator began to index these writings to provide an overview of the ministry of Blessed Solanus Casey and the great diversity of people he met and served.
Compiled by Edward Foley, Capuchin
A note about spelling: Fr. Solanus’ spelling was quite inconsistent; this index has tried to respect his usage.
© 2023 The Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order, Inc. All rights reserved.
Abdominal trouble – vol. 4:62, 258
Also, see “Stomach”
Abortion – vol. 3:58
Abraham – vol. 2:193
Abscess, abcess – vol. 3:40, 74, (on lung) 76, 82, (lungs) 83, (ears) 118, (intestines) 119, (liver) 142, (in head) 155, 172, 180, (brain) 185, 191, (lungs) 191, (lung) 202, (liver) 239, (lungs) 265, (lung) 269, (breast) 305, (Lung) 305; vol. 4: (liver) 5, (liver and gall bladder) 6, (ear) 51, (lung) 103, (lungs) 105, (brain) 111, 114, (ear) 170, (liver) 172, (liver) 192, (lung) 198, (ear) 216
Abstinence – vol. 2:308
Abusive – vol. 3:10, 13, 28, 149, 185
accident – vol. 3: (auto) 21, 31; (trolley) vol. 3:41, (work) 45, (auto) 64, (auto) 67, (auto) 82, 85, 86, 107, (escaped) 114, (car) 136, (blinded by steel fragment) 144, (miraculous escape) 145, (fell on ice) 144 (x2), (fell when small) 151, (steel in eye) 152, (hit by car) 152, (caught in wringer) 154, 155, (blinded by steel) 159, (fireworks) 165, (roller skates) 165, (knocked down) 168, (fell in bath tub) 174, 176, (steel in eye) 186, (explosion) 188, (thorn in ankle) 189, (laboratory explosion) 190, (fell) 190, (escaped death) 192, (lost sight in one eye) 196, (in wreck) 198, (fell down cellar) 201, (killed in auto) 201, (dislocated knee) 203, (fell down stairs) 204, (16 mo. old fell two flights) 219, (fell broke leg & dislocated hip) 219, (fell 18 feet to cement floor) 227, (electrocuted) 230, (rendered speechless) 231, (chemical) 231, (airplane, broken back) 234, (eye) 237, (bus) 240, (fell and broke leg) 245, (truck miraculously safe) 245, (playing football) 249, (fell at altar rail) 249, (steel in eye) 250, (hospital fire) 250, (child hit by car) 250, 251, (fell broke leg) 251, (steel in eye) 253, (fell 2 ½ storys on pavement) 254, (cement in eye) 255, (wire in eye) 261, (knocked down broke leg) 262, (fell of ladder broke leg) 264, (tripped fractured ankle) 272, (trailer broke loose, killed 15 year old, injured 10 year old) 277, (nearly killed; restored to health) 279, (infant swallowed big brass pin) 279, (auto) 280, (thrown 15 feet by compressed air explosion) 280, (feel 15-18 feet) 282, (feel broke spine) 284, (house burned) 287, (car – friend killed) 288, (fall hit head) 290, (child cuts arm badly) 290, (wall caved in on him) 291, (fall) 293, (auto) 296, (auto) 298, (fell down stairs) 298, (drowned) 302, 302 (x2), (auto) 303, 304, (car) 305; vol. 4: (explosion) 2, (child fell) 3, (auto) 5, (sewer explosion, 5 killed, one badly burned) 5, (slipped on step, broke hip and elboe), (hand caught in wringer) 13, (6 year old punctured eye; today astonishing doctors) 14, (pushed off haystack, 4 vertebrae crushed) 14, (fell off lader) 15, (run over by truck when 5) 17, (auto) 18, (fell down cellar stairs) 21, (18 month old fell out of high chair fractured spine), 22, (5 year old knocked down) 28, (swallowed lye) 28, (fractured scull) 29, (son drowned) 32, (feel 3 stories, unconscious) 32, (auto, elbow gone) 32, (feel from hay loft, now paralyzed, can hardly speak) 34, (fell) 34, (feel off scaffold) 35, (struck down) 54, (fractured scull from car accident) 38, (8 yo brain surgery after knocked down by 2 cars) 40, (broken neck, fractured scull auto auto) 40, (badly cut arm) 42, (fell down stairs) 45, (scalded) 47, (fell and disabled jaw as baby) 47, (fell, concussion) 49, (Buick turned over twice) 50, (fee broke hip) 56, (swallowed lye) 56, (bitten by cat) 56, (fell on ice) 59, (12 yo knocked down, unconscious) 59, (rolled off davenport, paralyzed) 61, (3 yo arm in electric ringer up to shoulder) 62, (at birth) 64, (unconscious from concussion) 66, (4 yo almost killed in auto-crash) 67, 67, (fire cracker in face) 70, 73, (lost leg in auto crash, sewd on, hope to save) 75, (2 ½ yo fell from 2nd floor) 76, (auto) 79 (x2), (accident helps 17 yo to turn back to religion) 80, (broken leg) 80, (80 yo fell down stairs) 81, (arm in ringer) 82, (shot in eye with air gun) 82, 87, (shot in eye by baby gun) 88, (struck with baseball) 89, (lost sight) 96, 97,(3 yo gashed eye with scissors) 98, (fell) 99, (parked with heater running gassed) 100, (7 yo shot through stomach, now out of danger) 101, (fractured skull) 102, (5 yo swallowed lie = lye) 102, (6 yo fell into basement) 105, (cut arm badly on storm window) 105, (shot in eye with baby-gun) 105, (lost foot crushed by tons of iron) 105, (22 yo drowned) 115, (feel down cellar when 6, never recovered) 115, (8 yo eye punctured) 116, 116, (13 yo shot through temple) 116, 116, (couple nearly killed) 117, (son killed) 120, (Paralyzed playing football) 120, (fractured skull) 124, (badly broken up) 124, (hurt in football) 125, (broken legs, hip-bone, ribs, fractured skull) 126, (feel from 2nd floor, skull fracture) 128. (96 yo fell) 128, (fearful) 128, (nearly killed by reckless driver) 129, (fearful accident) 129, (broken needle in finger) 130, (eye struck by snowball) 130, (broken back) 130, (feel off scaffold) 132, (18 yo blind from ammonia explosion) 136, (fell) 136, (gas and alcohol vale, fumed in face, sight threatened) 138, (2 yo hand in mangle) 139, (11 yo feel from horse, skull fracture) 140, 141, (nearly killed in gas explosion, now OK) 142, (roofer fell, was killed) 143, 144, (slipped on ice, spinal problem) 145, (4 yo in auto accident, fractured skull) 147, (auto) 150, (boy drowned) 150¸ (kicked by horse, fractured skull) 151, (elderly fell) 152, (6 yo dragged by horse) 153, (baby fell against table) 153, (fell injuring spine) 154, (auto, fractured skull) 156, (accident, now mental) 156, (auto, broken neck) 158, (struck by auto) 159, (hurt at school) 159, (run over by city bus, broken back) 164, (12 yo killed saving friend) 164, (broke knee pushing friend, saved life one on, 8yo killed) 164, (fell off bicycle! Broke leg) 166, (26 yo soldier accidently killed) 166, (3 yo badly burned) 166, (fell) 167, 168, (little girl fell, cut artery in hand, loss of hand feared) 168, (dislocated rib) 169, (fell, lost part of spine) 171, (injured playing football, total invalid now) 171, (eye loss almost certain) 175, (leg smashed) 175, (struck by car, dragged 71 feet) 176, (22 mo cut finger in lawn mower) 181, (17 mo fell out of high chair, never gained consciousness) 181, (3 yo hurt in bath) 181, (8 mo fell out of bed) 182, (19 yo auto crash, unconscious) 184, (unconscious 1 year, mother-in-law killed) 184, 185, (electric shock) 186, (trolley) 187, (17 yo auto, leg saved) 187, (auto, still in lamentable condition) 188, (fell off ladder) 188, (arm caught in rubber roller, cannot be saved) 190, (8 yo kicked by horse) 200, (fell out of swing) 200, (broke leg on way to school, refuses to heal) 201, (hit and run, 7 years later unable to use left arm) 201, (10 mo fell out of crib) 202, (16 yo fell on ice, knee still swollen) 202, (9 yo fell and pierced eye) 203, (fell off byke, broke arm, once chance in 100 of saving arm) 207, (3 yo hit by car, badly crippled) 214, (writing in horse and buggy, lost one leg other broken in hip) 215, (16 yo hit by car, then exploding pistol lodged bullet in head) 217, (8 yo, eye must come out) 220, (kick from [t]ractor, broken elbow) 220, (13 yo experiment in basement, explosion blew off 3 fingers, only miracle will safe sight) 224, 225, (sailor wresting, paralyzed from sholders! down) 226, (9 yo fell on broken glass) 227, (painter feel 3 ½ stories, broke back) 227, (stroke of a poker) 230, (partner killed, she badly broken pelvis and skull) 235, (bitten by dog) 238, (narrowelly! Escaped instant death) 240, (lost sight in eye) 240, (struck by car) 245, (fell 3000 feet in airplane) 252, (exploded mine) 253, (9 yo struck by truck) 254, (auto accident, feared dying) 255, (70 yo missed step, broke ankle) 257, (electritian! Fell 45 ft. broke back, ankles, ribs, badly paralyzed) 257, (78 yo fell) 259, (8 yo struck by car, unconscious 40 days, no hope of recovery, here today quite improved) 265
also see, “Burn”
Acidosis, assedosia – vol. 3:94
Adam (and Eve) – vol. 2:235, 264, 265, 282, 348
Addison’s disease, adisen, adiran’s – vol. 3:66; vol. 4:84, 217
Adenoids, adnoids – vol. 4:85, 234
Adhesion, adheasion, adheasion, adhesing – vol. 3:267, (from wearing tight corsets) 273, 288, 300; vol. 4:49, 67, 228
Adoption, adopted – vol. 1:132; vol. 3:227, 291
Advent – app. 3:36
Aegedius, St. – vol. 1:8
African-America – vol. 2:297 (x2), 298;
also see, “Black,” “Colored,” “Negro”
Agatho, St. – vol. 1:25
Agnes, St. – app. 3:19
Agradan Society – vol. 2:149
also see, “Mary of Agrata”
Albumen – vol. 4:174
Allergy, allergies – vol. 4: (food) 228
Alms, giving – vol. 1:20, 71, 140, 141;
refused to give, vol. 1:20
Alone – vol. 3:211
Aloquin Indians – app. 2:11
Aloysius, St. – app. 2:4
Alphonso, St. – vol. 1:12
Altar boys, servers – vol. 1:18, 99; vol. 3:54; vol. 4:18, 212, 213; app. 3:22 (x5), 23 (x2), 26 (x4), 27 (x3), (death of an 11 yo altar boy) 27, 28 (x4), 29 (x2), 30 (x2), 31, 32 (x6, some behaved badly), (failed to show Jesus that they loved His Altar more than the campus of amusement) 33, (played game of ball) 34, 34 (x3), 35, (some served as much as 5 times on Christmas) 36, 37 (x8), (eager server shows up at 3:45 a.m. to serve) 37, (lists of servers and their “points”) 38, (elected officers) 39, 39 (x2), (blind boy begs to be altar boy, then dies) 39-40 (x4), (baseball game, first loss) 40, 40, 41 (x2), 43 (x2), (outing, some boys were wayward) 42, (6 pages of names of servers) 44
Amputation – vol. 3:69, (threatened) 81, 83, (leg) 92, (leg) 95,(threatened) 96, (finger) 99, (threatened) 141, 149, (threatened) 161, (leg) 165, (hand threatened) 173, (toes) 178, (breast) 187, (toes) 192, (leg) 202, 210, (breast) 219, (foot) 232, (threatened) 267, (breast) 293, (leg) 301; vol. 4: (threatened) 13, (leg) 20, (toes) 26, (threatened) 29, (part of hand), (leg of 15 yo), 130, (lost one, operation on 2nd now canciled!) 159, (arm threatened) 187, (arm must come off) 211, (Solanus advises them to wait) 237, (leg) 246, (leg threatened) 251, (foot threatened) 252, (leg) 252, (leg threatened) 252, (foot) 255, (breast) 257, (foot) 260, (leg) 261, (13 yo with cancer) 267; app. 2:65
Anemia, enemia, enemic, enimic, inemic – vol. 3:25, 35, 47, 64, 73, 90, 91, 101, 113, 122, 135, 149, 176, 191, 198, 206, 211, 214, 215, 233, 247, 249, 263, 265, 267, 284, 289, 305; vol. 4:25, 49, 48, 70, 111, 115, 120, 130, 149, 150, 156, 162, 173, 190, 198, 204, 234
Angel(s) – vol. 1:17, 23, 34, 40 (x2), 46, 48, 50, 59, 68, 137, 154, 156; vol. 2:72, 125;
archangel, vol. 2:229;
guardian, vol. 1:132, 154, 157, 211, 221, 237, 291; vol. 2:125, 127 (x2), 134;
also see, “Raphael”
Angelus – app. 1:8, 9, (in verse) 10, 18; app. 2:7
Angelus of Acrius, Bl. – vol. 1:8
Anglican, Anglican – vol. 3:305
also see, “Episcopalian,” “Protestant”
Ankle, ankel – vol. 3: (broken) 55, 95, (sprained) 103, (broken) 183, (broken) 251; vol. 4: (professional hockey player broken) 54, 67, (broken) 97, (triple break) 216, (broken) 257
also see, Foot,” “Knee,” “Leg,” “Shin”
Ann, St., Feast of – vol. 2:317; vol. 4: (cured through novena to) 36
Anniversary, vol. 2:121 (of First Mass), 133 (of First Mass), (of first Mass) 332; vol. 4: (couple celebrating 60th wedding anniversary) 111; app. 1: (of ordination) 8, (of first full day in Order) 28; app. 3: (17th anniversary of Solanus receiving habit) 37
parents golden, vol. 2:143; app. 3: (Solanus traveling to) 42-43
also see, “Jubilee”
Anointed – vol. 3:143, 145, 146, 197, 253; vol. 4:142, 253, (holy sacrament for the sick and dying) 256,
also see, “Extreme Unction”
Anorexia – vol. 3: (starving oneself) 98
also see, “Eating disorder,” “Starvation”
Annoying, anoying – vol. 3:153
Antichrist – vol. 2:293, 351 (x2)
Antonius (Anthony) a Padua, St. – vol. 1:8, 9; vol. 2:219, 226 (x 3); app. 1:38
St. Anthony’s Bread – vol. 3:194
devotions – vol 2:60, 219
novena to – vol. 3:125, 220
Antrum – vol. 3: (infected) 249
Anxiety, anxious – vol. 1:18, 82, 90, 104, 134, 143, 144, 163, 208, 214, 216, 239; vol. 2:9, 29, 95, 108, 115, 140, 146, 215, 225, 235 (x2); vol. 3:2, 5, 34, 129, 131, 143, 148, 153, 160, (marriage outside of church) 166, 182, 216, 239, 248, 255; vol. 4:2, 65, 86, 114, 128, 198; app. 2:55
also see, “Nervous,” “Worry”
Apostacy, apostacize – vol. 1:137
Apostles – vol. 2:229, 316
Appendicitis, appendicitis, appendicitis, appendix, apendix, apendex, appendix, appendicitis, pentecitis – vol. 3:25, 39, (ruptured appendix) 51, 56, 59, 62, 78, 108, 115, 124, (broken) 134, 137 (x2), 141, 152, 153, 157, 165, 168, 169, 170, (bursted) 172, (bursted) 173, 182, 193, 194, (ruptured) 195 (x2), (to be ordained) 206, 219, 220, (ruptured) 238, 248, 287, 298, 304; vol. 4: (ruptured) 11, 13, (removed but still draining) 33, (ruptured) 40, 44, 58, (ruptured) 58, 60, (ruptured) 70, (ruptured) 83, 84, 90, 94, 97, (ruptured) 102, (operation not possible) 102, (gangreen) 106, 112, (ruptured) 117, 119, (chronic) 128, 132, (ruptured) 137, (broken) 140, (broken) 147, (broken) 148, 157, (ruptured) 159, (ruptured) 165, 170, (broken) 179, 183, 194, 201, 203, 205, 207, 214 (x2), 228, 235, 250
Appreciate, appreciation, appreciation, appreciative – vol. 1:45, 59, 92 (x3), 93 (x5), 95 (x2), 97, 101, 111, 120, 125, 148, 182 (x2), 197, 211, 250, 261, 262; vol. 2:10, 31, 46 (x3), 100, 142, 163, 183, 205, 241, 244, 253, 272, 286, 288 (x3), 289 (x3), 299, 302, 312, 319, (lack of) 326, 326, 328, 333, 339, 342; vol. 4:157; app. 1:37, 40, 44; app. 2:5, 6, 12, 50, 57
unappreciative, vol. 2:240; vol. 4:126, 185v
April Fool – vol. 3:22; vol. 4: (improving 11 year old was “April fooling” all day) 142
Arm – vol. 3: (broken) 67, (swelling) 174, (broken won’t heal) 196, (broken) 199, (stiff) 209; vol. 4: (broken) 3, (broke 2nd time) 10, (nearly lost), (muscle turning to stone) 72, (paralyzed) 72, (threatened loss) 113 (looses arm) 114, 116, (infected bone) 133, (stiff limbs) 150, (doctor’s making steel harness, no hope of every using arm) 158, (fearfully swollen) 191, (badly broken, fear defective set) 193, (broken) 257, (pain in limbs) 259
also see, “Elbow,” “Hand,” “Wrist”
Armenian – vol. 3:101
Artery, arteries – vol 3: (hardening) 247; vol. 4: (hardening) 18, 86, (hardening) 148, 183, (hardening) 199
Arthritis – vol. 3:45, 47, 79, 89, 90, 100, 103, 105, 113, 120, 133, 136, 138, 141, 154, 156, 156, 160 (x3), 167, 168, 170, 174, 175, 185, 192, 216, 234, 240, 258, 268, 273, 275, 291, 292, 295, 296, 307, 309; vol. 4:4, 8 (x2), 13, 14, 21, 23, (helpless) 27, 32, 33, (helpless) 39, 48, 56, 61, 65, 68, 80, (spinal) 81, 81, 82, 87, 99, 120, 122, 146 (x3), 149, 163, (quite helpless) 180, 181, 184, 189, 190 (x2), 200 (x2), 206 (x2), 215, 219, 220, 222, 226, (fearful, invalid) 227, 228, 232, 233, (badly crippled) 239, 247, 254
Ascension, Feast – vol. 4: (great novena) 231 app. 3: (many communions) 40
Ash-can – vol. 2:142
Asthma, asthmatic, asmatic, asthna – vol. 3:54, 79, 87 (x2), 93, 97, 100, 102, 110, 117, 122, 137, 138 (x2), 140, 153, 155, 158, 162, 167, 169, 178, 181, 194 (x2), 215, 234, 236, 241, 253, 258, 259, 262, 272, 278, 288, 298, 299; vol. 4:3, 9, 13, 36, 48, 54, 63, 74, 76, 80, 88, 95, 112, 120, 143, 149, 163, 165, 175, (fearful) 189, 215, 217, 218, 227, 228 (x2), 231 (x3), 236, 245, 258
Asylum – vol. 3:9, 13, 20, 27, 34, 36, 86, (Lapeer) 97, 198, (insane asylum in Ypsilanti) 229
also see, “Insanity”
Athanasius, Athanatius, St. – vol. 1:14
Atheism, aetheist, atheist – vol. 1:136 (x2), 137, 138, 141 (x3), 210, 236 (x2), 252 (x2), 281 (x2), 283, 284 (x2), 285, 287; vol. 2:59 (x3), 81, 165-6, 171, 180-1, 191, 192, 201, 205, 222, 232, 242, 263, 264, 265-6, 268, 272, 283, 293, 303, (defined) 320, 324, 326, 340, 351; vol. 3:135, (argument with) 168, 177, (just next to atheists) 194, (without religion) 213, 221, 227, 234, (allowed to attend lecture by?) 238, 252, 309; vol. 4:4, (atheist enrolled in SMA) 35, (Catholic wife and daughter heart broken) 93, (brother and mother heart sick) 99, (woman working with atheist, losing her faith) 225, 262; app. 1:34, 40; app. 2:43, 57
Athlete’s foot, atheletic foot – vol. 4:8
Atomic – vol. 1:138; (atomic war) vol. 2:343
Augustine, St. – vol. 1:4, 43, 44; vol. 2:190; vol. 2: (feast of) 38, 252, 360
Austin, St. – vol. 1:3, 7, 8
Austria – vol. 4: (starving) 149
Back problems – vol. 3: (broken) 60, (lumbago) 69, (broken) 93, (sore) 117, (broken) 171, (broken) 195, (broken) 202, 292, (broken) 302, 308; vol. 4: (lame) 4, 44, (broken) 68, 72, (back aches) 150, (broken) 182, (broken) 183, (broken with untold problems since) 205, (broken) 210, (marine in cast for 9 months now ok) 233, 239, 246, 249, 254, (top vertebra growing into skull) 255
also see, “Lumbago”
Baggeled – vol. 3: (doctors baggeled) 174
Baha’i Faith, Bahiism – vol. 3:166
Bald – vol. 3: (6249nerveous
year old) 298
Bank failure vol. 3:101
Bankruptcy (bankrupsy) – vol. 2:73, 309, 311; vol. 3:70
also see, “Financial struggles”
Baptism, baptized – vol 1:208; vol. 2:134, 232; vol. 3: (hesitation about) 128, (baptized) 168, (feared baptism not valid) 212, (promises to take instructions & be baptized) 246, (conditionally baptized man dying of cancer) 276, (argument over baptizing son) 286, (Baptist mother laments she never had her 10 year old deceased son baptized) 306; vol. 4: (conditional) 27, (baptized as adult, not practical) 30, (96 yo asks for baptism, received, died happy death) 134, (cancer patient, prayers for recovery or happy death) 181, (then recovered) 203, (never baptized) 209, (promises instruction if baby improves) 237; app. 3: (Solanus baptizes!) 31 (x3)
Baptist – vol. 3:21, 112, 162, 184, 185, 210, 242, 256, 264, 269, 280, 291, 298, 306, (Baptist mother laments that only boy, deceased at 10, never baptized) 306; vol. 4:1, 17, 18, (wife filing for divorce) 45, 50, 71, 91, 95, 110, 119, 122, 137, 156, (asked for priest) 165, 178, 184, 200, 204, 209, 210, 221, 224, 240, 253
also see, “Protestant”
Barabbas, Barabas – vol. 1:141
Barber’s itch – vol. 3:112
Bartholomew of Martyrs, Bl. – app. 2:16
Basilius, St. – vol. 1:14
Bay City Boy School – vol. 3:149
Bearded baby – vol. 3:27
Beatific vision – vol. 1:177
Beatification – app. 2: (Frances Cabrini process) 14, (candidate for Countess Mary Therese Sedochoska) 49
Beauty, beautiful, beautifully – vol. 1:16, 19, 36, 37, 46 (x2), 120, (of sanctity) 278; vol. 2:293 (x2), 332; vol. 4:124, 155; app. 1:1, 17, 18 (x2), 22 (x2), 25 (x3), 43,; app. 2:4, 9, 13, 14, 28, 30 (x3), 42, 50, 52
child, children, vol. 4:35, 36, 41, 48, 69, 93, 96, 102, 119, 138, 159, 173, 189, 191, 192, 208, 215, 232, 236, 239, 253, 263, 267
death, vol. 4:124; app. 1:25 (x2), 43
resigned, vol. 4:187, 258
Bedridden, bed-riden – vol. 3:16, 47, 60, 64, 78, 81, 87, 90, 91
Bed sores – vol. 4:238
Beer Gardens – vol. 3:219, 247, 248, 280; vol. 4:21
Begging Tour – vol. 3:150
Benedict XV, Pope – vol. 1:50
Benediction – vol. 2:97, 244; vol. 3: (none on first Friday) 83
Benefit – vol. 1:95
Bereavement – vol. 1:99; vol. 2:193
Bernard a Corleone, Bl. – vol. 1:8
Bernard, St. – vol. 1:9, 13, 17, 155; vol. 2:254, 269, 274, (feast of) 326, 336, 351
Bible – vol 2:242 (x2)
also see, Scriptural index at end of this index
Birds – app. 1: (turtle dove, quail, bob white) 32
Birthmark – vol. 3:233; vol. 4:187
Bishop as source of scandal – vol. 2:254
Bitter, bitterness – vol. 2:141, 142
Black – vol. 3:137; vol. 4:1
also see, “African-American,” “Colored,” “Negro”
Bladder trouble – vol. 4:97, (dying) 107, 134, 181, 226
Blasphemy – vol. 1:141; vol. 2:165. 339; app. 1:34
Bleeding, bleeder – vol. 3: (breast) 102, 197; vol. 4: 38, 47, 110, 219
Blessed be God [in all his designs/works and variations] – vol. 1:108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 123, 128, 185, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 39, 40 (x2), 43, 46, 48, 52, 53 (x2), 54, 56, 57, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76 (x 2), 77, 78, 79, 99, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 116, 131, 134, 144, 148, 152, 183, 207, 208, 220, 236, 237, 239, 246, 248, 250, 275, 281, 286, 287, 296, 301, 302, 307 (x2), 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 318, 320, 322, 325, 326, 327, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342 (x2), 345, 347, 348 (x2), 350 (x2), 351, 353, 356, 359, 360; app. 1:28, 29, 30 (x2), 31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 42 (x2), 43, 44, 45, 47; app. 2:19, 31, (in his angels and in his saints) 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, (in everything!) 49, (in his angels and in his saints) 61, 63, 64, 68; app. 3:3, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19
Blessed Sacrament – vol. 1:71, 254; vol. 2:225;
Praised be – app. 1:4
visit to – vol. 1:18
Blessing – vol. 3: (in periculis partus) 102; vol. 4: (dying man fear relative blessed, improved) 74, (without religious faith knelt down for blessing) 139, (Wednesday blessing) 183, (weekly blessings) 197; app. 1: (God bless you) 48 (x2)
also see, “St. Francis,” “Relic”
Blind, blindness – vol. 1:102; vol. 2:283; vol. 3:20, 23 (x2), 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 47, 53, 55, 56, 59, 60 (x2), 62, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 84, 87, 89, 93, 97, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 110, 118, 127 (x2), 133, 135, 144, 150, 151, 159, 160 (x2), 163, 169, 171, 173, 174, 185, 187, 190, 205, 207 (x2), 209, 210, 216, 219, 233, 238, 247, 249, 252, 254, 256, 258, 259, 262, 271, 278 (x2), 279, 281 (x2), 286, 287, 289, 290, 293, 294, (has great faith) 297, 298, 299, 301, 306, 307; vol. 4:1, 5, 8, 18, 20, 27, 30, 33, 36, 50, 54, 59, 76, 78, 79 (x2), 80 (x2), 83, 86, 89, 96, 97, 111, 117, (4 yo can only distinguish between light and dark) 121, (infant), 136, 139, 144, 154, 155, 156, 163, 165, 171, (trying to procure seeing eye dog) 172, 177, 183, (born blind) 190, 191, (feared in 3 mo), 210, 211, 221, 231, 235, 239 (x2), 246 (x2), 248, 252, (3 yo) 254, 255 (x2), 262, 266, (lost sight in one eye) 270
also see, “Eyesight impairment”
Blood of Jesus – vol. 1:21, 34, 40, 51
Blood clot – vol. 3:151; vol. 4:7, (on brain) 10, (leg) 19, (lung) 27, 70, 72, 101, 170
Blood poisoning, problems – vol. 3:26, 45, 59, 82, 99, 101, 112, 135, (fingers?) 172, 174, 182, 197, 199, 217, 272, 273, 275, 291; vol. 4:2, 8, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 72, 79, (in hand) 86, 104, (poor circulation) 114, 133, 139, 140, 149, 212, (broken blood vessels) 216, 227, 238, 246
also see, “Poison”
Blood pressure – see “High blood pressure”
Blueprint, heavenly – vol. 2:78, 151, 309, 311 (x2), 312, 330 (x2), 331 (explained), 340, 342
Blue Baby – vol. 4:237
Blues – vol 1:149, 169, 170
Boils – vol. 3:81, 249
Bonaventure, St. – vol. 1:5, 8; vol 1: (feast of) 211
Book – vol. 3: (found) 215
Bowel problems – vol. 3:66 (x2), 182; vol. 4: 220, 221
also see, “Obstruction”
Brain disease/injury – vol. 3:3 (x2), 14, 56, 59, (hemorrhage) 81, 125, (baby injured at birth) 130, (operation) 175, 238, (clot) 257, (fever) 308; vol. 4: (brain injury at birth) 22, 27, 36, 68, (blood clot on) 68, (water on) 72, 90, (hemorage) 91, (hemorage) 97, (clott) 99 (fever) 133, (brain) 140, (baby, dies from water on brain) 155, (3 yo, inflammation of) 162, (8 yo, infection) 178, (inflamation) 182, (ruptured brain blood vessel) 211, (hemorage) 219, (inflammation) 222, (inflammation) 226, 228, 256, (lost nearly half of) 266
also see, “Tumor,” “Water on”
Breakdown, break-down, mental/nervous – vol. 3:1, 12, 56, 60, (out of her mind) 79, 82, 86, 90, 108, 117, 119, 128, 130, (on verge of) 134, 139, 149, 156 (x2), 162, 168, 170, 172, 175, 180, 185, 188, 211, 216, 221, 224, 249, 266, 277, 289, 290, 296, 297, 298, 304; vol. 4:9, 14, 18, 22, 25 (x2), 27, 28, 31, 37, 38, 83, 84, 85, 93, 95, 109 (x2), 111, 118, 120, 122, 125, (now ok) 126, 130, 137, 147, 155, 185, (has had 3 breakdowns) 189, 194, 209, 213, (19 yo soldier) 214, 216, 222, 224, 240, 242, 245, 247, 249, 253 (x2), 258 (x2), 270
also see, “Depression,” “Feeble minded,” “Mental illness”
Breviary – app. 2:4
also see, “Divine Office”
Brights disease, brites – vol. 3:21, 81, 128, 129, 295, 299; vol. 4: (19 yo communist) 45, 60, 86, 150, 161
also see, “Kidney,” “Nephritis”
Brigid, St. – vol. 1:16
Britain – vol. 1:74-78
Bronchial problems, bronical, bronchitis, bronchites – vol. 3:32, 76, 108, 215, 236, 244, 260, 272; vol. 4:129, 159, 212, 258
Brother, dignity of – vol. 1:14
Brown syndrome, Brown’s disease – vol. 4:237
Bueger’s disease, burgers, bergers – vol. 4:160, 179, (10 operations) 230
Burn, burned – vol. 3:69, (with turpentine) 93, 97, 131, 136, 141, 150, (to death) 181, 184, 218, 268, (gas explosion) 310; vol. 4: (terrible explosion) 2, (3rd degree) 7, (3rd degree) 16, 23, (fearfully burned) 35, (2 year old and Mother) 106, 176, (finger badly burned) 178, (scalded by boiling coffee) 179, (5 yo 3rd degree burns) 193, (fearfully burned, four days blind) 210, (7 yo, unconscious) 248, (8 yo, serious burn) 258,
Bursitis – vol. 3:207
Cabrini, St. Frances – app. 2: (beatification process) 14
Calumny – vol. 2:309, 311; app. 2:11
Calvary – vol. 1:65 (x 2), 67; vol 2:317
Cancer, carcinoma (diagnosed, feared, threatening) – vol. 1:130 (x2); 131, 177, 194, 195; vol. 2:85-86, (“hopeless”) 258; “smelled cancer” vol. 2:85; vol. 3:9, 10, 16 (x2), 19, 23, 24 (x2), 25, 26, 32, 33, 35, 38 (x2), 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47 (x2), 48, 49, 50 (x2), 52, 54 (x2), 56, 56, 57 (x2), 58 (x2), 60, 61, 62 (x2), (brain) 62, 63 (x3), 64 (x7), 65, 66, 67 (x2), 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 (x4), 80, (breast) 82 (x2), 83, (nose) 83, (breast) 84, (breast) 85, (stomach) 86 (x2), (stomach) 87, 88 (x2), 91, 92, (breast) 93, (stomach) 94, 94 (x2), 95, 96, 97 (x2), (breast) 97, 99, (threatened) 101, 101, (breast) 101, (womb) 102, (tongue) 102, 103, (throat) 105, (breast) 106, (stomach) 106, (larenx!) 106, (gums) 107, (breast) 107 (x2), (stomach) 108, (throat) 108, (bladder) 109, 109 (x2), 110 (x4), (throat) 111, (breast) 111 (x2), (liver) 112, (knee) 112, (chest & throat) 112, 112, 114 (x2), (throat) 114, (stomach) 114, 115, (breast) 116, 116, (stomach) 116 (x2), (stomach) 117, 117 (x2), 118, 120 (x4), (stomach) 121 (x2), (stomach) 123, (breast) 124, (breast) 125 (x2), (cheekbone) 125, (stomach) 126, (eyes) 126, 126, (127) face, 128, (lung) 129, (jaw) 130, (under eye), 130, (breast) 130, (breast) 131, (sacrcomic knee) 131, (rectal) 131, 132, (stomach) 132, 133, (liver) 133, (stomach) 133, 134, (stomach) 134, (breast) 135, (intestines) 135, (cervix) 136 (x2), 137 (x2), 138 (x2), 140 (x2), (breast) 141, 143, (knee) 144, (cervix) 144, (breast) 146, 148, (stomach) 150, (intestines) 150, 150, 152, (breast) 152, (breast) 153, 155, (spine) 155, 156 (x2), (intestines) 157, 158, 159, (breast) 160 (x2), (rectum) 161, 162, (breast) 163, 163, (rectum) 164, (throat) 164, 164, 165, 166, 170, (bowels) 170, (lip) 170, (stomach) 170, 171, (throat) 171, (lip) 172, (throat) 175, (intestines) 175, 176, (stomach) 176, 177, (throat) 178, (colon) 178, 179 (x2), (foot) 179, (mouth) 180, (face) 181, (hand) 181, (stomach) 181, 182, (sarcomic and blood) 186, (sacrcomic) 186, (breast) 187, (colon) 191 (x2), 192, (blood) 193, (rectum) 194, 194, (liver) 195, (stomach) 196, (stomach) 196, (breast) 196, (lungs) 197, (stomach) 199, 202, (spine) 202 , 203, 204, (stomach) 204, (stomach and blood) 205, (foot) 209, (breast) 209, (leg) 212, (stomach) 212, (jaw) 212, (sarcomic) 212, 214, (throat) 215, 215, (jaw and mouth) 216, 218, 222, (stomach) 222, 223, (stomach) 223, (stomach) 224, 224, (rectal) 224, (womb) 225, (nose) 225, (kidney) 226, (stomach) 226, (throat) 227, 227, 228, 229, (stomach) 229, 230, (sarcomic, blood) 231, 231, (facial) 231, (1000 cancers all over face & body) 232 & 235, (face) 232, (liver) 234, (stomach, will still go on with wedding) 234, (leukemia) 237, (blood) 238, (breast and spine) 239, 240, (stomach) 241, (leg) 243, (womb) 244, (stomach) 244, (sarcomic) 244, 245 (x2), 246, (colon) 246, (stomach) 247, (liver) 251 (x2), 251, 253, (liver) 253, 254, (tongue) 254, (neck) 257, 259, (stomach) 260 (x2), 261, (blood) 261, (rectum) 262, (stomach) 262, 263, 264, (liver) 265, (liver) 266, (stomach) 267, 267, (liver & heart) 268, (mole) 268, 268, (liver) 269, (breast) 269, (liver) 269, (liver) 270, 271, (liver) 273, (leg) 273 (x2), (breast) 274, (mouth) 275, (liver) 277, 277, 278, (skin and throat) 279, (tongue and throat; piece of tongue fell off) 281, 281, 282, (stomach) 283, (tongue) 283, (face) 285, (forehead) 286, (throat) 286, 288 (x2), (stomach) 289, 291, (side) 293 (x2), 295, 297, (stomach) 297 (x3), (bowel) 297, 299, (intestines) 300, (abdomen) 301, (intestinal) 301, (leg) 301, (spine) 301, 302 (x2), 303, (rectum) 304, 305 (x2), (breast) 307, (throat) 308, (breast) 309; vol. 4: (rectal cancer operation avoided) 1, (sarcomic) 2, 3, (throat) 3, 4, (eyelids) 6, 6, (stomach) 7, 8, (jaw and mouth) 9, (breast) 10, (stomach) 11, 11, 15, 16, (stomach) 16, 17, 21, (hip) 22, (stomach) 22, (rectum) 22, (bone) 23, (rectum) 23, (stomach) 24, (womb) 25, (throat) 25, (nose) 26, (rectum) 27, (all over body, even tongue) 28, (breast) 29, 30, (womb) 30, (stomach – failing fast) 32, 32, 34, 35 (x2), (jaw) 35, (breast) 36, (ankle) 37, (liver) 38, (throat) 38, (face) 38, (inward) 39 (x2), (stomach) 40, (stomach) 41, (throat) 41, 42 (x2), (throat) 43 (x2), (intestinal) 43, (intestinal) 44, (throat) 44, (stomach) 46, (breast) 47, 47 (x2), 48, (throat) 48, (throat) 49, (stomach) 51, (under arm) 51, (tongue-jaw) 52, (blood) 53, (stomach) 53, (stomach) 55, (liver) 56, (blood) 56, 57, (breast) 57, 59, (throat) 59, (side) 59, (womb) 61, (intestines) 63, (womb) 64 (x2), (stomach) 65, 66 (between shoulders) 66, (throat) 69, (side) 69, (liver) 69, (womb) 70, (lung) 71, (stomach) 71, (eye) 73, (neck) 73, 74, (intestinal) 74, 75, (face) 75, (internal) 75, (breast) 75, (jaw and mouth) 77, (breast) 77, (intestinal) 77, 78 (x2), 79, (stomach) 79, (breast) 79, 80 (x2), (stomach) 81, 81, (jaw) 82, 83, (liver) 83, (liver) 85, (of W.) 85, 85, 86 (x2), (lympho sarcoma) 86, (stomach) 87, 87 (x2), (liver) 87, (bowels) 88, 88 (x2), 89, 90 (x2), 91, (lung) 91, (face) 92, (lung), 93, (dying of) 93, (bone) 95, 98 (x4), 99 (x2), (breast?) 100, (stomach) 101, 105 (x2), 106, (spine) 106, (breast) 107, (a saint of our own day) 108, (stomach) 108, 109 (x2), (rectum) 110, (abdomen) 111, 111, 112, 113, 114, (pelvic-bone) 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, (astonishing her friends) 121, (leg) 121, 124 (x2), (throat) 126, (stomach) 126, (throat and face) 126, (stomach) 127, (stomach) 128, (throat) 128, 128, 129 (x2), 130, (womb) 130 (x2), 132, (breast) 133, (throat) 134, 135 (x3), (throat) 135, (6 operations, now ok) 136, (lip) 136, (throat) 137, (dying) 137, (stomach) 139, 139 (x2), (jaw) 140, (throat) 140, 142 (x2), 143 (x2), 144 (x2), (dying) 144, 146, 147, 148, (intestinal) 148, (hopelessly cancerous) 148, 148, 149 (x2), (throat) 151, 152 (x3), 154, (shoulder glands) 156, (intestinal) 156, 157, (sarcomic) 159, (liver) 160 (x2), 161, (neck and jaw) 163, (breast) 163, 165, (stomach) 166, (tongue) 166, 166, 167, (tongue) 167, 169 (x2), (lung) 171, (bone) 172, (stomach) 173, (lungs) 173, (stomach) 174, (breast) 174, (stomach) 174, (stomach) 175, (6th operation) 176, (bowels) 176, 178, (dying) 178, (stomach) 178, (lungs) 179, 180, 181, (throat) 181, (throat) 182, 184, (dying) 184, (cheek) 184, 185, (breast) 186, (beautifully resigned prepared) 187, (head-cancer) 188, 188, 189 (x2), 190, (stomach) 192, 192, (lip) 193, 194, (on face) 194, 195, 196, (forehead) 196, 197, 198 (x2), 199, (bladder) 199, (lip) 199, 201, (stomach) 201, (intestinal) 201, (sarcomic) 202, (astonished Drs.) 203, 204, (breast) 205, 205, (intestinal) 206, (lip) 207, (both lungs) 208, 209, 210, (lip, threatened starvation) 212, 213, 214, 215 (x2), (lung) 217, 218, (goitre) 218, 218, 220, (jaw) 223, 224, (throat) 224, 225, (blood) 226, (breast) 226, 226, 227 (x2), (stomach) 229, 231, (uteris) 232, (behind ear) 234, 234, (stomach) 237, 238 (x3), (splene!) 239, (pancreatic) 240, 241, 245, 247, (dying) 248, (jaw) 249, (jaw, seemingly of wonderful courage) 250, (bladder) 251, 251, (leg) 251, 253, (lung) 254, (neck) 257, (throat, dying) 258, (intestinal) 258, 259, (14 mo) 260, (dying) 261, 261, (dying of stomach) 261, (intestinal) 262, (stomach) 262, (intestinal) 262, 263, (intestinal) 264, 264, (abdominal) 265, (spleen) 265, (throat) 265, (breast) 265, (13 yo, knee, hopeless) 266, (esophogus) 268, (mouth and neck) 269
Candlemass, Feast – app. 3:39
Canonization – (of Stephen Eckert) 315
Capuchin – vol. 1:64;
community, vol. 2:118, 120;
also see, “Brother, dignity of,” “Charity, fraternal,” “Correction, fraternal,” “Eckert, Stephen,” “Frey, Bonaventure,” “Franciscan,” “Novitiate,” “Padre Pio,” “Rule,” “Simplicity,” “Vocation,” “Loyalty”
Car – vol. 3: (stolen) 59
also see, “Accident,” “Chevrolet Automobile Company,”
Carbuncle – vol. 3:141
Card Party – vol. 3:297
Carmelite – vol. 4: (novice) 3
Carroll, Archbishop John – vol. 2:243-4
Casey Family – vol. 1:71, 178; vol. 2:144;
Aurelia, vol. 1:240, 241;
Bernard senior (Father), vol. 1:143, 144 (x4), 149, 151, 170, 177, 184, 190, 201; app. 1:6
Bernard Maurice, vol. 2:36;
Bernard Raymond Brady (Solanus’ namesake), app. 2:50-51
Clemmie LeDoux – app. 1:12
Dorothy D’Amico, vol. 1: 247-8;
Edward (Mgr.), vol. 1:104, 109, 191-2, 194, 111, 116 (x2), 116, 118, 124, 130, 133, 138, 146, 157 (x2), 163-196, 197 (x2), 200, 201 (x2), 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 210, 215, 237, 238, 244 (x2), 245, 251; vol. 2:7, 23, 37, 97, 121, 143 (x2), 217-18, 276, (rhymed letter) 282, 315, (poetry) 332, (rhymed letter) 341, (donation for) 358; app. 1:4, 8, 10, (his jubilee) 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 36, 43; app. 2:13, 14, (rhymed letter) 24, 40, 52, 57 (x2), 58; app. 3: (quotation) 2, (letter from) 5, (poem “Consolation”) 6, 21, 43
ooAlso see, “Poetry”
Edward Wilhite, vol. 1:130;
Edwin, vol:112, 128, 134; app. 1:12, 27, 29, (death) 31, 32
Eileen Hennessey, vol 1:250-2;
Ella Traynor, vol. 1:71, 151, 197;
Ellen/Ellie (Nell), vol 1:143, 144 (x2), 248; app. 3: (at harvest time) 21
Emma, vol. 1:201, 203, 211-213, 237-9, 243, 244;
Found du Lac, vol. 3:306
Francis LeDoux (Frank Jr.) – app. 1:1, 12, (death) 20
Frank LeDoux, app. 1:1, 3, 12, 15, 24, 25, 32, 36
Genevieve, vol. 1:109, 114;
Grace Brady, 194, 197; app. 1:19, 27, (death) 33, 37, (death) 43; app. 2:57 (x2)
Gus, vol. 1:197, 201, 248; app. 1:1, 3, (death) 25
Helena, vol. 1:125-6, 127, 130-40, 216;
James, vol. 1:108, 120, 142, 144 (x2), 197-210, 211 (x2), 214-17; vol. 3: (cancer) 179; vol. 4:182; app. 3: (at harvest time) 21
James Jr., vol. 1:146;
John, vol. 1:117, 125 (x2), 127, 197-;
John McCloskey, vol. 1:245, 246, 278; vol. 2:143, 238;
Laurence LeDoux – app. 1:12
Leon, vol 1:240;
Leon Jr., vol I: 240;
Louis LeDoux – app. 1:12
Margaret, vol. 1:114, 142, 177, 197; vol. 4:18; app. 1: 1-28, 30-36,
Marion LeDoux – app. 1:12
Martha (little), vol. 1:177;
Martha, vol. 1:99, 103 (x2), 105, 105 (x2), 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 116, 130; Mary, vol. 1:142, 146, 216; app. 1:19
Mary – app. 1:13, 14, 20
Mary Ann, vol 1:177;
Mary Genevieve, vol. 1:245;
Mattie, vol. 1:143;
Maurice Joachim, vol. 1:15, 105, 109, 116, 120-1, 130, 142, 145, 146, 147-162, 163 (x2), 165, 167, 170, 171-2, 175, 177, 178, 179, 181 (x2), 185, 186 (x3), 197, 198 (x3), 200 (x3); 201 (2), 202 (x2), 203, 205 (x3), 206, 209, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, 244, 245 (x2); vol. 2:7, 23, 47, 97, 101, (funeral described) 275-6, 315, 341; app. 1: 1, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, (coming back to order) 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, (death) 40; app. 3: (harvest time) 21
Maurice LeDoux – app. 1:12
Mayme, vol. 1:197;
Mildred, vol 1:235-36;
Miriam James, (Sr.) vol. 1:243-4;
Mother, vol. 1:71, 144 (x 3), 151, 170, 172, 177; app. 1:9; app. 3: (helping with harvest) 21
Owen, vol. 1:99 (x 2), 100-101 (x 3), 102 (x 3), 103 (x2), 104 (x2); 105 (x2), 108, 109, 111, 116, 122, 177, 179, 187 (x2), 190, 197, 199, 201, 237, 251; vol. 2:24, 143; app. 1:19, 24, 36, 57 (x2), 58
Owen Joseph Brady, app. 2:50
Parents, vol. 1:113, 132, 142 (2), 143 (2), 161 (x 3), 262; app. 1:5, (exiled from Ireland) 15; app. 3: (hoping to meet in heaven if never again of earth) 43 (also see “Anniversary”)
Patrick, vol. 1:108, 109, 113, 114, 115 (x2), 116, 118, 119, 120-1, 122, 128-9, 177, 181, 188, 197, 201, 251; vol. 2:143, 222; app. 2:58
Rosemary Brady, app. 2:51
Tansey, vol. 3: (irreverence) 310
Teresa LeDoux, app. 1:1, 12
Thomas, vol. 1:117, 125; app. 2:51
Casey Family Reunion – vol. 2:143; app. 2:36
Casimir, St. – vol. 1:12
Cataracts, cateracts – vol. 3:35, 81, 83, 98, 101, 108, 131, 148, 165, 189, 208, 219, 224, 227, 241, 249, 254, 279, 285, 286, 292, 294, 308; vol. 4:1, 2, 6, 14, 15, 31, 35, 36, 58, 65, 66, 75, 152, 154, (4 yo) 180, 198, 207, (2 yo) 241
Also see, “Eyesight impairment”
Catechism, catechist – vol. 1:145, 153, 155, 170, 189, 198, 216; vol. 3: (dying child had catechism next to heart under his clothes) 107; vol. 4: 268; app. 1:21; app. 3:5, 21, 50
Catherine of Sienna, St. – vol. 1:69
Catholic Action – vol. 2:242, 309, 311
Catholic Beneficial Society – vol. 3: (enrolled in Seraphic Mass Association), 141, 145, 179; 3:145
Catholic Church – vol. 1:8; vol. 2:93, (divinely founded infallibly guided) 323;
Holy Mother, vol. 2:35, 37, 134, 159, 164 (x3), 231, 280, 297, 323;
mystery of, vol. 1:44;
promises, vol. 1:17;
return to, vol. 2:106;
triumph of, vol. 1:42–43, 53
Catholic Educational Convention – app. 3:25
Catholic Hospital – vol. 3: (operation not allowed) 102
Catholic University of London Ontario – vol. 3: (students) 171
Cemetery, Mt. Olivet – vol. 2:300
Certainty – vol. 1:68
Charity, charitable – vol. 1:3, 10, 27, 34, 35 (x 2), 40, 53, 59, 67, 73, 81, 90, 107, 137, 139, 231, 239, 247; vol. 2:26, 27, 40, 116, 147, 150, 169 (x2), 171, 173, 178, 199, 207, 208 (x3), 211, 222, 223, 232 (x2), 270, 272, 278, 323, (religion as the science of charity) 324; as part of praying for a cure, vol. 2:147, 150, 245; vol. 4: (great help in Charity Guild) 251; app. 1:31, 41; app. 2:5, 8, 11, 12, 16, (promoting mutual and common) 68; app. 3:4
begins at home, vol. 1: 148, 240, 247, 256, 263; vol. 2:94, 171, 205 (x2), 305, 317, 352;
fraternal, vol. 1:255, 262; app. 2:3, 5, 10
Charles Borromeo, St. – vol. 1:45
Chaste, Chastity – vol. 1:18, 61, 65, 68, 254 (x4), 260, 261; app. 2:3, 5, 11, 12 (x2)
Cheilitis – vol. 4: (lips) 91
Chevrolet Automobile Company enrolled in Seraphic Mass Association – vol. 3:21
Child, childhood, children – vol. 1:16, 19, 26, 36, 39 (x2), 41, 47 (x8), 48 (x7), 49 (x2), 62, 63, 98, 99, 101, 132, 133, 142; vol. 2:83, 92 (x3), 235, 276; vol. 3:50
abuse, vol. 4: (man accused of criminal attention to child of 9) 110
childbirth, vol. 3: 49, (dying in) 62
childless, vol. 3:50; vol. 4: 241
of God, app. 1:25
lost child found, vol. 3:56, 60
sick baby/child/adolescent, vol. 3:3, 18, 23, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 50, 57, 58, 63, 65, 66, 70, 71 (x2), 73, 80, 84 (x2), 85, 87, 88, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 (x3), 98 (x2), 99 (x3), 100, 104, 105 (x2), 106, 107, 108 (x2), 113 (x3), 117 (x3), 119 (x4), 120, 121 (x3), 123 (x4), 124 (x2), 126, 128, 129 (x3), 130, 131 (x2), 132, 133 (x3), 134, 135 (x6), 136 (x2), 138, 139 (x6), 140, 144, 146 (x3), 148 (3), 150 (x3), 152 (x2), 153 (x2), 154, 155, 157 (x2), 158, (mother prays God to make angel of only child injured at birth) 159,161 (x2), 162 (x4), 165, (Jesus can cure me at home) 169, 169 (x4), 170, 171 (x2), 172, 173 (x3), 174 (x2), 175 (x2), 176, 177, 178, 179, 181 (x2), 182, 184 (x2), 187 (x2), 188, (inhaled hay-seed) 190, 191 (x2), 192, 193 (x2), 194, 195 (x2), (extremely delicate) 196, 196, 197, 198 (x3), 199, 200 (x2), 202 (x4), 203 (x3), 204 (x3), (altar boy) 205, 205 (x3), 206 (x2), 207 (x2), 208, 209, 211 (x4), 212, 213 (x2), 215, 216, 218 (x2), 219 (x3), 220 (x2), 221, 222, 224, (badly deformed) 225, 226, 230, 231 (x2), (defective) 231, 232, 233, 236 (x4), 237, 241, 242 (x3), 243, 244, (12 year old mind of a 6 year old) 245, 245 (x2), 246 (x2), 247 (x2), 248, 249, 250, 261, 262, 263, (wonderful faith of child) 263, (fears he will have to be sent away) 265, (very backward) 268, 269, 271 (x2), 272 (x2), 274 (x2), 276, (15 year old, no faith or interest in church) 277, 277, 279 (x3), 281 (x2), 282, 284, 285 (x3), 286 (x2), 287 (x6), 288, (severely punished) 289, 290 (x2), 291 (x4), 292, 293, 294 (x2), 295 (x2), 296 (x2), 298 (x2), 299, 300 (x4), 301 (x2), 303 (x2), 304, 305 (x5), 307 (x2), 308, 309; vol. 4:1, (helpless) 2, 2 (x3), 3 (x2), (broken thigh) 3, 5 (x6), 7, 8 (x4), 11, 13, 14 (x4), 15, 16 (x2), 17 (x3), 18, 19 (x3), 20 (x2), 21, 22, (brain injury at birth) 22, 24 (x2), 25, 26 (x3), 28 (x3), 29 (x2), 30, 31 (x3), 32, 33, 34, (injured at birth) 35 (x3), 36 (x3), (blind and unbaptized) 37, (brain hemorage, epileptic) 37, (heart leakage) 38, (bleeder) 38, (cross-eyed) 39, (now walks and talks but mentally slow) 39, 40 (x2), (diptheria, now well) 41, (lukemia) 41, (accidentally shot) 42, (no hope 2 ½ yo) 43, 43 (x2), (5 ½ month sent home to die) 44 , 44, (injured at birth) 45, (fits) 45 (x2), 46 (x4), 47 (2), 48 (x2), (defective scull) 48, 49 (x2), 50 (x2), 51 (x2), (lost ability to walk) 51 (x3), (brother and sister) 52, (5th grader became deaf, had to start 1st grade lipreading) 53 & 54, 53, 54 (x2), 55 (x2), (never stood or sat alone) 55, 55, 56 (x3), 58, 59 (x2), 60, (accident, paralyzed, blood-clot on brain, now ok) 61, 62 (x2), (3 yo unable to sit or stand) 62, (10 yo unable to walk or stand) 63, (never walked) 63, (paralysis) 64, (pneumonia) 64 (x3), 65 (x3), 66 (x3), 67 (x2), 70 (x3), (cancer of lung, no hope) 71, 71 (x2), 72 (x2), (water on brain) 72, (paralyzed hand “that hand don’t play with me”) 72, 72, 73 (x3), 74, 75, (4 yo never stood) 75, 76 (x2), 78 (x3), 80, 81, (born blind) 81, 82 (x3), 83, (unable to sit up) 83, (unable to talk much) 83, (almost 2 years has not laughed or cried) 84, 85 (x2), (unable to talk or walk properly) 85, 85 (x2), 86 (x2), (surprises Drs.) 87, 87, 88, (injury at birth) 89, 90, 91, 92, (brain injury at birth) 92, 92 (x2), (unable to talk) 93 (x2), 94, 95, (not walked or learned to speak) 95, (unable to sit up or stand) 96, (never able to sit up) 96, (blind) 97 (x2), (unable to sit, stand or talk) 97, 98, 99 (x2), (2 ½ does not speak) 102, 103 (x2), (figety, much trouble in school) 104, 104, 105, (2 yo cannot walk or talk) 106 (x4), 107 (x2), 108, 109 (x2), (fears hunch-back) 109, 110 (x2), (spiritually included 16 yo, “mother do not weep”) 111, (unable to walk) 111, (astonish all by his vitality now) 112 & 113, (2 ½ speaks very little) 113, 113 (x2), (adopted with peculiar finger growth) 114 (x3), 115 (x2), (4 yo never spoken) 115, 116 (x3), 117 (x2), (18 months, lost hearing) 118 (x2), 119 (x5), 120, (7 yo hard of hearing, inarticulate) 120 (x2), 120, 121 (x5), 122 (x2), (lost speech at 3) 123, (ruptured blood vessel) 123, 123, 124 (x2), (15 months cannot sit, stand, talk) 125, 125 (x2), 126, (enlarged heart) 126, 127 (x2), 127, (quite abnormal) 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133 (x2), 134 , (brain tumor) 135, 135, (cancer) 135, 135, (dislocated hips at birth, never right walking) 135, 135, 136 (x3), 137, 138 (x2), (7 mo, sight doubtful) 138, 138, 139, (2 yo hand in mangle) 139, 139, (newborn defective back) 139, 140, (fell from horse) 140, 140, (only child lukemia) 140, 141 , (6 yo, mind of 10 month old) 142, 142, (larnex trouble) 143, (new born defective back) 144, 144 (x2), 145, 146 (x2), (3 mo, defective back) 147, 147 (x4), 148, 149 (x2), (3 ½ lbs. baby) 150, 151 (x2), 153, (family prayed for baby for 17 years, born but not well) 153, 154 (x2), (9 yo can only say “Mama”) 154, (6 yo cannot talk) 154, 155 (x2), (born blind) 155, (6 and 2 yo brothers, multiple medical issues) 156, 156, (brilliant 16 yo) 157, 157, 158 (x3), 159 (x2), (6 yo no appetite!) 160, 161, 162 (x2), 163 (x2), 164, (12 yo killed saving friend) 164 (x3), 165 (x2), (4 yo cannot stand or talk) 165, 165 (x3), 166 (x2), 167 (x2), 168 (x4), (improving) 168, 169 (x2), (3 yo twins with scarlet fever) 169, 170 (x4), 171 (x2), (baby in danger) 171, (7 ½ yo suffers patiently, wonderful faith) 172, 172, 173, (15 mo born blind) 173, 174, (8 mo convulsions), 174, 175 (x), (13 yo epileptic, feeble-minded, unmanageable) 175, 176, (4 ½ yo, struck by car, dragged 71 feet), (5 yo, spastic-nerve condition) 177, 178 (x2), (infection of brain) 178, (spastic paralysis since birth) 179, (hurt at birth) 179, (4 yo, growth like cancer on kidney) 179, 180, (5 mo deaf and blind) 180, (3 yo, one leg broken 5 times, other twice) 180, 180, 181 (x5), (10 yo, brain tuomer, unconscious 8 months after surgery) 181, 182 (x4), 183 (x3), 184 (x2), 185, (3 yo fell, 2 ½ years latter cannot speak) 185, (4 yo deaf) 186, (new born with serious obstruction) 186, (brain tuomer) 186, 187 (x2), 189 (x3), 190 (x3), (blind 5 mo) 191, 191 (x2), 192, (injured at birth) 193, (burned) 193, 193, 194 (x5), 195, 196 (now wonderful, running around the office entertaining the crowd) 196, 196 (x2), 197 (x2), 198 (x2), 199, (3 yo injured at birth) 200, (born with paralyzed arm) 200, 200, (injured at birth) 200, 200, 201 (x4), 202 (x6), 203 (x2), (baby with spinal meningitis, now deaf) 203, (inflammation of the brain) 204, (3 yo never spoken or walked) 204, 204 (x4), (4 yo never spoken) 205, 205 (x6), 206, (18 mo lost hearing) 206, 207 (x6), (paralyzed from birth) 208, 208, (12 yo injured at birth, never walked) 210, (15 yo quite hard of hearing) 211, 212 (x2), (6 mo has nasty blood tumor) 213, (very small 3 mo) 213, 214 (x5), 215, (5 yo never walked) 216 , 216, (hurt mentally at birth, very fidgety) 216, 216 (x5), 217 (x5), 218 (x4), 219, (7 yo, never spoken) 219, 219 (x2), 220, (2 yo not able to hear) 220, 222, 223 (x2), 224, (7 mo given 6 mo to live) 224, 224, 224, 225 (x4), (17 yo, unable to talk) 226 (x2), 227, 228 (x5), 229 (x6), 230 (x2), 232 (x2), 233, (6 mo torn membrane leading to brain, 6 months to live) 233, 233 (x3), (5 yo, two months to live) 234, 235 (x2), 236, (birth injury) 236, 236 (x2), 237 (x4), 238 (x2), (abnormaly! slow gland development) 238, 239, (injured at birth, no hope of ever seeing or walking except miracle) 239, 239 (x2), 240 (x4), (injured at birth) 240, 241 (x7), 242, 245 (x3), 246, 247 (x2), 248 (x3), 250 (x2), 251, (no normal apetite!, given candy and eats without hesitation) 251, (not acting normal) 253, 253, (deaf, dumb blind since birth) 253, (very small for their age) 254 (x2), (9 yo struck by truck, unconscious) 254, 254 (helpless and blind) 254, (2 ½ yo, deaf, not able to talk) 255, (peculiar sickness of 3 yo) 255, 255, 256, (brain injury at birth no cure) 256, (4 yo cannot form words) 256, (9 yo to be anointed, tells mother to give her clothes away because she’ll not need them any more) 256, (very little 1 yo, only 13 lbs.) 257, 257, 258 (x2), (4 week, no throat muscles) 259, (7 yo lost one eye, might lose other) 259, (10 yo brain tumor) 259, 259, 260 (x2), (14 mo cancer) 260, 260, (polinuritis, 13 yo, 50 lbs., grown tall, can only lie immovable, hopes to be missionary) 261, (3 yo brain tumor) 261, 261, 262 (x3), (4 yo coma from diabetis) 262, 263, (3 yo unable to stand or speak) 263, (4 yo cannot walk or stand) 264, (15 yo deaf since birth) 265, (2 yo cannot stand, sit, speak, hold head erect) 266, (musical genius, now paralized, blind and deaf) 266, (7 mo cerebral hemorages) 267, 267 (x2), 268, 269 (x3), 270 (x2); app. 2: (12 yo sarcomic cancer, superhuman courage and perfect resignation) 65
ooalso see, “Infant paralysis”
also see, “Family”
Chills – vol. 3: (and fever) 204
China – vol. 4: (husband and wife returned from China, exchanged 16 living children) 225
Chiropractor – vol. 2:98
Chorea, corea – vol. 4:85
Christ – vol. 1:25;
human nature – vol. 1:25
also see, “Jesus Christ”
Christ the King Parish – vol. 4: (building addition to school) 111
Christian Church – vol. 3:171, 237, 294; vol. 4: (cancer) 54, 127, (First Christian Church) 154
also see, “Non-Catholic”
Christian Scientist – vol. 3:58, 105, 124, (converted to) 132, 152, 187, 234, 307, (pastor scientist enrolled) 309, (promises to read “The Conception of Mary” if prayer granted) 309; vol. 4:7, (after being refused absolution) 16, (unity scientist dreamt of BVM) 48, 89, 220
also see, “Protestant”
Christianity, only one – vol. 2:216
Christmas, Nativity – vol. 1:14, 40 (x2), 99, 109, 115, 120, 122, 125, 139, 150, 187, 204, 214, 248, 251; vol. 2:11, 13, 71 (x 2), 117, 154, 156, 308; vol. 4: (six notebook entries) 132; app. 1:1, 28; app. 2: (“do something for the little child who was cast out long ago”) 20, 67; app. 3:36
eve, vol. 1: 149, 195;
poem, vol. 1:86, 117, 129, 154; app. 1:12
sacraments, vol. 3:2
Christopher, St. – vol. 2:13; vol. 3: (medal) 245
Chrysostom, St. – vol. 1:11, 14, 31
Church of (Jesus) Christ, Church of Christ – vol. 3:161; vol. 4:82, 215
Church Unity Octave – vol. 4:95
Church Year – see “Feasts”
Cig(ar)? – vol. 2:40
Circumcision, Feast of January 1 – vol. 1: 40; app. 3:38
Citizen, citizenship – vol. 1:54
Civic mindedness – vol. 2:11
Civilization – vol. 1:76 (x 2), 87; civilized – vol. 1:87
Clair, St., Feast of – vol. 2:132
Cleft palate – vol. 3:257, 290, 309
Cleverness as a Solanus weakness – vol. 2:291
Cockle(s) – vol. 1:49, 50, 52 (x 3)
Cold – vol. 3:179, 183; vol. 4:8
Colitis – vol. 3:170 (x2), 269, 309; vol. 4:20, 66, 67, 133, 160, 163, 232, 233, 250
Collar bone – vol. 3: (broken) 235
Colon – vol. 3:181, 241
also see, “Cancer”
Color, colored, color’d (race) – vol. 1:92; vol. 3: (supper with colored folk) 49, 223, 260; vol. 4:7, 17, 34, (child) 64, 68, 119, (prayer for direction in “Colored” missions) 121, 149, (missionary among colored) 200, (convert) 260
also see, “African-American,” “Black,” “Negro”
Columba, St. – vol. 1:70
Coma – vol. 3:52, 196, (diabetic) 285; vol. 4:11, (dying) 94, 140
Communion, – vol. 1:70, 83, 86 (x 2), 98, 100, 101, 192, 195; vol. 2:84, 95 (x2), 114, 145, 147, 200, 201 (x4), 235, 250, 297; vol. 3:5, 11, 13, 31, 32, 51; vol. 4: (advised to more frequent) 17; app. 1:34, (triduum of Holy Communions) 34, 34, (more frequent) 39; app. 2:67 (x2); app. 3:28 (x2), (almost 1000 on Immaculate Concept) 36
daily, vol. 1:37, 100, 117 (x3), 125 (x2), 127, 130, 202, 205, 216, 241, 154, 156; vol. 2:154, 222, 241, 330, 357; vol. 3:141, (8 year old on death bed) 264; app. 1:3; app. 2:59
first, vol. 1:47-49, 102, 192, 216; vol. 2:86, 226; vol. 3: 28 (x2), 116, (dying wife recovers after making) 124, (in hospital) 193, (Lutheran preparing for as gift to wife) 199, (wants to make) 201, (deaf boy wants to know how many times he will have to receive before he can hear) 242, 225; app. 2: (nephew’s) 51; app. 3: (200 children make) 24, 32, (126 children received) 32, (4 year old) 41
of reparation, app. 3:35
promises in hopes for or thanksgiving for cure, vol. 3:27, 28, 36, 37, 40, 42, 47, 53, 59, 62, 101, 102, 105, 111, 118, 123, (for finding a job) 126, 131, 140, 152, 153, 155, 158, 182, 188, 192, 203, 205, 207, 211, 228, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236 (x2), 239, 240, 243, 244, 246, 250, 254, 258, 263, 286, 288, 294, 298; vol. 4:14, 17, 18, 21, 25, 28, 35, 41, 54, 56, 64 (x2), 74, 89 (x2), 106, 110, 122, 123, 124, 125, 130, (eyesight now perfect) 131, (promise to wake up and do better) 138, 151, 157, 159, 167, 181, 185, 186, 187, 196, 205 (x2), 209, 216, 232 (x2), 233, 245, 247, 266 (x2); app. 3:16
sacrilegious, vol. 3:50;
“services”, vol. 3:153
source of faith and peace, vol. 2:250;
spiritual, vol. 1:70, 71;
weekly, app. 2:118
when asking for a cure/help, vol. 2:260, 237; vol. 3:13, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 50, 62
Communism, communist – vol. 2: (in monasteries and convents) 352; vol. 3: (husband is) 177; vol. 4: (dying 19 yo) 45; app. 2:43 (x3)
sacrilegious communion by, vol. 3:50
Compassion – vol. 1:39
Concupiscence – vol. 1:29, 30
Confession – vol. 1:15, 68, 71, 72; vol. 2:337, 339; vol. 3:12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 42, (right before death) 72, (so that niece might be spared) 146, (now ready to die) 227, (fears going) 246, (away 7 years) 272; vol. 4: (wants grace to make good confession) 144; app. 3: (many) 33
away from – vol. 3:1, 5, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20 (x3), 25, 32, 39, 42, 53 (x2), 56, 88, 106, 107, 122, 136, 149, (35-40 years away) 169, 171, 205, 231, (over 20 years) 231, 237, (30 years) 242, 246, 267, 274 (x3), 280, (10 years) 286, 292, (10 years) 296, 310; vol. 4: (former seminarian away 30 years, something holds him back), (5-6 years) 27, (away 20 years, promising confession tomorrow) 31, (15 years, went back) 31, 40, (first time in 18 years, will sleep tonight) 49, (for 6 years), (refuses to go) 63, (child in car crash, father first time in 5 years) 67, (married outside church, away 40 years) 77, (4 years) 85, (4 years) 87, (35 years) 161, (10 years) 173, (refused to go, received everything, died next day) 213, (39 yo not to confession since married) 228, (away 17 years, goes today) 246,
first – vol. 1:192, 202;
promises if cured/helped – vol. 3:200, 223; vol. 4: (case more hopeful, going to confession tonight) 24, (promises to go back for wife) 60, (accused police officer) 160, 213
also see, “Easter Duty,” “Sacraments”
Confidence – vol. 1:19, 75, 103, 119, 131 (x2), 132 (x3), 134, 137, 159, 195, 199, 234, 238, 239; vol. 2:24, 28, 32, 58, 78, 88, 90, 102, 103, 107, 111, 120, 141, 162 (x3), 185 (x2), 191 (x2), 224, 232, 248 (x2), 308, 310, 312, 315, 317, 328, 341, 348, (in our superiors) 351, 355; vol. 3:5, 11; vol. 4: (losing confidence in self) 24; app. 1: (in God) 17; app. 2: (in God) 11, (in God) 29, (in God) 60; app. 3:13, 16
Confinement, confined (medical) – vol. 4:81, 114, 142, 160, 222, 249, 222, 249
Congregationalist, Congregationelist, Congregation, Congrationist – vol. 3:238, 310; vol. 4:160, 218, 227, 232,
Congressman – vol. 3:222
Connolly, Monsignor (of Detroit) – vol. 2:304
Conscience – vol. 1:31
Consolation – vol. 2:46, 89, 180, 218, 226, 252 (x3), 261, 263, 301, 310
Consumption – vol. 3:18, 19, 22, 24, 35, 41, 54, 57, 58, 68, 73, (galloping) 284
also see, “Tuberculosis”
Contemplation – vol. 1:5
Content, contentment – vol. 1: 12, 26, 57, 71, 106, 116, 132, 147, 203;
discontentment – vol. 1:26 (x2)
Contrition – vol. 1: (act of) 71
Conversion, convert, converted – vol. 1:22, 24 (x2)25, 69 (x2), 92 (x2), 133, 141, 178, 230, 240, 244, 246; vol. 2:8, 30, 38, 63, 89 (x2), 128 (x2), 133, 157, 194, 197, 199, 204, 217, 224 (x2), 248, 250, 280, 293, 302, (converting another) 310, 351 (x2), 354, (of enemies) 358; vol. 4: (prayed for her physical then spiritual conversion) 12, 23, 92, 112; app. 3: (pray for one anothers) 4, (pray for the conversion of the rest of us) 20
in response to possible cure, vol. 2:280; vol. 3:250, 272; vol. 3: (promises to raise child Catholic if cured) 44; vol. 4: (of wife) 132, (mother promises) 187, (promises to study about Church if) 189, (Orthodox mother will find out relationship between Mother Church and Orthodox if child improves) 256,
to Catholicism, vol 2:159, 180, 215, 224, 230, 248, 298; vol. 3:12, 57, 71, 78, 91, 185, 187, (wants but hesitates) 221, (received into communion) 124, (lived 33 days after) 157, (84 yo baptized, not expected to live overnight) 161, 176, (79 yo in doubt if baptized, wants instructions) 177, (no operation necessary, now taking instruction) 180, (15 yo baptized of his own accord) 222, (taking instructions) 228, (promises if son is spared) 231, (promises if baby is spared) 233, (Orthodox in danger, insists on being Catholic) 234; app. 1:41; app. 3: (died 3 days later) 30, (Solanus Baptizes) 31 (x3),
Convulsions, convultions – vol. 3:58 (x2), 61, 66 (x2), 68, 72, 88, 97, 105, 124, 188, 195, 204, 206, 248 (x2), 266, 271; vol. 4:44, 69, 75, 86, 128, 143, 174, (2 yo) 184, 202, 212, 216, 220, 228, (one in office, 10th since last night, 3 yo) 261
also see, “Epilepsy,” “Fits,” “Seisures,” “Spasms”
Corcoran publishing – vol. 2:359
Corpus Christi, Feast of – vol. 2:18; app. 1: app. 1:34; app. 3: (procession) 32, (many communions) 40 (x2)
Correction, fraternal – vol. 2:204
Cough – vol. 3: (bad and wasting away) 310; vol. 4: (distressing) 163, 192,
also see, “Whooping cough”
Coughlin, Fr. – vol. 2:143; vol. 3:255, (non-Catholics for) 267; vol. 4:8, (pray for) 52, 59, 110; app. 1:16; app. 2:65
Council of Tolet XI – vol. 1:25
Courage, courageous – vol. 1:3, 96, 222 (x2), 238, 239; vol. 2:48, 49, 90, 96, 110, 111 (x2), 114, 213, 224, 247, 250, 258, 299, 308, 315, 317, 325, 327, 348 (x3); app. 2:19 (x2), 24, 29, 60; app. 3:1, 2, 13 (x2), 14, 20
Court intervention – vol. 2:137; vol. 3:10, 13, 20, 56, 70, 75, 85, (unjust lawsuits) 88, 89, 104 (x2), 113, 122, 130, (libel) 137, 143, (trial of coach driver who killed boy) 154, 171, (settled) 177, (court case against Felician Sisters) 222, 260, 283, (just settlement of accident) 241, 260, (favorable settlement after accident) 279, (served with $7000 judgment) 279, (Felician community) 283, 286; vol. 4:14
also see, “Legal”
Cowl¸ The (publication) – vol. 2:278; vol. 3:292
Crankiness – vol. 2:89
Crazy – vol. 3:87, (steals … crazy) 158
also see, “Breakdown,” “Depression,” “Mental Illness,” “Nervous”
Creation – vol. 1:4, 34, 35, 45, 158, 164, 199, 208; vol. 2:24; app. 2:4, 9, 10, (picturest Aliganies) 13
also see, “Hudson River,” “Trimble”
Crib, Christmas – app. 3:8
Crippled – vol. 3:4, 13, 14, 53, 66, 70, 71, 75, 85, 172, (hand) 183, 185, 192, 198, 219, (no one wants to care for him) 300, (hand) 307; vol. 4: (leg) 2, (leg) 29, (unable to walk for 20 years) 33, (since birth) 36, 57, 121 (since birth) 194,
also see, “Lame,” “Palsey,” “Paralysis”
Crispin of Viterbo, Bl. – vol. 1:8
Crooked – vol. 3:257
also see, “Robbery,” “Stealing/theft,” “Swindled”
Cross – vol. 1:7, 9, 12, 21, 45, 67 (x2), 85, 128 (x2), 245, 246; vol. 2:81 (x3), 84 (x2), 93, 116, 162, 213, 214, 218, 293, 301, 318, 340; vol. 4: (prays to be resigned to) 78; app. 1:46; app. 3: (kiss the cross) 1, (thank God for trials and crosses) 11
also see, “Relic”
Crucifix – vol. 3: (saves young man, worn in fulfilment of promise to dying mother 94
Crucifixion, crucify, crucified – vol. 1:44 (x2), 74, 247; vol. 2:48
spouses of Jesus crucified, vol. 2:49, 194, 318; app. 3:5
Curse – vol. 3:184 (believed to be cursed) 237, (choking because of curse by mother) 247, (cursed a number of relatives) 253; vol. 4: (believe she was cursed) 193,
also see, “Fortune teller,” “Healer,” “Magic,” “Superstition,” “ Wigwam,” “Witchcraft”
Curvature, curvature, curviture (of spine) – vol. 3:33, 34, 83, 90, 93, 99, 160, 210, 261; vol. 4:91, 110, 113, (of spine) 205, 237
also see, “Spine”
Cyst, sist – vol. 3:112, (breast) 201; vol. 4: (arm) 46, 65, 79, (breast) 185, (back) 254, (near eye) 256, (face) 262
also see, “Growth,” “Tumor,” “Wart”
Dark night of the soul – vol 2:328
also see, “Depression,” “Desolation,” “Despair,” “Despondent,” “Discouraged,” “Low,” “Sad”
David, King – vol. 2:193
Deacon – vol. 2:244; anniversary of, vol. 2:79; vol. 3: (in Cincinnati seminary) 72, (no hope) 206
Dead as Johnnie’s potatoes without salt – vol. 2:289
Deafness – vol. 1:96; vol. 2:283; vol. 3:17, 18, 20, 21, (deaf and dumb) 59, 79, 88, 89, 91, 95, (deaf and dumb) 97, 101, 132, (deaf and dumb) 132, (deaf and dumb) 173, 189, (deaf and dumm) 192, 203, (deaf and dumb) 222, (deaf and dumb) 223, (dumb can hear) 231, 243, 266, (deaf and dumb) 271, 287, 296; vol. 4:7, (4 year old has never heard) 17, 53, 60, (deaf dumb and blind since 14, sister similar) 106, (deaf and dumb) 113, 122, (deaf, with deaf wife and child) 129, (11 yo wants to hear that he might learn about God and receive Communion) 135, (deaf mute and bumb!) 154, (deaf mute) 156, (deaf mute) 163, (deaf and dumb) 165, (deaf and dumb) 182, 185, 197, 203, 212, (feard! For 2 yo) 239, (2 ½ yo) 255, 265
also see, “Ear problems,” “Hearing problems”
Death – vol. 1:6, 11, 12, 15, 16 (x2), 53, 56, 58, 65, 68, 69, 70, 75, 76, 113 (x2), 120, 125, 127 (x2), 131 (x2), 186, 194, 216, 238, 255 (x3), 256 (x2), 263 (x2); vol. 2:44-45, 87-88, (gratitude for, like a wedding) 320, (patience of sister death) 342; vol. 3:9, (of unborn children) 19, 29-31 (15 year old year long record of her struggle), (of infant) 33, (invalid complains not being able to die) 135, (child) 186, (killed in auto accident) 201, (lost only daughter) 225, (praying to die) 228, (12 year old) 228, (tired of world) 228, (9 months pregnant) 240, (lost baby) 258, (lost little child) 261, (8 year old) 264, (lost baby then lost mind) 266, (lost 2 babies) 268, (after first communion) 277, (preparing for death but now ok) 307, (Dominican blood sister offered to die in her place 15 years ago because of her 8 children, now has died) 307; vol. 4: (child run over by auto and died), (last Christmas) 42, (woman found dead in hotel) 75, (lost baby, fears repeat) 127, (carrying baby supposed dead; advised to ask for nivicifation [vivification] in honor of Sr. Mary of Jesus) 129, (12 yo killed saving friend) 164, (8 yo killed) 164, (priest dropped dead at Midnight Mass) 167, (very charitable convert dying) 171; app. 1: (of family) 33, (like you I must die) 42; app. 2:5, 8 (x2), (learn from Br. Death) 11, 12, (scriptural quotes for death of a Holy Religious) 16; app. 3:10
dying, vol. 4:53, (wants to die) 238
fooled/frustrated, vol. 3:22, 119, 155
happy, vol. 1:113, 162, 179, 190 (x2); vol. 2:47, 58, 87, 163, 310; vol. 3:15, 48, (beautiful) 65, 76, 78, (7 year old) 108, 132, 174, (prayer for) 195, 196, 213, (peacefully and satisfied) 221, (made peace with God) 223, (prayer for) 255, 286; vol. 4:17, (prays for) 21, (prays for) 24, (returned to sacraments) 38, (prayer for) 49, (prayer for) 56, prayers for) 103, 124, 125, 134, (prayers for) 181, (prayers for) 220; app. 1:2, (mother’s beautiful death) 9, (Guss, died on the feast) 25, (beautiful deaths in family) 25; app. 3: (peacefully born into eternity with Jesus in her heart and on her breast and his holy name whispered in her ears) 30
Solanus contemplating death, vol. 2: (his bones for fertilizer), 58; vol 4: (wants to die) 238); app. 1: (contemplating death before surgery) 9, (poor Fr. S. “…he’s gone”) 18
also see, “Edwin,” “Stoned”
Death sentence (electrocution) – vol. 3:46
Demented – vol. 3:40; also see, “Asylum” and “Insanity”
Democratic convention – app. 3: (Woodrow Wilson candidate) 33
Demon possession – vol. 1:23; vol. 3:128 (says devil is in him) 128; vol. 4 (fears possession) 16, (fears controlled by two devils) 157
also see, “Exorcism,” “Possessed”
Denis the Aeropagite, St. – vol. 1:56
Dentist – vol. 2:206
Deo Gratias, Deo Gr. – vol. 1:2, 15 (x2), 16, 18, 19 (x2), 99, 117, 120, 124, 131, 148, 149 (x2), 158 (x2), 164 (x2), 165, 171, 172, 173, 177, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 190, 192, 195 (x2), 202, 211 (x2), 215, 216, 227, 228, 234, 247, 250, 251, 254, 263, 281; vol. 2:17, 21, 26, 32, 33, 56, 106, 107, 109, 110, 129, 130, 205, 275, 277, 281, 302, 317, 328, (a billion) 328; vol. 3:1, 12, 13, 14 (x2), 15, 17, 20, 24 (x2), 27, 28, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47 (x2), 48, 59, 62, 66, 67 (x2), 68 (x2), 69, 73 (x2), 75, 78, 79, 84, 97, 121 (x2), 138, 140, 151, 160, 161, 165, 171, 174, 185, 187, 189, 191, 195, 203, 207, 208, 209 (x2), 218, 220, 226, 227, 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 244, 245, 249, 251, 253, 256, 267 (x2), 277, 279, 295, 307, 308; vol. 4:1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25 (x2), 29, 31, 38 (x2), 41 (x2), 42 (x2), 47, 48, 56, 66, 73 (x2), 75, 77, 85, 86, 98, 104, 108, 110 (x2), 113, 120, 125, 132, 144, 145, 150, 157, 158, 160, 168, 174, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 188, 200, 203, 206, 225 (x2), 229, 239 (x2), 240, 245, 247, 250, 255, 259, 262, 266, 268 (x2), 269 (x2); app. 1:9 (x2), 20 (x2), 23, 25 (x2), 28 (x2), 30, 32 (x2), 33, 34, 35 (x2); app. 2:3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13 (x2), 25, 52; app. 3:17, 18, 23, 31
also see, “Thanks be to God”
Deportation – vol. 3: (threatened) 101
Dermatomyositis – vol. 4: (Drs. at sea what to do) 175
Despondent – vol. 4: (young couple neglecting religion) 167
also see, “Dark night of the soul,” “Depression, “Desolation,” “Despair,” “Discouraged,” “Low,” “Sad”
Depression (depressed) – vol. 2:225; vol. 3:13, (why does God leave me so) 127, 166; vol. 4: (down and out in every way) 209
era – vol. 1:94
also see, “Dark night of the soul,” “Desolation,” “Despair,” “Despondent,” “Discouraged,” “Low,” “Sad”
Desolation – vol. 2:273 (x2)
also see, “Dark night of the Soul,” “Depression,” “Despair,” “Despondent,” “Discouraged,” “Sad”
Despair – vol. 2:, 85, 218, 266, 267, 270 (x2), 276, 277, 286, 287, 288, 324, 326 (x2), 334; vol. 3:221; vol. 4: (dispairs! of God’s mercy) 182
Desperate, desperation – vol. 3:17, 77, 131, 162, 191, 221; vol. 4:21, 96, 185
Detachment – vol. 1:5
Detroit – vol. 1:18, 93, 95 (x 2); vol. 2:120 (returning); vol. 4: (Michigan Exposition in convention Hall) 12
Solanus wanting to return – vol. 2:118
Devil – vol. 1:7, 27, 28, 44, 136, 177, 239, 263 (x3), 268, 269, 284, 285; vol. 2:165, 255; vol. 3:128, (devil seems jealous of her peacefully praying the rosary) 151; app. 1: (world, flesh and devil) 12 & 15
Also see, “Demon possession”
Diabetes, diabetis, diabetic, diabitis – vol. 3:7, 15, 40, 60, 69, 71, 72, 83 (x2), 89, 115, 117, 119, 123, 131, 137, 142, 144, 180, 181, 182, 189, 198, 199, 202, 216, 229, 235, 237, 238, 244, 247, 260, 264, 290, 293, 301; vol. 4:15, 20, 22, 23, 26 (x2), 29, 32, 43, 50, 57, 61, 67, 70, 76, 83, 98, 99 (x2), 105 (x2), 109, 123, 125, 133, 141, 148, 152, 167, 169, 190, 194, 202, 208, 209, 217, 222, 226, (sugar diabetis) 232, 235, 252, 256, (sugar diabetis) 262
Diaphragm, diaphram – vol.4: (torn) 27
Dictating letters – vol. 1:114
also see, “Work load”
Didacus, Bl. – vol. 1: 8
Digestion issues – vol. 4: 237
also see, “Indigestion”
Diphtheria, diptheria – vol. 3:44, 73 (x3), 84, 123, 124, 132, 139, 238; vol. 4: 41, 43, 85, 144, 218, 249
Disappointment – vol. 3:186 (Solanus disappointed at death of child)
Disciples of Christ – vol. 4: (enrolled child) 93
also see, “Protestant”
Discipline – vol. 1:8
Discouraged, discouragement – vol. 2:80, 93, 162 (x2), 201, 202, 211 (x2), 256, 297; vol. 3:62, 106, 131, 136, 158, 173, 223, 229, 236, 242, (dying of cancer) 248, (is it wrong to ask God to take out of misery) 266, (wonders if prayers are being heard) 289, (18 year old invalid) 294, 301, 306, 307; vol. 4:4 (x2), 7, 15, 17, (husband discouraged with arthritic wife) 21; app. 1:15, 40; app. 2:48
also see, “Dark night of the Soul,” Depression,” “Despair,” “Despondent,” “Desolation,” “Low,” “Sad”
Disobedience – vol. 1:68
Divine Headquarters – vol. 2:235
Divine Office – app. 2:, 11
also see, “Breviary”
Divorce, devorce– vol. 1:26, 36 (x2), 101, 247; “half-divorced family,” vol. 2:198; vol. 3:13, 82, 94, 113, (going with divorced man) 121, 157; vol. 4: (keeping company with divorced) 26, 45, 61
Dizzy – vol. 3:113, 125, 129, 133, 153, 182, 187; vol. 4:43, 74, 170; app. 3:7
Dog – vol 3: (bit by) 299; vol. 4: (bitten by) 238
Dominic, St., Feast of – vol. 2:46
Dominican – vol. 3: (had to leave novitiate) 115, 190, 296, (Nun offers herself to die in place of her blood sister because of her 8 children) 307; vol. 4:84, (nun recovering) 155
also see, “St. Dominic, sisters of”
Dope – vol. 3:83, 200, 289, 306
also see, “Drug”
Doubt – vol. 3:302
Down syndrome – see, “Mongolian”
Drinking (alcoholism) – vol. 1:100; vol. 3:1, 2 (x5), 3 (x5), 6 (x4), 8 (x2), 9 (x2), 10 (x2), 11 (x2), 12, 13, 19, 28, 32, 34, 54, 58, 59, 63, 73, (killing mother by inches through drink) 74, 81, 82, 90, (breaking mother’s heart) 91, 98, 104, 114, 116, 122, (wants to kill son when drinking) 128, 139, 145, (curses religion) 148, 151, 152, (breaking mother) 159, 163, 167, 178, 181, 184, 185, 187, 197 (x2), 208 (x2), 209, (breaking mother’s heart) 243, 244, 248, 255, 260, 263, (breaking heart of earnest parents) 270, 271 (x2), 272, 277, 281, 283, 287, 296, 298, 306, 308, 310; vol. 4: (neglecting widowed mother) 10, 35, 37, 39, (because of wayward daughter) 49, 50, 52, 55, 57, 61, 72, 78, 79 (x2), 80, 82, 83, 89, 91, 96 (x2), 99, (wont’ let daughter go to convent) 101, 113, 114, 135, 137 (x2), (had taken pledges?) 140, 148, (trying to overcome) 149, 150, 160, 164, 170, (and spending everything) 172, 174, 183, 186, 188, 194, 197, 201, 202, 207, (repentant drunkard dies suddenly) 211, 221, (alcoholic asks prayers) 225, 240, 241, (diabetic since 5, 19 yo now turning to drink) 256,
Dropsy, dropsey – vol. 3:14, 16, 96, 107, 129, 299, 300; vol. 4:20, 32, 45, 52, 64, 78, 83, 95, 141, 149, 174, 196, 197
Drowning victim – vol. 3:71, 302; vol. 4: (just graduated high school; praying to recover body) 69, (looking for body) 77, (boy, body not found) 150, (body not yet found) 156
Drug usage, habit – vol. 3:1; vol. 4:129
also see, “Dope”
Dryness – vol. 1:7
Dumb (cannot speak) – vol. 3:59, 97, 131, 132, 135, 173 (x2), 200, (4 year old now “talks like a whirlwind” 291, (beginning to talk) 294
Dust storm – vol. 3:297
Duty – vol. 1:28 (3x), 36 (x 2)
Dwarfism – vol. 3:25
Dying well, art of – vol. 2: 232
also see, “Death, happy”
Dysentery, disintery – vol. 3:306
Ear problems – vol. 3:78, 82, 90, 92, 103, 160, 191; vol. 4:49, (hemorages) 56, 73, 120, 184, (pierced ear drum) 192, 194 (x2), 214, 215
also see, “Deaf,” “Hearing,” “Mastoid”
Ear pulls – app. 2:19, 48
Easter duty – vol. 2:337; vol. 3:2, 12, 163, (promises to make if baby cured) 300; vol 4: (promises if child is cured) 71, (promises if child is cured) 146, (mother promises for son) 151, (made 1st time in 30 years) 204, (promises) 208, (neither had made) 213, (admonished parents to make) 235
Easter Season, Sunday – vol. 1:6; vol. 2:42, 77, 295, 305, 313; app. 1: (2nd Sunday of Easter) 43; app. 3:1 (Easter Sunday snowstorm) 24, (Easter Sunday) 39
Eastern Rite Catholic – vol. 4: (Greek) 46
Eating disorder – vol. 3:31
also see, “Anorexia,” “Starvation”
Eckert, Stephen – vol. 1:183, 267; vol. 2:126, 251, 277, 281, (relic of and prayer to) 315; (favor through his intercession) vol. 3:41, (favors through his intercession with relic) 176, (relic) 209; vol. 4: (relic) 19, (relative) 41, (relic given) 84; app. 3:23, 31 (x2), 32 (x2)
Eczema, ecema, eczima, exima, ezema, ecsema – vol. 3:4, 71, 82, 88, 118, 125, 129, 154, 171, 184, 192, 200, 209, 216, 219, 257, 276 (x2), 286, 301; vol. 4:7 (x2), 25, 39, 68, 72, 77, 102, 105, (10 month old) 106, (hospitalized with fearful eczema) 132, 151, (fearful) 172, (fearful) 188, (weeping) 245, 245, 254, 258; app. 1:45
also see, “Psoriasis”
Education, educators – (according to Pius XII) vol. 2: 242 (Public education as godless), 268, (importance of) 272, 283, 316; app. 2: (using wartime correspondence for students) 43
also see, “Catholic Educational Convention,” “Teachers”
Ejaculations – vol. 1:5, 70, 154
Elbow, elboe – vol. 4:82, 220
Election, presidential – vol. 2:51 (x3)
Electric Shock – vol. 4:36
Electricity – 253, 261, 263
Electrocuted (electrocuted) – vol. 3:230
Embargo (1939 against Germany) – vol. 4:83
Emphysema – vol. 3:120, 230
Employment, employment distress, unemployment– vol. 1:91, 97; vol. 2:60, 106; vol. 3:3 (x2), 11, 19, 20 (x2), (job found) 22 & 23 & 24 & 25, 36, (job lost and found) 56, 67, 69, 87, (applying for job) 91, 94, 100, 101, (nurse out of work) 102, (laid off) 103, 105, 107, (architect wants contract) 109, (carpenter trying new business) 109, (painter) 109, 120, (lost then found job) 126, (debt and unemployment) 130, 130 (x2), 133, 140, 153, 155, 157, (company with undesirable person) 160, (needs work) 163, (5 years unemployed) 164, 165 (x2), 173 (x2), 176, 182, 190, 199, 201, (convert) 205, 210, (unjustly dropped) 212, (help wanted) 218 (x2), 219, 220, 223, 232, 234, (for success in business) 237, 247, (wants help) 248, 248, 249, 252, (graduate out of work) 257, (unjustly discharged) 259, 272, 280, 285, 305, 306, 309, (over 20 pages of Solanus’ notes on names and addresses for help wanted) 310, (58 pages of Solanus’ notes of names and addresses for help wanted) 310; vol. 4:4, 7, 10, 17, 24, 82, (out after 29 years on job) 89 (x2), 92, 95, 102, 103, (13 yo mentally child of 6 months) 107, 111 (x2), 112 (x2), 122 (x2), 129, 153, (deaf and dumb, seeking position) 154, 173, (looking for work) 197, (misunderstanding, lost job) 207; app. 1: (1925-25 winter auto factory shutdown) 35
also see, “Financial struggles”
Encephalitis, inceflitis, inseflitis – vol. 4:194, 234, 245
Enemic – see “Anemia”
Enemies – vol. 1:55, 78, 92, 189, 193; vol. 2:168, 171 (x3), 173, 358; app. 2: (Solanus prayers for nephew’s enemies) 51
of Church, faith and morals, God, the soul, vol. 1:4, 44, 160, 281, 283 (x2), 284, 285; vol. 2:149, 273, 301, 358
Enlightenment – vol. 2:209
Ephrem, St. – vol. 1:
Epiphany – vol. 2:220; app. 3:22
Episcopalian, Episcopelian, Episcopelien, Episcopel – vol. 3:81, 110, 128 (x2), 142, 156, 158, 171, 174 (x2), 185, 203, 205, 210, 213 (x2), 215, 219, 227, 228, 258, 262, 290, 303; vol. 4:22, 34, 47, 51 (x2), (high-church) 52, 55, 65, 90, 100, (studied for minister, now scoffer [?]) 107, 116, 118, 123, 136, (deacon) 136, 152, 165, 168, 169, (advised to look into relationship between his denomination and mother Church) 172, 181, (enrolls neighbor) 187, 191, 192, 194, 202, 205, 206, 213, 214, 220 (x2), 226, 229, 230, 252, 256, 260
also see, “Anglican,” “Protestant”
Epilepsy, epylepsy, epileptic, epyliplic, epyletc, epalytic, epyplepsi, epileptic, epilepic – vol. 3:35, 48, 53, 65, 76, 77, 84, 97, 98, 99, 105, 108 (x2), 113, 137, 144, 155, 161, 162 (x2), 173, 174, 194, 199, 201, 204, 207, 208 (x2), 213, 216, (cured) 219, 239 (x2), 245, 247, 252, 263, 265, 271, 280, 281, 284, 285, 286, 287, 293, 295, 303, 310; vol. 4:15, 21, 34, 35, 37 (x2), 51, 82, 83 (x2), 92, 101, 106, 112, 129, 137, 141, 144, 154, 155, 161, 164, 172, 175, 181, 183, (hard to handle 25 yo epileptic) 191, 200, 207, 209, 216, 232, 237, 247, (helpless though beautifully resigned) 258
also see, “Convulsions,” “Fits,” “Seizures,” “Spasms”
Erysipelas, erysiopolis, erycipalis, erycipilis – vol. 3:33, 76, 82, 113, 118, 155, 287
Eternal, Eternity – vol. 1:46, 48, 58 (x 2), 86, 96 (x2), 100 (x 2), 120, 125, 135, 177, 186, 214, 215, 246; vol. 2:24 (x2), 37, 47 (x2), 48, 55, 73, 84 (x2), 88 (x2), 92, 96, 128, 143, 168, 188, 190, 193, 205, 207, 208 (x3), 210, 223, 265, 270, 272, 273, 283, 290, 293, 290, 293; app. 1:34, 40 (x2), 41; app. 2:9; app. 3:12
crown eternal, vol. 1:106;
also see, “Heaven”
Eucharist – vol. 1:60; vol. 2:200; app. 2: (soul of the Church) 9
Eucharistic congress, vol. 1:163 (x2), 198; vol. 4: (went to EC in hopes to see a cardinal and die happy, saw 11) 80
Eucharistic King, vol. 2:14
also see, “Communion,” “Mass,” “Real Presence”
Eucharistic Mission Band – vol. 2:209; vol. 4:19
Evangelical – vol. 4:248
Evangelist – vol. 3:309; vol. 4:170
Evanglish – vol. 3:283
Eve – vol. 2:141
Eviction – vol. 3:83, (losing home for taxes) 94, (threatened) 215
also see, “Financial struggles”
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Feast of – vol. 2:58; app. 2:28
Exam, examination – vol. 3: (anxious about) 26; vol. 4: 53, 219
Example – vol. 1:3, 6, 12; bad – vol. 1:51, 52
Exile – vol. 2:48, 53, 54; app. 1: (exiled not from Ireland but from Heaven)14
Existence of God – 253
Eye, eyesight disease, impairment – vol. 3:1, 17, 50, 71, 72, 78, 86, 92, 94, 97 (x2), 98 (x2), (born without eyes) 99, 103, 106, 109, 112, 114, 118, 122, 131, (baby with no eyes) 131, 135, 137, 138, (struck in eye by burglar) 138, 139, 143 (x2), 144 (x2), 148, 151, 153, 157, 162, 168, 171, 175, 176, 178, (steel in eye) 186, 187, 188, 193, (glass in 2 year old’s eye) 193, 193, 195, 196, 198, 202 (x2), 203, 204, 206, 211, 219, (cross-eyed) 221, 224 (x2), 228 (x2), 232, 253, 257, 260, 261, 263, 271, 275, 276, 277 (x3), 283, 288, 289 (x2), 292 (x2), 294, (losing) 297, 301, 303; vol. 4:16, 28, (losing) 29, 30 (x2), 31, 33 (x2), 40, 41, 42, 43, (failing) 48, 53, (defective) 55, 56, 57 (x2), 60, 62, (sight failing) 65, 67, 68, (ulcers on pupils) 75, 76 (x2), 77, 78, 79, 80 (x2), 82, 85 (x2), 88, 93, 96, 97, 99, 102, (hemorage) 103, (17 yo sight failure) 105, 106, 110, 114, (losing sight) 122, 130, (glucoma) 130, (now perfect without glasses) 131, 133, (ulcerated) 133, 134, 138, (losing sight) 139, 144, 146, (losing sight) 155, (losing sight) 158, 162, 164, (2 ½ yo, eye better) 164, (5 yo malignant growth in eye) 165, (baby sight doubtful) 165, 172, 176, 179, (improving) 181, (fine now) 183, 184, 185, 188, (Drs. baffled) 189, 191, 202, 203 (x3), (3 yo, malignant tuomor on eye) 204, (detached retina) 209, (almost blind for a time) 217 (x2), (almost blind in one eye) 218, 221, 223, 229, (81 yo) 233, 248, 249, 251, (losing sight) 256, (growth on side of eye) 256, (7 yo) 259, 262, (eyeritis/iritis) 264, 264, 267, 270
also see, “Cataracts,” “Glaucoma”
Exorcism – vol. 3: (prayer) 294; vol. 4: (exercismis) 96,
also see, “Demon Possession,” “Possessed”
Extreme Unction – vol. 4:132
also see, “Anointed”
Failure – vol. 2:162 (x2)
Faith, faithful – vol. 1:18 (x 2), 27 (x 2), 40, 67 (x2), 75, 96, 111, 113, 123 (x2), 134, 137, 149, 177 (x2), 178, 197, 211 (x2), 240, 250, 263; vol. 2:1, 40, 44, 66, 78 (x 2), 82, 86, 87 (x3), 88 (x2), 103, 116, 141, 150, 162, 165, 169, 180, 183, 194, 199, 205, 222, 223, 232 (x2), 241, 250, 256, 258, 273, 280, 283, 293, 296, 309, 311, 312, 315, 323, 324, 342, 345, 348, 355; vol. 3:162; vol. 4: (sick 20 yo, astonishing faith) 158, (asks to believe as he did as an altar boy) 213, (fears lost his faith) 231, (losing) 249; app. 1:5, 25 (x3), 31, 34, 40, 41; app. 2:4, 6 (x2), 8, 11, 16 (x2); app. 3:4
losing – vol. 3:168, 221
No faith – vol. 3:300; vol. 4: (have already lost my faith) 27, (Greek Orthodox hardly believes in anything) 256,
not practicing – vol. 3:125
Fallen away Catholic, away from sacraments – vol. 2:223; vol. 3:5, 11, 12, 14, 17 (x2), 18, 19 (x2), 20 (x2), 25, 32, 35, 39, 59, 60, 67, 81, 89, 93, 96, 111, (grandmother laments) 132, (41 years out of Church) 156, (married outside church) 157, (away 26 years) 161, (giving up church) 175, (married out of church) 181, 185, (away from) 193, 202, 221, (married out of Church) 228, 229 (x2), (out of church 10 years) 248, (16 year old former altar boy giving up religion) 249, (children losing the faith) 253, (20 years) 267, 271, 295, (away from Mass, but takes family) 301, 305; vol. 4: (away 60 years, wants to be Catholic) 15, (away from church 60 years) 16, (away 54 years) 17, (hopes to die a Catholic) 17, (20 year old losing faith) 18, (married Baptist before Lutheran Minster, prays for grace to return to sacraments) 18, (away 37 years, daughter a nun) 19, (away for years) 30, (away from church 30 years by mixed marriage) 75, (neglecting sacraments) 104, (just drifted away, now back) 107, (planning marrying out of Church) 113, (prayers for guidance to return) 124, (married in court, union never blessed) 128, (away many years) 128, (long time away from sacraments and church) 153, (never goes to church, wife started to take instructions) 176, (91 yo, away many years, stubborn) 179, (husband and son have dropped religion) 191, (negligent) 198, 200, (married by Lutheran, decide to have marriage fixed up) 230, (indifferent to religion) 238,
also see, “Confession,” “Sacraments”
Fallon, Bishop – vol. 3:72
Family – vol. 1:36, 98, 107, 134, 135, 142, 249, 260, 262; vol. 2:24, 197-8 (admonition of Father in “fatherless” family), 201, 202, 294; holy, vol. 2:34; app. 1: (raising little saints) 2, (raising little saints) 4
Family distress – vol. 3:2, 7, 9, 10, 11 (x2), 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 28, (reconciliation) 31, 40, 42, 48, 49, (reconciliation) 70, (to avoid unfortunate marriage) 71, 73, 90, 99, 100, (children trying to take property) 106, (mother regrets disunity in children) 108, 118, (going with divorced man) 121, (emfatuated with unbeliever) 126, (family going to pieces) 138, 149, (prayer the he wake up and have principles and character) 155, (reconciliation) 159, (unruly son now changed) 160, (quarrelling, drinking, bad example to children) 166, (young couple quarreling) 168, (lost to family 9 years, now dying) 170, (daughter seeing twice divorced) 177, (keeping company with undesirable) 183, (keeping company with non-Catholic and undesirable) 185, (daughter has given up undesirable company) 186, (postponed marriage, now estranged) 188, (marriage separation) 189, (bad company) 190, (company with divorced) 195, (spoiled 19 year old) 196, (strikes wife and daughter) 197, 199, (curses, drinks, no faith) 204, (nephew in undesirable company) 206, (married outside of church) 208, (undesirable company with Mason) 211, (not sure if husband was really killed) 225, (unfortunate marriage) 226, (threatening difficulties to engagement) 226, (daughter strikes mother) 232, (company with undesirable) 233, (husband refuses to go to Church) 234, (company with undesirable) 235, (husband losing faith and respect for family) 241, (husband ran away with relative) 249, (engaged to atheist) 252, (husband indifferent to wife and children) 253, (husband away with niece) 256, (undesirable company) 259, 261, (disobedient disrespectful boy) 263, (19 year old in undesirable company, absolutely lazy) 264, (careless father) 268, (husband) 269, (disobedient teenagers) 269, (separation) 269, (only son has no regard for mother) 270, (keeping undesirable company) 270, (father & son not getting along) 273, (company with non-Catholic) 273, (husband in bad company) 275, (keeping undesirable company) 280, (visiting beer gardens) 280, (keeping company against mother’s wishes) 284, (marriage planned to divorced) 285, (argument about wanting to have child baptized) 286, (marriage failure) 287, (married Baptist, estranged) 291, (women want to covert but husbands object; Mason husband threatening divorce) 304, (authoritative 16 year old refuses to listen to widowed mother) 306, 306; vol. 4: (father not spoken to son for 10 years) 1, (away from wife 5 years), (newly married refuses to speak to parents) 4, (husband neglecting wife and family) 6, (thirteen year old inclined to disobedience, untruth and cleptomenia) 7, (company with undesirable) 13, (away from family 4 years) 15, (going to beer gardens) 21, (9 year old has no conscience, steals, lies) 21, (with undesirable company) 28, 31, (indifferent husband) 33, (married out of church) 36, (married out of church) 37, (public high school for child) 38, 39, (girl keeps company with non Cath) 45, (husband indifferent about reconciliation) 50, (seemingly Catholic for wedding day only) 55, (husband has no faith) 58, (husband neglects support of family) 61, (indifferent husband) 61, (indifferent husband, starting divorce) 61, (quarrels in family) 64, (need for reconcilement!) 65, (estranged from widowed mother) 68, (preparing to marry before Lutheran Minister), (keeping company with insane person) 70, (unruley 16 yo refuse to go back to Cath high school) 76, (abuses wife) 77, (threatening divorce) 78, (peace in family) 81, (refuses freedom to children) 81, (daughter wanted to go to dance, father said no, girl went into convulsions) 86, (married to non-Catholic), (sadly weak) 87, (lamentably weak) 87, (reconciliation husband and wife) 88, (unbeliever husband encouraged children to go to church, upset when children married outside Church) 88, (infatuated with Joe) 91, (husband indifferent, mother and convert wife heart-sick) 94, (associating with divorced) 97, (in dangerous company) 100, (domestic trouble) 100, 102, (newly married, divorce threatened) 105, 105, (father in dangerous company) 113, (neglecting wife and family) 115, 121 , (lost wife, has 5 children needs help raising them) 122, (parents oppose her marriage to a Catholic) 123, 126, 127, (threatening to marry divorced person before minister) 133, (wants wife to divorce him) 135, (starting divorce) 139, 140, 142, (brother-in-law has become hater of religion) 143, 155, (wants divorce) 157, (son-in-law objects to having children instructed) 160, 160, (13 yo cleptomania) 160, (for guidance) 160, (for peace) 160, (married divorced man without positive religion) 163, (bad company, mother heart sick at threatened marriage) 164, (dispute over property) 166, (Man without faith, threatens to kill wife; his brother killed his and then himself) 167, (started divorce) 170, 170, (threatening divorce) 171 , (threatened divorce) 176, 181, (son give wages to divorced woman not mother) 186, 189, (thinking of divorce) 194, 195, (trying to get divorce) 197, (18 yo ungrateful to parents) 201, (wants divorce) 208 (x2), (husband gone astray) 212, (restless left four children and husband) 213, (threatening divorce) 215, (in-laws preventing baptism of baby) 224, (divorce) 231, (neglecting wife and child) 233, (newly married husband jealous of her) 236, (wife infatuated with wealthier man) 247, (husband has peculiar idea of staying home with his mother) 250, (husband asks for divorce) 252, (misunderstanding with 2ife 5 years ago, dying man refuses to make up) 258, (family, wife restless) 259, (neglecting family) 261, (atheist father wants divorce) 262, (neglecting house, beer gardens and bad company) 263, (20 yo lost respect for religion, parents, missing 2 ½ months; now back and going to confession) 267; app. 2: (squabble over family homestead after death of parents) 69
also see, “Divorce,” “Marriage,” “Missing person,” “Prodigal Son story,” “Violence,” “Wayward”
Family Relief Fund – vol. 3:154
Farley, Cardinal John – app. 3:29 (x2)
Farming – vol. 3: (rain for crops, only fell in parish limits) 77, (no rain in Montana) 297; vol. 4: (grass-hoppers come like clouds)
also see, “Rain”
Fasting – vol. 1:21
Fault(s), acknowledging – vol. 1:14
Favor, favored – vol. 1:8, 11, 88, 90, 91, 93, 100; of Our Lady. vol. 1:18,
Fear, fearful – vol. 1:4, 6, 11 (x3), 15, 18, 42, 53, 61 (x2), 80 (x2), 120, 130, 137, 138, 171, 179, 194, 208, 210, 255 (x3); vol. 3:305, 308
fear of the Lord, app. 2:8 (x2), 10
fearful times, vol. 2:80;
Solanus fear of being moved, vol. 2:68;
of the Lord, vol. 1:48 (x2), 55, 61, 63, 265;
Feasts: see, “Ann, St.,” “Ascension,” “Augustine, St.,” “Bernard, St.,” “Bonaventure, St.,” “Christmas,” “Church Unity Octave,” “Circumcision,” “Clair, St.,” “Corpus Christi,” “Dominic, St.,” “Easter,” “Exaltation of the Holy Cross,” “Francis, St. (x2),” “Good Friday,” “Good Shepherd Sunday,” “Holy Thursday,” “Holy Saturday,” “Ignatius, St.,” “In Nomine Jesu,” “James, St.,” “Joseph, St.,” “Lourdes,” “Mary (multiple entries),” “Nicholas, St.,” “Patrick, St.,” “Paul, St.,” “Pentecost,” “Purification,” “Rosary,” “Sacred Heart,” “Saints,” and multiple individual saints
Feeble-minded – vol. 3:18, 80, (mentally weak) 154, (mentally weak) 177, (weak minded) 197, (mentally weak) 213, (mentally weak) 216, (mentally weak) 221, (mentally weak) 238, (13 yo)
also see, “Mental illness”
Feet, foot problems – vol. 3:6, 63, 66, 90, 114, (diabetic) 121, 129, (gangreenous) 131, 144, (turning black) 146, (sore) 150, (threatened amputation) 178, (ulcers) 183, (frozen) 191, (bad) 195, 287, (gangrenous) 293; vol. 4:5 (4 year old crooked foot and short leg), 9, (cannot wear shoes for 11 years) 33, (broken 2nd time in 2 years) 57, (broken) 58, (athletic) 65, (gangrenous) 90, (callous, can hardly walk) 100, 100, (fallen arches) 103, (feet and shine trouble) 117, (gangrenous foot removed) 130, (athletic) 130, (two artificial feet in pain) 139, (76 yo very weak foot) 171, (rotting) 172, (badly fallen arches) 197, (seriously infected) 211, 222, 245, (gangrenous) 252 (x2), (gangrenous) 260
also see, “Ankle,” “Heel,” “Knee,” “Leg,” “Shin”
Felician Sisters – vol. 2:126; vol. 3: (cannot obey, Felician headquarters) 164, 220, 251, 270, 271, 283; vol. 4:102, 179, 190
Felix Friary, St. – vol. 2:19
also see, “Novice/novitiate”
Fellowship of Truth – vol. 3:289
Feminine operation – vol. 3:214
Fertility – vol. 3:50
Fever – vol. 3:18; vol. 4:144, (18 mo) 164, (7 ½ yo burning up) 171, 197
Fiat Dei Voluntas – vol. 3:29
Fidelis a Sigmarigna, St. – vol. 1:8
Financial struggles, finantial– vol. 3:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 32, (taxes) 36, (bank problem solved) 48, 49, 51, (farm to sell) 54, 57, (loss of property) 57, (losing house) 57, 58, (baby in hospital) 58, (trying to sell) 60 (x2), (farm to sell) 62, (sale of property) 70, 71, 74, (property sale) 74, (business failure) 74, 76, (property to sell) 77, 79, (property sale) 80, (rent or sell) 88, 88, 89, (sold business) 89, 90, 91, (losing property) 92, (property to sell) 98, (garage to rent) 100, (bank fails) 101, (flats to rent or lose) 116, (owes money on furniture) 116, (lost pocket book $62) 117, (gas station) 119, (losing home) 122, (100,00 stolen in legacy) 123, 126, (support for invalid daughter) 128, (losing property) 129, (trying to get back pay) 129, (lost property) 133, 135, 153, (lost home and property) 160, (desperation) 162, (lost $10) 162, 166, (Solanus gave him $.30 for gas and a supply of bread) 179, (trying to sell) 185, 186, (beaten out of lawful rent) 190, (owes $40) 199, (losing house) 207, (trying to sell) 209, (looking for room $2 to $3 a week) 212, (missing $1000) 212, (wants to sell beer garden) 219, (property to sell) 225, (planning marriage but) 226, (anxious to pay debts) 229, (wants to sell store or lose it) 238, (trying to pay debt) 241, (hard to keep up taxes, needs to see) 245, (lost $100 in beer garden) 248, insurance refund) 256, (business partner crooked) 257, (beaten out of property) 262, (losing property) 267, (80 year old has forgotten where her $ is) 270, (trying to pay debt) 282, (one time millionaire) 293, (threatened with foreclosure) 297, (trying to save property) 302, 303, (losing Home) 306, (looking for someone to pay for operation) 306, (selling corsets, poor sales – success) 308, (wants to sell house to save it) 308; vol. 4: (lender won’t pay back debt) 3, (anxious to sell property) 9, (wants $92 by Monday) 13, (threatened to be thrown on streets) 18, (raising money to bring wife and baby home from hospital) 19, (fears losing property) 26, 37, (urgent) 42, (business misunderstandings) 44, (flat to rent) 44, 48, (losing home) 51, 54, (purse stolen with all she had $1.11, rosary, etc.) 56, (anxious to sell property) 59, 76, (property for sale) 80, (burned out of home) 87, (losing home) 94, 97, (lost heavily in depression) 105, 106, (hosing business) 109, (house for rent) 113, (behind in rent) 114, (struggling to buy house) 137, 137, (wants to buy a house, family of 8) 145, (looking for home family of 6) 148, (misplaced money to pay for coal, $2.00) 152, 155, (wants to sell store) 162, 163, (fears deception on part of contractor) 163, (room to rent) 173, (anxious to sell before losing) 180, (house to sell) 181, (sell or lose property) 185, 191, (cannot find a house to live in) 230, (lent life savings $2000 to neighbor, impossible to collect) 262
also see, “Bankruptcy,” “Eviction,” “Property sale”
Finger – vol. 3: (infected) 258
Fits – vol. 3:9, 48, 55, 56, 59 (x2), 60, 79, 89, 94, 100, 103, 105 (x2), 141, 144, 147, 149 (x3), 156, 161, (barking like a dog) 166, 170, 194, 197, 199, 201, 225, 230, 231, 234, 244, 254, 261, 270 (x2), 276, 284, 285, 293, 295; vol. 4:4, 10 (?), 13, 16, (for 30 years) 16, 34, 43, 45, 56, 65, 69, 71, 78, 117, 149, (now ok) 160, 203, 216, 232, 233, 257
also see, “Convulsions,” “Epilepsy,” “Fits,” “Seizures,” “Spasms”
Flapper – vol. 2:142
Flood – vol. 3: (victims) 304
Flowers – vol. 4: (for alter) 101; app. 2: (roses for First Friday decorations) 28
Flu, flue – vol. 3:109, 110, 117, 120, 141, 158, 234, 281, (now speechless) 295; vol. 4:58, 173, 174, 191, 209, 213
also see, “Grippe,” “Influenza”
Fools – vol. 2:166, 171, 181, 201, 261 (x4), 263 (x4), 264; app. 2: (damned) 57
Ford, Henry – vol. 3:287; app. 1:17
Forgetfulness – vol. 2:129; vol. 3:113
Forgive, forgiveness – vol. 1:21 (x2), 47, 77, 118, 119
Fortitude – vol. 1:14, 64, 70; vol. 2:48, 329
Fortune teller – vol 3: (witch like) 38, (victim of) 53, 240
also see, “Curse,” “Healer,” “Magic,” “Superstition,” “Wigwam,” “Witch”
Forty (40) Hours Devotion – vol. 2:65, 302; app. 3:32
Francis, St. – vol. 1:7, 64, 253 (x2), 254, 255, 263, 278; vol. 2:94, 206, 281; app. 1:3, 27; app. 2: (yours in St. Francis) 66, (filius us in Corde Jesu and S. Francis) 70
blessing of – vol. 1:266;
feast of, vol. 2:203; vol. 3:183; app. 3:35, 43
Feast of Stigmata, vol. 2:116
True Sons of, app. 2:10
also see, “Rule,” “Testament”
Franciscan – vol. 1:64, 256 (x2), 264; vol. 4: (OFM chaplin! Reported missing) 261
family, vol. 2:237;
harmony, vol. 2:209;
spirit, app. 2:5
also see, “Capuchin,” “Portiuncula,” various Franciscan feasts
Frey, Fr. Bonaventure – app. 3: (death) 33
Friend, friends, friendship, friendly – vol. 1:3, 14, 22, 34, 36, 39, 47, 79, 80, 83, 84, 88, 90, 93 (x 2), 94 (x), 123, 165 (x5), 198, 200, 201 (x2), 202 (x3), 203, 204, 205, 215, 262; vol. 2: 5, 8, 26 (x2), 27, 29, 32 (x5), 35 (x2), 36, 41 (x2), 44, 57 (x2), 60, 75, 83, 84, 87, 89 (x3), 94, 104, 105 (x2), 114, 116, 117, 146, 186, 200, 201; vol. 3:228 (laments he loves his friends so little) 228, (estrangement from) 288; vol. 4: (serious misunderstanding) 195; app. 1:26, 36 (x2), 40; app. 2:21, 26, 62, 66, 68; app. 3:43
chum, vol. 1:203;
of Jesus, vol. 1:253;
with God, vol. 2:200
also see, “Loyalty”
Gall bladder, gall stones, gaul stones – vol. 3:18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 40, 54, 56, 60, 69, 70, 74, 83, 90, 98, 115, 118, 120, 122, 125, 127, 136, 141, 161, 167, 170, 171 (x2), 175, 177, 180, 182 (x2), 185, 186, 192, 198, 201 (x2), 209, 216, 227, 228, 236, 258, 266, 275, 282, 286, 291, 298, 303, 307, 308; vol. 4:10, 15, 27, 29, 44, 52, 59, 62 (x2), 63, 69, 72, 75 (x2), 78, 83, 90, 96 (x2), 100 , 104 (x2), 105, 112, 115, 117, 124, 135, 139, 157, 168, 174, 176, 190, 193, 194, 195, 203, 223, 236, 251, 258
Gambling – vol. 3:63, 149, 199, 292; vol. 4: 40, 131
Gangrene, gangrene, gangreen, gangreenic, gangreenous – vol. 3:7, 65, 71, 108, 118, 121, 131, 137, 141, 152, 161, 163, 165, 178, 232, 235, 260, 268, 293, 301 vol. 4: 20, 36, 39, 59, 84, 90, 130, 136, 148, 206, 209, (gangrenous diabetis) 232, 252 (x2), 260, 261
Gastriti (gastritis?) – vol. 3:172
Generosity, generous – 93, 126, 143, 156, 190, 248; vol. 2:26, 31, 58, 209, 297; app. 1:46; app. 2:36
Gentle, gentleness – vol. 1:19, 68, 86, 101, 117, 256; app. 2:3
George Washington – vol. 1:44
Giacinta Mariscoti, St. – vol. 1:12
Girl’s home – vol. 3:231
Giving – vol. 1:12
Gland problem – vol. 3:63, (swollen) 124, (swollen) 137, 226, 291; vol. 4:77, (lymphatic glands) 189,
Glasses improve the appearance of the wearer – vol 2:98
Glory be to God (and variations) – vol. 1:103, 111, 120, 178, 184, 193 (x2), 201, 274 (x 2), 275, 276, 281, 286 (x3), 287, 297; vol. 2:46, 53, 57, 132, 133, (a billion) 134, 295, 307, 309, 311, 312, 317, 318, 322, 329, 333, 346, 347, 348, 351, 352, 354; vol. 4:269; app. 1:33 (x3), 35, 36; app. 3:18, 19
also see, scriptural index, Luke 2:14
Glaucoma, glaucoma, glaucoma, glucoma, glucomic, glucomiac – vol. 3:112, 137, 189, 288; 4:37, 130, 178,
also see, “Eye”
God condescends to use our powers if we don’t spoil his plan by ours (Edward Casey) – vol. 1:134, 228; vol. 2:37, 105, 163, 182, 191, 194, 238
God help us – app. 1:18
God’s Presence, preserving – vol. 1:5
Goiter, goitre – vol 3:24, 41, 53, 53, 54, 58, 59, 64, 66, 67, 70, 76, 77, 86, 90, 96, 98, 106 (x2), 113, 114, 115 (x2), 116, 136, 139, 146, 150, 154, 159, 163, 165 (x2), 168, 173, 175, 185, 187, 189, 194, 201, 205, 213, 215 (x2), 234, 243, 251, 254, 255, 256, 259 (x2), 261, 263, 266, 274, 279, 284, 285, 286, 287, 298, 299 (x2), 300, 305, 307; vol. 4:1, 11, 14, 23, 25, 30 (x2), 34, 41, 50, 53, 55, 56, 93, 104, 107, 118, 125, 128, 135, 137, 146, 158, 177 (x2), 184, 185, 195, 197, 200, 204, 214, 219, 231, 253, 255, 259
Good Friday – vol. 2:78, (perpetual) 295; vol. 4: (operation on) 103
Good intentions – vol. 1:5, 70
Good Shepherd nun, Good Shepherdess – vol. 4:6, 112, 123
Good Shepherd Sunday – vol. 2:295
Government – vol. 2:242, 243, 316
Governess – vol. 4:53
Grace – vol. 1:6, 10, 13, 17, 27, 37 (x2), 38 (x2), 45 (x2), 51, 55, 85, 101 (x2), 103, 109, 110, 113 (x3), 114, 115, 122, 123, 129 (x2), 135, 147, 148, 149, 153, 155, 157, 188, 190, 215 (x2, 239), 251, 261; vol. 2:4, 38, 45, 47, 61 (x2), 76, 78, 81 (x2), 93, 134 (x2), 192, 193, 194, 202 (x2), 206, 217, 224 (3), 256, 293, 297, 312, (days of) 326 (x4), 332; vol. 4: (prayers for grace to recover or be resigned to her cross) 78, (dying, grace of perfect resignation) 98, (patience till God calls her) 98; app. 1:37, 40; app. 2:61, 66, 67
sanctifying, vol. 1: 37 (x 2); vol. 2:199
Grashoppers, grass-hoppers – vol. 4:33
Grateful, gratitude – vol. 1:4, 6, 16, 48, 58, 67, 71, 92, 93 (x3), 95, 96, 114, 123, 129, 129, 143, 147, 153, 162, 171, 177, 190, 197, 208, 262, 273, 274 (x2); vol. 2:31, 46 (x3), 48, 58, 59, 92, 98, 106, 134, 141, 152, 172 (x5), 181, 200, 204, 205, 211, 241, 244, 263, 272, 273 (x3), 286, 288 (x3), 289 (x3), 293, 326, 328; app.1:4, 25, 37, 44; app. 2:12, 16, 57
as sign of intelligence, vol. 2:172, 181, 265, 286, 302, 305, 342, 354; app. 1:44; app. 2:6,
ingratitude, ungrateful, vol. 1:6, 18, 96 (x2), 262; vol 2:59, 141, 263, 264, (no place for it in heaven) 310, (lack of) 326, 340; vol. 3:157, (ungrateful daughter) 232; vol. 4: (someone meets) 11, (wayward son) 166, (18 yo daughter)
Gregorian Masses – vol. 4:167
Gregory Nazianzus, St. – vol. 1:31
Gregory, St. – vol. 1:3
Grippe, grip – vol. 3:140; vol. 4:58; app. 1:5
also see, “Flu,” “Influenza”
Growth, groth – vol. 3: (on face) 102, (stomach) 106, 115, (breast and back) 142, 150, (in bladder) 153, (head) 161, (breast) 164, (foot) 180, (breast) 197, (kidney) 206, (nose) 207, (stomach – disappeared) 208, 209, 279, (under ear) 283, 289, (rectum) 304; vol. 4:26, (malignent!) 229, (bladder) 237, (neck) 259, (2 yo, throat) 269
also see, “Cyst,” “Tumor,” “Wart”
Guam – vol. 1:104
Guidance – vol. 4: (asks for) 64; app. 3:2, 7, 13 (x2),
Gum disease, problems – vol. 3:107, 129; vol. 4: 266
Gun shot – vol. 3:12, 37, (promises to study for priesthood if spared) 55, (in eye) 110; 4: 39, (accidental 5 yo boy) 42, (7 yo) 101, (president of bank shot himself) 152, (demented wife shot husband) 169, 174, (exploding pistol, lodging bullet in head of boy) 217; app. 3: (Solanus shot to scare a dog away and wounded him) 23, (priest accidently shoots his father) 29
Gypsies – vol. 3:248
Habit – vol. 1:164
Hail Mary – vol. 4: (mother says 1000 for daughter) 240
Hair trouble – vol. 3:54
Halloween – vol. 3: (destructive trick) 190
Hand – vol. 3: (wizened) 57, (dead) 146, (nervous) 210; vol. 4: (peculiar hand perspiration) 26, (swollen) 35
Happiness, happy – vol. 1:7, 12 (x2), 27, 40, 41, 65, 255, 256; vol. 2:59, 92, 93; app. 3:4 (x2)
Hare lip (heir lip) – vol. 3:290
Harmony – vol. 1:93, 95
Harvest – vol. 1:51; app. 3: (Solanus describes harvesting when a child) 21
Hater of religion – vol. 3:192
Haughtiness – vol. 2:89
Hayfever, hay-fever, hay fever – vol. 3:179, 230 (x2), 270; vol. 4:215, 217, 236
Headaches, head aches – vol. 3:58, 89, 94, 98, 101, 108, 120, 126, 150, 166, 180 (x2), 227, 237 (x2), 269, 274, 308; vol. 4:23, 24, 43, 59, 61, 62, 71, 94, 111, 130, 142 (x2), 146, 162, (12 years) 172, 180, 204, 209, 219, 221, 222, 260, 266
Head injury – vol. 3:28
Healer – vol. 3: (sad story with lady healer) 160, (Church of Christ) 161, (healer for hell) 184, 185, 220, (superstitious practices) 250, 290, 310
also see, “Curse,” “Fortune teller,” “Magic,” “Superstition,” “Wigwam,” “Witch”
Healing service at St. Bonaventure – vol. 4: (prayed for here at these devotions) 74, (mother coming for 4 years, son cured) 166
Health, Solanus’ – vol. 1:166, 171, 241, vol. 2:104, 107, 108, 148; app. 1: (grippe) 5, 6, (hospitalization) 8, (anniversary of operation) 18, (hospitalized in Detroit) 20, 21, (seeing chiropractor) 27, (eczema) 28, (still mostly on the mattress) 28, (hospitalized) 32, 33 (in infirmary, “a stumbling 3/4s invalid) 33; app. 2: (improving) 21, (eczema, using Ben Gay – Baume Bengue) 37, 54, (seeing a chiropractor) 61; app. 3: (grippe, bronchitis) 20
Hearing problems – vol. 3:4, 57, 98, 131, 144, 201, 203, 215, 226, 233, 262, 265, 282, 286, 294, 294, 308; vol. 4:11, 18, 37, 40, 76 (x2), 82, 114, 118, 137, 148, (double lancing of ears) 154, 158, (paralysed in left ear) 163, 202, 206 (x2), 211, 220, 229, (2 ½ yo) 247,
also see, “Deafness,” “Mastoid”
Heart – vol. 1:5, 8, 10 (x4), 18, 21, 27 (x2), 28, 34, 36, 37, 40 (x2), 41 (x4), 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 (x2), 52, 55, 58, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 74, 86 (x2), 92 (x2), 95, 113, 114, 117 (x2), 129 (x2), 131, 134, 149 (x2), 165, 168 (x2), 172, 173,
also see, “Sacred Heart”
Heart disease, trouble – vol. 3:3, 23, 24, 32, 37, 39, 45, 48, 58, 60, 61, 67, 71, 75, 80, 90 (x2), 91, 92, 95 (x2), 96 (x2), 100, 103, 107, 111 (x2), 113, 119, 123, 126 (x2), 127, 136, 142, 146, 150, 151, 153, 156 (x2), 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 167, 168, (attack) 181 (x2), 184, 190, 191, 195, 198 (x2), 199, 205, 207, 208, 209, 212 (x2), 213, 221, 224, (clot) 226, 228, 229, 233, 235, 242, 252, 254, 255, 259, 260 (x2) , 262, 263, 265 (x2), 272, 274, 276, 284 (x2), 287, 299, 309; vol. 4:6, 8, 11, 16, 21 (x2), (leakage) 29, 30, 35, 39 (x2), 43 (x2), 45 (x2), 47, (leakage) 52, 52, 61 (x3), 63, 64, 66 (x2), 71, 89 (x2), 90, 92, 94, 95 (x2), 97, 98, 105, 108 (x3), 109, 119 (x2), 120, 126, 128 (x2), 132, 135, 138, 140, 141, 147, 153, 162, (2 week old, congested heart) 162, 163, 165, 166, 179, 184, 185, 190, 191, 195, 196, 197, 206, (serious leakage) 208, (clot in main heart artery) 210, 212 (x2), 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, (heart attack) 226, 227 (x2), 231, 232 (x2), 235, 236 (x2), 237, 238, 239, 245 (x2), 248, 250 (x2), 251, (incurable 3 yo) 251, 252, 254, 255, 262, 270 (x2)
also see, “High blood pressure”
Heartbroken – vol. 3:2, 11 (x2)
Heat distress – vol. 3:302
Heathen child – vol. 3:5
Heaven – vol. 1:12, 17, 27 (x 3), 34, 35, 39, 46 (x 3), 47, 48 (x 3), 52 (x 2), 69 (x 2), 96 (x2), 101, 124, 129 (x2), 134, 141 (x2), 153, 155, 158, 162, 179, 186, 195, 199, 200, 202, 215, 239 (x2), 243, 257, 273, 274; vol. 2:5, 18, 38 (x3), 41, 46 (x2), 47, 48 (x2), 66, 67, 68, 83, 93, 96, 117, 134 (x2), 141, 147 (x2), 151 (x2), 154 (x2), 155, 156, 157, 160, 164, 170, 176, 193, 199, 205, 208 (x2), 210 (x2), 211, 218, 223, 252 (x2), 253 (x3), 263 (x2), 266, 270 (x2), 273, 291, 299, 304, 312, 317, 332, 342 (x2), 348, 349, 357; app. 1:5, 9, 12, 15, 19, 23, 32, 33; app. 2:5, 28, 62, 64; app. 3:12 (x2),
kingdom of, vol. 1:27, 37, 256; vol. 2:193, 309-10, (exiled from) 39, 57
also see, “Divine headquarters,” “Eternity”
Heel – vol. 3: (lost heel to snaping turtle) 75, 143, 170 (wrenched), 282
also see, “Feet/foot”
Hell – vol. 1:27, 39 (x 2), 41, 43, 48, 56, 58, 68, 69, 136, 137, 261; vol 2:222, 264, 272;
on earth, vol. 2:59
Helpless – vol. 3:213; vol. 4:2, 27, 39, 43
Hemorrhage, hemorage, hemoraging – vol. 3:13, 57, 63, 80, 81, 82, 270, 273, (from throat) 292, (cerebral) 295; vol. 4:13, (head and stomach) 24, 27, (cerebral) 27, (brain) 33, 97, (stomach) 114, 133, (cerebrel!) 154, 169, 196, 210, 215, 216, 227, 229, (lungs or stomach) 239, (cerebral) 265, (7 mo cerebral) 267,
Hemorrhoids, hemroids – vol. 4:11
also see, “Piles”
Hernia – vol. 3:133, 160, 227; vol. 4:43, (baby with strangled hernia) 150, (double) 157, 176, 193, 223, 238
Hiccup, hic-cough, hicoughs, hiccough – vol. 3:83; vol. 4:6, 142, (given sulpha-drip for pneumonia, now hiccough for a week) 264,
Hidden life, love of – vol. 1:8
High blood pressure – vol. 3:32, 79, 92, 106, 135, 140, 202, 219, 261, 265, 278, 307; vol. 4:6, 18, 53, 65, 93, 94, 95, 99, 107, 118, 136 (x2), 141, 145, 162, 213, 215
also see, “Heart disease”
Hip – vol. 3: (dislocated) 9, 54, 95 (x2), (broken) 113, (bad) 121, (dislocated) 165, 168, (broken) 258, (fractured) 269, (broken) 290; vol. 4: (broken) 59, (dislocated) 65, (broken) 84, (broken) 119, (fearful pain), (dislocated) 201, (dislocated) 206, (broken) 211,
Hives – vol. 3:99, 284
Hodgkin’s, hochkins, hodgkins, hodgskins – vol. 3:180; vol. 4:28, 30, 50, 78, 88, 94, 101, 151, 158, 208 (x2), 247
Hockey player – vol. 4: (Modere Bruneteau) 54
Holiness – vol. 1:18, 35, 39 (x 2), 45, 53, 62, 263
Holiness, Holynes Church – vol. 4:118
Holy Cross Parish – vol. 3: (prayer for peace in) 116
Holy Family – vol. 2:53
Holy Ghost, Spirit – vol. 1:14, 42, 46, 71, 178, 188 (x2), 261, 272, 274, 276; vol. 2:54, 68, 105, 205 (x2), 281, 287, 299, 309, 320; app. 1:4, 31, 33, 44; app. 2:3, 6
Holy Hour – app. 2:4
Holy Name Society – vol. 3:107; app. 3:36, 39
Holy Thursday – vol. 2:77
Holy Saturday – vol 2:42
Homeless – vol. 4: (husband and wife) 2, (wants a home) 127
Hope, hopeful – vol. 1:17, 35, 55, 61, 67, 75, 78, 79, 85, 95, 134, 137, 177, 178, 256 (x2); vol. 2:40, 59, 83 (x2); 89, 92, 116, 141, 150, 169, 170, 193, 210, 222, 232 (x2), 266, 268, 270, 272, 284, 215, 323; app. 1:5 (x2), 31, 41; app. 2:4, 16 (x2); app. 3:4 (x3)
hopeless, vol. 1:131; (no such thing as a hopeless case) vol. 2:355; vol. 3:70, 74, 80 (x2), 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 93, 94, 102, 106, 108, 111, 112 (x2), 121 (x2), 130, (no hope) 134, 135, 136, 137 (x3), 145, (scientifically hopeless) 145, 152, 154, 155, 158, (mentally hopeless) 164, 174 (x3), 175, 176 (x3), (absolutely) 177, 180, (absolutely) 182, 183, 188, (hopelessly cancerous) 189, (6.5 year old) 193, 195 (x2), 196, 199 (x2), 201, 206, 211 (x2), 212, 215, (very little hope) 222, 223, (3 year old given up by Drs.) 226, (very little hope) 226, 230, 233, (no hope) 238, (no hope) 239, 243, 245, 246, 248, 249 (x2), 250, (very little hope) 251, 252, (now improving) 258, (now healed) 258, 260, 261, (very little hope) 264, 264, (no hope) 268, 270 (x2), 273 (x3) , (no hope) 277, 283, (now improving) 284, 288, (no doctor on earth can cure her) 288, 290, (very little hope) 292, 295, (to science) 297, (to science) 298, 299 (x2), (no hope) 300 (x2), (no hope) 301 (x2), (very little hope) 301, 302, 307; vol. 4: (now in perfect health) 1, (now OK) 4, (absolutely – now herself) 7, (now “feeling like sweet sixteen”) 7, (now astonishing Drs.) 9, 10, (given up as doomed, now improving) 10, (given up by doctors expecting twins) 14, 15, 19, (now ok) 19, 21 (now recovering) 21, 22, (improving) 25, (no hope of recovery) 26, 28, (very little hope) 28, 30 (x2), (no hope) 31, (hopeless – now how) 40 (x2), 41, (no hope) 41, (hopeless, now almost OK) 41, (helpless and hopeless, now sitting up) 42, (given up, in perfect health today) 47, 47 (x2), 48, (little hope) 48, 49, 50 (x2), (not much nope) 51, (little hope) 53, 54, 55, (only a miracle left to hope for) 55, 57, (14 yo hopeless) 58, 60, 62, (baby) 62, 63, 64 (x2), 65, 67, (hopeless in oxigin coop) 69, (but now okay) 70, (now out of danger) 70, (parents drove all night from Chicago to enroll 4 yo) 74 (x2), 75, (seemingly, Drs. Surprised) 76, (13 year old lungs filling, no hope), 76, 80 (x2), 81, (no hope – surprising improvement) 85, 86, 87, (badly burned, now OK) 88, (seems improving) 88, (no hope) 90, 90, 94, 95, 98, (now ok) 98, 101 (x2), 102, (Drs. Now astonished) 104, (all hope vanished, quite ok) 104, 106, (3 ½ yo hopeless, now seemingly cured) 108, (not much hope) 109, (2 days to live) 111, (little hope) 111, (then improved, Drs. amazed) 112, 114, 115, (now feeling fine) 115, 117, (little hope) 118, (simply hopeless, seemingly pulling thru) 120, (only child, no hope of recovery) 121, (little hope) 125, (no hope in science) 126, (hopeless last week, improved) 128 (x3), 132, (very little hope) 132, (hopes for cure abandoned) 135, (little hope), (very little hope) 139, 139, (new born, very little hope) 139, (absolutely hopeless) 142, (3 yo, very little hope) 146, (hopelessly give up, now recovering) 147, (hopelessly cancerous) 148, 152 (x2), 153, (scientifically nothing can be done) 153, 153, (only child little hope) 153, (absolute helpless of science, now almost 100%) 157, (no hope) 160, 161, (enrolled, now decidedly better) 161, 162 (x2), (given up by medical) 165, 166, (scientifically very little hope) 167, 167, (hopeless according to science) 168, (decidedly improved) 171, 173, (hopeless to science) 174, 175, (little hope) 177, (very little hope) 178, 179, (very little hope) 182, (science hopeless) 184, 184 (x3), (science stands agast at outlook for patient) 188, 189, 191, 192, (sent home to die) 192, (very little hope) 193, (hopeless without divine intervention) 193, 194, (quite hopeless as far as science) 194, (little hope) 195, 195, 196, (prayer only hope) 196, 198 (x2), (very little hope) 199, 199, (unless through prayers) 201, 202, (5 mo, no hope) 204, 204, (2 yo) 205, 206, 208, 209, 211, 212, (very little hope) 216, (very little hope) 217 (x2), 218, (no hope scientifically, only hope prayer) 219, (very little hope, only prayers) 220, (Drs. absolutely gave him up) 221, 227, (medical science hopeless) 228, 229 (x2), (3 yo, malignent tumor in liver) 229, 229, 230 (x2), (drs. give very little encouragement) 233, 234, (Drs. entirely without hope, completely at sea) 236, (Drs. helpless) 237, 237 (x2), 238, (except for prayer) 245, 245, (7 week old) 245, (recovery only by miracle) 246, 247, (21 mo, very little hope) 248, 251, 257, (very little hope) 260, (very little hope) 261, 263, (no hope) (8 yo struck by car, unconscious 40 days, no hope of recovery, here today quite improved) 265, (given up by all doctors) 266, 267, (infant brain tumor) 268, 268, 269 (x2)
also see, “Incurable”
House of Correction – see “Prison”
Housekeeper wanted – vol. 3:63
Hudson River – app. 1:7
Huguenot, Hugonots – vol. 3:112
Humble – vol. 1:3 (x2), 17, 55, 58, 93, 133, 149, 156 (x3), 250, 256, 277, 285, 288; vol. 2:48, 103, 162 (x2), 163, 202, 293 (x2), 310 (x3)
Humiliation – vol. 1:15, 155, 186 (x2), 255 (x2), 260; vol. 2:162, 163, 232, 255, 290, 312, 316, 318, 320; app. 2:55
Humility – vol. 1: 7, 8, 19, 21, 39, 62, 131, 153, 155 (x2), 247, 254 (x2), 255 (x2), 260, 275, 281; vol. 2:41, 266, 317; app. 2:8; app. 3:5
Hunchback, hunch-back – vol. 4:109
Ignatius, St. – vol. 1:56; vol. 2: (feast of) 133 [anniversary of first Mass]
Ignorance – vol. 1:29
Imbecile, imbicile – vol. 3:171
also see, “Mental illness”
Immaculate Conception
doctrine – vol. 1:281;
feast of – vol. 1:65, 147, 247; vol. 2:127; anniversary of his vocation, vol. 2:63; app. 2:67; app. 3: (nearly 1000 holy communions) 36
novena to – vol. 3:79; vol. 4:88
Impotence – app. 1:48
In Nomine Jesu (feast of) – vol. 4:51, 91
In Paradiso – app. 3: (Solanus neglected to intone) 22
Incarceration – vol. 3:7 (x2), 8, 83, 85, 289
also see, “Parole,” “Prison,” “Prisoners of War,” “Probation,” “Stillwater Prison”
Incurable – vol. 3:15, 40, 92, 100, 200, 211, 214,
also see, “Hopeless”
India – 166 (Bahaiism)
Indigestion – vol. 3:275; vol. 4: (serious) 138, 238
also see, “Digestion issues”
Infertile – vol. 4: (married 13 years, asks to be blessed with a family) 101
Influenza, influenzia – vol. 3:285, (flu in 1918 now fits) 295; vol. 4:146
also see, “Flu,” “Grippe”
Indians – vol. 1:128
Indifferent – vol. 1:29, 30, 50, 132
Ineffable – vol. 1:35, 39, 107
Infallible – vol. 2:215, 268, 270, 273, 280, 324 (x2)
Infection – vol. 3: (skin) 150, 152, (bone) 177, (blood) 211, (hand and leg) 264, (neck glands) 309; vol. 4: (atheletic foot) 8, 13, (bone) 32, (blood) 43, (mouth) 57, (elboe!) 91, (lip and ear) 144, (head) 159, 179, hands) 185, (in whole system) 192,
also see, “Streptococcus
Injustice, unjust – vol. 1:50, 56, 60, 72, 73 (x2), 74; vol. 2:192, 217, 274; vol. 3: (victim of deplored injustice) 145; vol. 4: (victim of mischievous trick, now in insane asylum) 57, (unjust with sisters) 87
Innocence, innocent – vol. 1:26, 36, 47, 143, 158, 165, 178;
Holy Innocents, vol. 1:99
Innocent III, Pope – vol. 2:200
Innocent XI, Pope – vol. 1:265, 267, 268, 269
Insane, insanity – vol. 2: (intellectual) 166, 191, 201, 205, 222, 242, 264, 283, 303, 326, 33; vol. 3:5, 18, 25 (x2), 27, 28, 36, 51, 64, 143, 145, 181, (fear of) 231, 250, 253, 276, (temporarily) 278, (gave exorcism prayer) 294, (feared) 304; vol. 4: (like insane, snapped out of it after enrolled) 5, 28, (fears) 55, (keeping company with) 70, (inclined to insane) 143, 229 (x2), (insane daughter-in-law) 230, (feared) 238; app. 1:34; app. 2: (communism as climax of) 50, (atheism as) 57
also see, “Asylum,” “Demented,” “Mental Illness”
Integrity – vol. 1:54, 261
Intelligence, intelligently – vol. 2:59, 165, 169, 172 (x2), 181, 200, 204, 215, 244, 264, 265, 286 (x2), 289, 305 (x2), 326;
heavenly intelligence, vol. 2:289
Jesus as divinely intelligent, vol. 2:286;
Also see, “Gratitude (as a sign of intelligence)”
Intemperance – vol. 3:125
Intention – vol. 1:41 (x 2), 47;
good, vol. 1:70, 85;
special, vol. 1:103; vol. 4:128
Intercession – vol. 1:59
Intestinal, intestine problems – vol. 3:107, 254, 275, 291, 299, 303, 306; vol. 4:3, 4, 53, 71, 83, 104, 133, 134, 138, 161, 169, 175
Invalid – vol. 3:16 (x2), 23, 63, 83, 85, 91, 97 (x2), 105, 110, 114, 124, 128 (x2), 135, 176, 199, 211, 215, 216, 221, 228, 233 (x3), 234, 240, 244, 279, 280, 286, 294, 296, 302, 306
Ireland, Irish – vol. 1:74-78, 79-81, 128; vol. 3: (someone offered to pay Solanus passage to) 78, (tuberculosis case from); vol. 4: (accident in Londonderry) 35, (Co. Clare) 111; app. 1:2; app. 2:7, (architect of the “Irish Hill”) 7, (poem) 16; app. 3: (Irish night at Parish) 44
children of St. Patrick, vol. 1:142;
Irish World (newspaper), vol. 1:74-81, 164, 165; app. 1:12; app. 3:31
also see, “Orangeman,” “Patrick, St., feast of”
Iricipulis – vol. 3:191
Iritis, eyritis – vol. 3:152
Iron lung – vol. 4:216
Isaac – vol. 2:193
Isle of Lost Souls – vol. 3:131
Itch – vol. 3: (Barber’s itch) 112; vol. 4:81
Jacob (of Old Testament) – vol. 2:28; app. 3: (his family like the sons of Jacob as herdsmen) 21
Jail – see “Incarceration”
James, St. – (feast of, 48th anniversary of Solanus minor orders) 269
Jansenism, Jansenistic – vol. 1:265, 267, 268, 269, 271, 281, 283, 284 (x2), 285, 287
Jaundice, yellow jandis, jandes – vol. 3:195; vol. 4:42, 193, 208, 239
also see, “Liver”
Jaw problem – vol. 3:289, (new jawbone) 303; vol. 4:9, 223, 258
also see, “Cancer,” “Lockjaw”
Jealous, jealousy – vol. 1:59, 69; vol. 2:229; vol. 4:55
Jesuit – vol. 4:209
Jesus Christ – app. 2: (private audience with) 4
divine infant, vol. 2:14; app. 2: (poem “Infant Jesus”) 15
heart of, vol. 1:83, 149, 152, 156, 176, 180; vol. 2:293;
Holy Name of, Feast, app. 3:28
in the Garden, 68; app. 3:12
is no crank, vol. 1:209;
King of Kings, app. 2:4
passion/suffering, vol. 1:5, 42, 69, 119, 288; vol. 2:100; app. 2:2, 4 (x2), (supreme proof of love) 5; app. 3:12, 18, 19
sacrament of love, app. 2:6
also see, “Blood of,” “Christ,” “Crucifixion,” “Friend,” “Intelligence,” “Laudetur,” “Love,” “Praised be Jesus Christ,” “Sacrifice,” “Suffering”
Jew, Jewish, Judaism – vol 1:194, 201, 246, 252; vol. 2:195, 196, 224, 265, (and atheism) 267; vol. 3:44 (stereotyping?), (Jewish child enrolled) 47, (stereotyping?) 48, 60, 75, (neighbor) 81, (married to) 101, 148, (asked Catholic neighbor to enroll him) 157, 160, (Professor in Chicago) 166, (Russian) 167, 211f, 213, (Jewess) 276, 287 (x3), 296, 299; vol. 4: (3 year old) 8, 27, (remarkable) 33, 36, (enrolled) 91, (Rabbi Rosenwasser) 110, 129, (husband) 130, (blind 8 year old enrolled) 139, (17 mo and Father, both with TB) 141, (Jewiss enrolled by employee) 145, 153, (enrolled) 162, (10 yo enrolled), 165, (Jewess) 170, 196, 207, 208, 229, (convert from Judaism) 240, 245, 258
at his Jubilee Mass, vol. 2:209;
Rabbi Rosenwasser, vol. 2:59
John Climeceus, St. – vol. 1:4
John of the Cross, St. – vol. 1:264
John the Baptist, St. – app. 2: (feast of the Decapitation) 55
Joint problems – vol. 4:68
Joseph Cupertinus, St. – vol. 1:8
Joseph, St. – vol. 1:132, (feast of) 196, 240, 248; vol. 2:26, 35, 57, 81, 82 (x2); app. 1: (rescuing someone from a bear) 41; app. 3:13
St. Joseph Convent, vol. 4:173
Joy, joyful, joyous – vol. 1:8, 11, 17, 36, 38, 40 (8x), 63, 134, 195, 214, 238 (x2), 243, 256, 263, 264, 279, 282; vol. 2:6
Jubilee – vol. 1: (Sodality in Yonkers), 20, (Cardinal Lavigeri of Africa) 54, (1941 in Royal Oak) 152, (Fr. Cotter) 153 & 155, (Golden Jubilee in New York – Our Lady of Sorrows and in Seattle) 165 (x4), 195, , (Fr. Maurice Joachim Casey) 197, (Golden in Seattle) 207; vol. 2: (Plunkett) 1, 24, 187; app. 1: (poem and songs) 1, (2 silver one golden) 36
Diamond St. Joseph Prescott, vol. 1:195, 198 (x3), 202, 205; vol. 2:232, 233
Fr. Edward Casey – vol. 1:162, 197, 215; app. 1:4, 18
Solanus’ Golden, vol. 1:195; vol. 2:122, 187, 207, 208 (x2), 209, 237, 347, 350 (x2); app. 2:57
Judas – vol. 2:229, 254; app. 2:11
Jude, St. – vol. 3: (novena) 192
Judges – vol. 2:137
Judgment – vol. 1:49, 51, 52, 60 (x2), 78, 92, 137, 179, 190, 236; day, vol. 1: 51, 68; app. 2:8
Just, Justice, justly – vol. 1:9, 39, 44, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 59 (x2), 60 (x2), 61, 65 (x 2), 69, 72, 73, 74, 77 (x2), 79, 81, 92, 106, 134, 135, 136 (x3), 137, 252; vol. 2:142, 168, 171, 173, 191, 216, 268, 293; app. 2: (and peace in family) 69
Justice of the Peace – vol.3: (officiating at marriage) 101
Kidnapped – vol. 4:81, (16 yo kidnapped while waiting for bus) 176
Also see, “Missing person”
Kidney, kidnies, kidney stones – vol 3:17, 23, 34, 66, 86, 92 (x2), 95, 98, 134, 135, 151, 156 (x2), 158, 161, 163, 176, (transplant) 182, 185, 192, 193, 194, 198, 199, 231, 235, 239, 241 (x2), 245, 254 (x2), 255, 262 x2), 265, 272, 275, 278, 282, 285 (x2), 288, 289, 296, 297, 298, 301, 303, 304, 309; vol. 4:4, 15, 17, 19, 27, 29, 29, 30, 33, 42, 47, 53, 57, 75, 77, 78, 81, 93, 94, 95, 97, 100, 110, 111, 116 (x2), 118, 120, 128, 134, 137, 138 (x2), 139, 149, 152, 159, 161 (x2), 173, 179, 182, 185, 186, 196, 203, 210, 213, 218, 226, 230, 231, (stones) 232, 234, 250, 255, (malignancy feared) 256
Also see, “Brights,” “Nephritis”
Kleptomania, cleptomenia – vol. 4:7, 45, 66, 160
Knave – vol. 2:261 (x2)
Knee – vol. 3: (dislocated) 203, 112, 119, 131, 144, 178, 203, 208, 290 vol. 4: (broken knee cap) 13, (fearfully painful) 64, (broken) 168, 179, (broken knee-cap) 191, 198
also see, “Leg,” “Shin”
Knowledge of God – vol. 2:92 (x2), 169;
also see, “Purpose of Existence”
Ku Klux Klan – vol. 3:17, 23
Labor(s), laborers – vol. 1:2, 12, 52, 61, 63 (x 2), 87, 94, 101; app. 1:19
Labor Day, app. 3:42
Laquana – vol. 4:30
Latin – vol. 3: (student discouraged) 86
Lame – vol. 3:306; vol. 4:104, 197, 260
also see, “Crippled,” “Palsey,” “Paralysis”
Lament, lamentation – vol. 2:100 (x2), 256 (x2)
Last Rites – vol. 3:197
Laudetur Jesus Christus (L.J.C.) – 83, 160, 186, 190;
also see, “Praise to you”
Laurentius a Brundusium, St. – vol. 1:8
Lay brother – vol. 1:260, 264
Law and prophets – app. 2:6
Leg – vol. 3: (broken, threatened amputation) 80, (crooked) 115, (sore) 117, (broken) 126, (broken) 128, 134, 169, (fractured knee) 178, (broken won’t heal) 196, (broken) 198, (broken) 206, (bad knee) 208, (amputation threatened) 210, (broken) 268 (x2), (broken) 279, (broken) 299, (broken) 310; vol. 4: (broken) 47, (triple break of leg) 49, (broke both) 55, (double fracture) 70, (infection, broken in 4 places) 74, (lost) 84, 96, (broken) 111, (broken when 9 months old) 127, (broken) 138, (broken) 152, (broken) 153, (very peculiarly conditioned leg) 163, (broken) 164, (needs to be rebroken) 165, (amputation) 246, (elephantine) 246, (fearfully swollen) 260,
also see, “Ankle,” Foot,” “Knee,” “Milk Leg,” “Shin”
Legal disputes – vol. 3:5, 10, 14, 51, 56, (trying to break will) 104, (police calls) 106, 108, (charged with being in bad gang) 149, (police trouble, wrong ID) 155, (being sued) 184, (unjustly sued) 187; vol. 4: (in newspaper, mother in legal trouble) 63, (obstructing justice, in league with gamblers) 131, (falsely accused of embezzlement, afterwards president of bank shot himself) 152, (promin police officer accused of conspiracy) 160
Legislators – vol. 3:289
Leo XIII, Pope – vol. 1:15, 49, 51, 53 (x 3), 54 (x 2), 77; vol. 2:200, 316
Leprosy – vol. 1:65
Leukemia, lucemia, lukemia, lukimia, lauckiamia, liukemia, lwukemia – vol. 3:237, 253, 273, 301; vol. 4: (gave relic of Fr. Stephen) 19, 41, 46 (x2), 63, 73, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 88, 98, 103, 107, 112, 114, 115, 121, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 134, 140, 148, 151 (x2), 158, 161, 164, 168, 171, 173, 174, 185, 189, 193, 238, 239, 253, 254, (2 ½ yo lymphatic lukemia) 255, (5 mo) 261, 268,
also see, “Cancer (blood)”
Liberty – vol. 1:83 (x 2)
Lice, Louse – vol. 4: (hair falling out) 197
Lightning – vol. 3: (child struck by) 80
Lip problems – vol. 3:114, 129
Litany – app. 2:7, (of Sacred Heart) 7
Liturgical Year – see “Feasts”
Liver problems – vol. 3:103, 105, 120 (x2), 176, 209, 212, 239; vol. 4:33, 42, 43, 78, 82, 100, 109, 135, 139, 149, 156, (hardening of) 158, 193, 236
also see, “Jaundice,” “Sclerosis,” “Tumor”
Lockjaw – vol. 3:189, 304; vol. 4:229, 246
Logical – vol. 2:200
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth – vol. 1:286, 287
Louis, St. – app. 1: (patron of Third Order) 10, 11
Lourdes – vol. 2: (feast of our Lady of) 304 , 360
Love, loved, lover – vol. 1 4, (of crosses) 8, (of BVM) 8, (of poverty) 8, 34 (x4), 35, (of Poor Souls) 39, 39, 45, (Jesus) 45, (of BVM) 45, 47, (God’s laws) 48, (sacrament of) 49, 50, 55, (of wisdom) 56, 71, (of Ireland) 74, (of Ireland) 79, 79, 84, 86, (wife and children) 101, 106, 109, 110, 111, 117, 120, 126, 128, 129, 132, 135 (x3), (of Capuchin Order) 147, 160, 170, 178, (of the world) 199, 242, 255, 262, (brotherly) 262, (of heaven) 270, (sorrow and pain) 270, (heavenly things) 272, 273, , 278; vol. 2:1 (x3), 33, 84, 85, 92 (x2), 130, 146 (x2), 154, 156, 169, 172 (x2), 202, 218 (x2), 238, 239, 293, (as always beautiful) 293; app. 2:4, 6
God’s love, vol 1: 4, 5, 27,(of Christ) 35, 45 (x2), 46 (x4), 48, 49, 69 (x4), 84, 86 (x2), 117 (x2), 129 (x2), 141 (x2), 170, 173, 178, 208, 239, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 260, (Jesus as lover) 262, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 275, 277, 278, (of Sacred Heart) 288, 288; vol. 2:33, 84, 85, 111, 116, 117, 156, 257, 263, 271, 273, 287, 296, 297, 301;
God as lover of Souls, vol. 2:164 (x2), 293;
illegitimate, vol. 2:293, 294;
in God, vol. 2:291
Jesus’ love for Mary, vol. 1: 268 (x2); vol. 2:280, 286, 287 (x2);
Love letters, (I try to have all of my letters and responses be more or less ‘love letters’) 14
of God, vol. 1:13, 37; vol. 2:38, 44, 46, 78, 103 (x2), 151, 154, 156, 165, 168, 169 (x2), 170 (x2), 208, 210, 223, 224, 252 (x2), 253 (x2), 257, 261 (x2), 263, 264 (x2), 290, 297, 305 (x2), 309, 311;
of BVM, vol. 1: (of BVM) 56 (x9),262, 269, 270, 277, 288 (x2),
of God and neighbor, vol. 2:226, 265; app. 1:14
of humiliation, vol. 2:290;
of peace, vol. 1: (of peace) 136; 2:268 (x2);
of truth and justice, vol. 1: (of justice) 65 (x2), (of justice) 72, (of justice) 136; vol. 2:268;
also see, “Purpose of existence”
Low – vol. 4:2
also see, “Dark night of the Soul,” “Depression,” “Despair,” “Despondent,” “Discouraged,” “Sad”
Loyalty – app. 2: (to friends, to the Order) 12
Lucifer – vol. 1:136; vol. 2:81, 165, 166, 201, 222, 229, 264; app. 2:57
Lumbago – vol. 3:170
also see, “Back”
Lump – vol. 3: (on shin) 76, (in throat) 83, (breast) 106, (breast) 127, (breast) 128, (vanished) 164, (gone) 165, 252, (breast) 287; vol. 4:1, (breast) 4, (breast) 19, (side) 31, (now almost gone) 41, (neck) 76, (breast) 143, (breast) 148, (in side size of tumbler) 179,
Lung – vol. 3: (collapse) 127, 134, 138, (collapse) 154, 157, 161; vol. 4: (infected) 5, 61, 119, 126, 206, 207, (spot on) 221, 221, 227, 230, (6 yo lung to be removed) 269
Lutheran, Lutherin, Lutherine, Luthern – 210; vol. 2:26 (x3), 85; vol. 3:13 (enrolled in SMA), (Lutheran minister converts) 78, 81, 112, 128, 142, (converted former Lutheran Minister) 155, (convert) 156, 161, 171, 173, 174, 199, 204, 209, 210, 222, 230, 231, 233 (x2), 247, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 269, 276, 285, 289, 298, 299, 303, 304, 306; vol. 4:3, 11, 16, 18, (enrolls) 20, 21, 22, (enrolled) 23, 24, 26, 28, (baptized Catholic, raised L) 32, 39, 45 (x2), 46, 54 (x2), 56, 65 (x2), (child cannot stand) 66, (enrolled) 67, (marriage before Lutheran minister) 68, (from Sweden) 68, (enrolled by Catholic Wife) 71, 72, 75, 85, (will push marriage blessing if spared) 88, 89, 94 (x2), (mother asks for prayers for son) 96, 114, 115, 120, 123, 124, 129, (Swedish Lutheran, promises to look earnestly into religion) 132, 136, 137, (enrolled) 140, 142, 147, 164, 166, 169, 170, 174 (x2), 175, 178, 179, 181, 185, (knelt for a blessing) 189, 191, 192, (nearly everything wrong with her) 192, 193, (congratulated on being Christian) 193, 195, 196, 198, 201 (x2), 207, 208, 215, 220, (promises to look into relig!) 222, 228, 230, 231, 232, 235, 240, 241 (x2), 252, (English Lutheran) 256, 259, (blessed with relic of Cross) 265
Magic – vol. 4: (black) 58
also see, “Curse,” “Fortune teller,” “Healer,” “Superstition,” “Wigwam”
Maggots – vol. 4:34
Magnanimity – vol. 1:4
Making monkies of themselves – app. 2:11
Malaria – vol. 3:182; vol. 4:194
Malta (Malte) fever – vol. 3:273
Maltese people – vol. 2:305
Margret Mary (Alacoque) – vol. 1:10
Mark, St. – app. 3: (feast) 3
Marriage, matrimony – vol. 1:35–6, 161, 249; vol. 2:164 (x2); vol. 3: (invalid) 6, (by Justice of Peace) 101, (no Mass, no Sacraments) 166, (Catholic wants to marry Baptist) 242; app. 1: (sexual impotence) 48
(promises to have) marriage blessed – vol. 4:88, 212, 230, 233
also see, “Family distress,” “Wedding”
Martyr, martyrdom – vol. 1:64, 77; vol. 2:110
Mary of Agrata, Agreda, Agrada – vol. 1:132, 287; vol. 2:14, 91, 149 (x2), 160, 231, 348; vol. 4:129; app. 1:43; app. 2:21, 39
also see, “Mystical City”
Mary, Blessed Virgin – vol. 1:17, 44-46, 65, 132 (x2), 138, 172 (x2, 174), 178 (2), 181 (x2), 214, 247 (x2), 261; 254, 255, 262 (x4), 264, 268-289; vol. 2:20, 22, 35, 53, 57, 90, 91, 160 (x4) 161 (3), 246, 248, 280, 281, 348; vol. 3:299; vol 4: (source of healing) 202; app. 1:22, 33, 43; app. 2: (whithered flowers on her shrine) 7, (her advent) 8, 9, 11, 21; app. 3:5
Annunciation – vol. 4:171
Assumption, vol. 1:192, vol. 2:21, 286-287, 310, 311, (vigil of) 325, 340, (vigil of) 342; app. 2: (vigil of) 39; app. 3: (well attended feast, not many communicants) 34, 41
coredemptrix, vol. 1:281;
devotions to, vol. 1:44, 70; vol. 3: (argument about) 168; app. 2:6
Fatima, app. 2:47
Favors, blessings, intercession of, 18; app. 2:59
Gate of Heaven, app. 2:3
George Washington and, vol. 1:44-5;
God’s masterpiece, vol. 1:269 (x2), 271 (x2), 277 (x4), 278 (x3);
Guadalupe, vol. 2:17;
help of Christians, vol. 2:279;
immaculate, vol. 1:188, 253, 256 (x2), 258, 262, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 277; vol 2:102, (immaculate heart of) 256;
Immaculate Conception, vol. 1:132, 147, 231, 247, 278; vol. 2:57;
Lady of Sorrows, feast of, vol. 2:147;
Love for, vol. 1:8;
Maternity, feast of, vol. 2:40 (x2), 215;
Morning star of Christianity, app. 2:8
Mother, our, app. 2:6
Mother of redemption, vol. 2:287;
Mother of wisdom, vol. 1:55;
Nativity of, feast of, vol 2:58, 311 (x2); vol. 2:140; app. 3:34
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, feast of, app. 1:17
Our Lady of Victory, vol. 4:79
Perpetual help, vol. 3: (novena) 194; app. 3: (novena by altar boys) 34
Presentation of Blessed Mother Mary in Temple, app. 2:25; app. 3:36
Promises to by Lutheran if favor received, vol. 3:269
Queen of all creation, vol. 1:285; vol. 2:248;
Queen of All Saints, vol. 2:343;
Queen of Heaven, vol. 1:272, 274, 286; vol. 2:160;
Queen of Lourdes, vol. 2:290;
Queen of Martyrs, vol. 1:270; vol. 2:194;
Queen of Mercy, vol. 2:290;
Queen and Mother of Missionaries, vol. 2:346;
Queen of Peace, vol. 2:343;
Queen of the Apostles, vol. 1:277, 288;
Queen of the Holy Rosary, vol. 2:343;
Queen of the Most Holy Trinity (?), vol. 2:290;
Queen of the Universe, vol. 1:168, 178, 276, 285, 290;
sorrows/sorrowful, vol. 1:67 (x7), 270, 277 (x3), 288;
SSi Rosarii, festa (feast of Holy Rosary), vol. 4:1; app. 1:27; app. 2:7
Visitation, feast of, app. 3:33
also see, “Love of,” “Mystical City,” “Purification”
Mason – vol. 3:178, 211, 303; vol. 4:1
Mass, holy – vol. 1:71, 104, 110, 111, 123 (x2), 130 (x3), 179 (x2), 185 (x2), 190 (x5), 193, 195, 196, 198, 200, 202 (x5), 203, 204 (4), 205 (x3), 207 (x2), 208 (x3), 208, 211, 213, 216 (x5), 235, 237, 238, 241, 245; vol. 2:31, 32, 42, 45 (x3), 50, 97 (x2), 105, 121, 125, 134, 145, 161, 204, 209, 227 (x2), 290; app. 1: 8, 9 (x3), 18 (x2), 20 (x2), 21, 23, 24 (x4), 28 (x2), 32, 33, 34; app. 2:21 (x2), 54, 67 (x3), 70 (x2); app. 3:10, 13, (parish retreat, 15 Masses daily) 41, (14 Masses daily) 42, 43 (x6)
Children’s, app. 2:13
Convent, app. 2:7
First Mass
ooof Fr. McCloskey, vol. 2:143; app. 2:54
ooof Fr. Theodosius, app. 3: 40
Promises attendance when praying for cure, vol. 3:62; vol. 4: (promises monthly High Mass for daughter’s cure) 198
Three Casey brothers say holy Mass, app. 3:43
also see, “Anniversary,” “Gregorian,” “Jubilee”
Mastoid, mastoiditis – vol. 3:41, 46 (x2), 55, 58, 69, 84, 90, 93, 95, 97, 105, 119 (x2), 121, 123 (x3), 127, 139, 155, 161, 165, 168, 176, 198, 200 , 202, 203, 206, 208, 210, 213 (x2), 291; vol. 4:12, 16, 17, 33, 54, (6 ½ yo) 64, 66, 94, 128, 140, 170, 222, 225, 239
also see, “Hearing problems”
Material, materialist – vol. 1:138 (x2); vol. 3:250
Mayo clinic (Rochester) – vol. 3:53, 99, 127, 130, 135, 161, 191, 287; vol. 4:42, 63, 74, 87, 115, 158, 231, 260, 269
Measles, mealsles – vol. 3:119, 126, 135, 203; vol. 4:17, 19, 25, 145, 263, 267
Medical error – vol. 3:192
Meditation – vol. 1:5, 8
Medium – vol. 3: (visited, then lost faith and mind) 87
Memory loss – vol. 3:140, (restored) 172, (improving) 207, 283; vol. 4: (31 yo hardly any memory) 257; app. 1: (gift from God) 31, (of Solanus’ childhood) 32,
Menendeth, Sr. Josefa – vol. 2:317
Meningitis, meningitis, maninjitis, meningitis, manigitis, maningitis, maingitis, man’tis, mmenagitis – vol. 2:195; vol. 3:60, 90 (x3), 91, 99, 121, (tubercular maningitis) 145, 183, (tubercular meningitis) 193, 207, 208 (x2), 242 (x2), 279, 281, 285, 293, 303; vol. 4:17, 23, 29, (mengicoctic meningitis) 53, (of brain) 54, 66, (brain) 74, 75, 88, 90, 112, 117, 140, (quote improving) 142, 146, 156, 165, 168, 187, (brain) 228, 229, 248, (TB few from Cleveland to Ft. Wayne) 269
also see, “Spinal/spine”
Mennonite – vol. 3:133
Mental, mental illness – vol. 3:4 (x3), 15, 16, 34, 63, 64 (x2), 71, 86, (lost his mind) 87, (loosing mind) 90, 92, 97 (x2), 99 (x2), 103, (losing mind) 103, 104 (x2), (childish) 110, (losing mind) 111, (losing mind) 112, (losing mind) 113, 117, (lost mind & faith) 117, 120, (losing mind quite) 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, (raving maniac) 140, 151, (losing mind) 154, 156, (mind of a 12 year old) 157, (mentally subnormal) 158, (lost mind) 158, (fears lose mind) 160, (recovered from lost mind) 160 (x2), 162, 164, (mentally hopeless), 165, 167 (x2), (unbalanced: 52 year old steals cookies) 167, 168, 176, 183, 191, (lost mind) 197 (x3), 206, (losing mind) 209, (unbalanced) 214, (out of mind) 222, (lost mental balance) 223, 224 (x2), (next to insane) 226, (mentally unbalanced) 247, 250, (lost baby then lost mind) 266, (fears losing mind) 274, 280, 281, 300, 301, 308; vol. 4:15, (mentel trouble) 48, 55 (x2), (mental weakness) 55, (infantile 10 yo; wants to be priest) 63, (fears loss of mind) 64, 65, 70, 72, (95 yo childish at times) 75, 78, 82, 85, (sisters fear she is “off”) 87, (previously cured) 92, 92, 93, (peculiar ringings in head) 100, 103, (mind lost) 113, 113, (17 yo, almost infantile) 121, 124, (30 yo, mentality of a 2 yo) 124, (seemingly deranged) 129, (almost out of mind) 137, 150, (near mental) 150, (12 yo, fear mental) 154, 155, 156, (mental break) 167, (mentally deficient 6 yo) 178, (marine) 186, 186, 192 (x2), (feeble mind) 195, (mental break) 195, 209, (2 ½ yo mental since birth) 216, (15 yo mentally weak, stubborn) 230, (mentally weak) 231, (seriously mental) 231, (wife dropped dead, shock completely unnerved him, in hospital strapped down) 233, 235, (92 yo “childish”) 241, (17 yo mentally weak) 241, 248, (13 yo with mind of a child) 258, 264
also see, “Anxiety,” “Breakdown,” “Crazy,” “Depression,” “Imbecilic,” “Insane,” “Nervous,” “Psychopathic,” “Scrupulosity,” “Shell-shocked”
Mercies, merciful, mercy – vol. 1:10, 39 (x3), 56 (x3), 59, 60, 61, 62, 69, 71, 73, 99, 116, 117, 119 (x2), 135, 153, 155, 156 (x2), 159, 177, 182 (x2), 194, 199, 250, 251; vol. 2:31, 58, 78, 105, 116, 134 (x2), 148, 161, 168, 187, 207, 208 (x4), 214, 239, 253, 255, 261, 291, 293, 297, 309, 310 (x2), 315, 326, 336, 340, 344, 348, 351; vol. 4: (prayers for) 199; app. 1: (God’s mercy) 26, (God’s) 32, (God’s 34); app. 2:16 (x3), (God’s) 50, 51, 54, (God’s) 55 (x2), 59 (x2); app. 3: (God’s) 14, (God) 18
Mercy Hall – vol. 2:309 (x2), 311, 312, (history) 329-31; vol. 3:171, (foundress Miss Gibson) 172, 231, 293; vol. 4:98, 139
Mercy Sisters – vol. 4: (novice calls for brother) 203
Methemoglobinemia – see “Blue Baby”
Methodist, Methodest – vol. 1:210; vol. 2:159, 214, 230, 231, 280; vol. 3:20, 106, 142, 143, 151, 154, 158, 178, 184, 200, 203, 210, 211, 216, 219, 226, 234, 256, 261, 263, 268, 276, 277, 280, 289, (minister’s daughter) 294, 295, 298 (x2); vol. 4: (“colored”) 7, 23, 27, 30, (once enthusiastic Methodist Sunday-school teacher) 32, (cured through novena to St. Ann – converted) 36, 54, (colored child with ezsema) 64, (father minister, grandfather Methodist bishop) 65, 70, 99, 107 (x2), 117, 122, 124, 127, 159, 167, 168, 177, 181 (x2), 184, 188, 192, 193, 195, 200, 201, 204, 210, 217, 222 (x2), 225, 226, 228 (x2), (widow, wants to take instruction, eventually join an order) 230, 231, 240, 247, (father drove to Huntington with child in rain; waited out in car till called in) 269, (talk with young Methodist minister) 269
also see, “Protestant”
Mexico – vol. 4:66
Michelangelo – vol. 2:348-9
Million dollar prize – vol. 2:267, 268, 270, 277
Milk leg – vol. 3:143
Mindezenty, Cardinal Josef – vol. 2:274
Miracles, myracle, miraculous cures – vol. 2:81 (x2), 86 (one out of thousands), 112 (x2), 140 (x2), 147, 149, 160, 185, 213, 234, 241 (big shots at hospitals who don’t believe), (from “hopeless” cancer) 258; (Solanus’) 299-300, 307, 315 (x2), 360 (x2); vol. 3: (from pneumonia) 2, 12, (from depression) 13, (from cancer) 13, (from mental breakdown) 15, (from diabetes) 15; (optic nerves) 15, (from deafness) 22, (from Brights disease) 21; (from gall Stones) 21, (from auto accident) 21, (from tuberculosis) 21, (consumption) 22, 23, (from blindness) 23, (cancer) 24, (goiter) 24, (enemia) 25, (penticitis/appendicitis?) 25, (insanity) 25, (dwarfism) 25, (cancer) 26, (paralysis) 27, (insanity) 27, (blindness) 27, (insanity) 28. (eating disorder) 31, (auto accident) 31, (cancer) 32), (bronchial problems) 32, (tuberculosis) 33, (curvature of spine) 33, (kidney) 34, (curviture of spine and paralysis) 34, (blind/cataracts) 35, (cancer) 35, (enemia) 35, (insanity) 36, (streptococcus) 36, (synovitis) 37, (gun shot wound) 37, (cancer) 37, (blindness) 39, (infant able to walk) 38, (rheumatic paralysis) 38, (appendicitis) 39, (sick newborn) 39, (abcess) 40, (peritonitis [perenitis]) 40, (consumption) 41, (trolley accident) 41, (paralysis) 41, (goiter) 41, (stroke) 41, (stomach) 42, (stomach) 43, (cancer) 44, (paralysis) 44, (diphtheria and double quinsy) 44, (heart/pneumonia) 45, 46, (ear – mastoiditis) 46, (cancer) 47 (x2), (tuberculosis) 47, (arthritis) 48, (childbirth) 49, (cancer) 49, (cancer) 50, (pneumonia) 50, (childless) 50, (sick child) 50, (paralysis) 50, (incurable disease) 51, (ruptured appendix) 51, (sinus/sinis) 51, (sleeping disorder) 52, (pneumonia and coma) 52 , (mastoid and rheumatism) 55, (paralysis/ parlisis) 55, (penticitis operation averted) 56, (gall stones) 56, (goiter) 59, 59, (blindness) 59, 65 (x2), (cancer) 67, (cancer of mouth) 79, (gifted girl – cures thru her) 82, (dying from abscesses of lungs) 83, (wound from surgery) 84, (eczema) 88, (cured woman now listening to fakers and leaving Christianity) 91, (sleeping sickness) 93, (heart) 95, (paralysis) 99, (cancer of throat) 111, (gallstones without operation) 118, (spinal meningitis) 121, (husband makes first communion, dying woman recovers) 124, (pneumonia) 124, (rupture) 129, (cancer) 138, (10 year old, 2 hours to live) 148, (10 year old losing sight) 151, (lock-jaw, deafness) 189, (eye damage) 195, (baby – cerebral hemorage, throat paralysis) 198 , (eyeritus) 199, (growth) 208, (stiff arm) 209, (enemic nervous) 209, (infant) 215, (epileptic) 216, (epilepsy cure) 219, (fell 18’ to cement floor) 227), (pneumonia, emphysema, threat of spinal meningitis) 230, (cancer of liver) 234, (tuberculosis) 235, (astonishing) 242, (miraculously saved from instant death by suicide) 243, (almost blind 100% improved) 244, (after football accident) 249, (survived operation) 252, (cured!) 254, (cured) 261, (eyes gorged out, unable to see when replaced, enrolled and blessed, went home from monastery and took off bandage and screamed “I can see”) 264, (cured) 266, (dying of cancer – cured) 267, (63 year old not walked for 2 years till brought to Monastery) 272, (dying of cancer, cured) 276, (infant swallows big brass pin) 279, (cured of diabetis and stomach cancer) 281, (doctors think miracle) 283, (doctor says miracle) 286, 287, (4 year old could not speak, now “talks like a whirlwind”) 291, (cured over phone) 295, (blind now can see, astonishing) 309; vol. 4: (blind since 3 weeks old; at 6 points to crib in Church “look Mama”) 8; (2 ½ give up by all doctors in Florida, now in perfect health) 8, (2 cross-eyed children cured) 9, (given up scarlet fever, hooping cough, strep – doctors astonished) 14, (abcessed breast supposed to be cancerous absolutely cured) 15, (15 year old dying with spinal maingitis, now healthier than ever) 17, (kidney) 29, (tongue cured of burn) 32, (Drs. Astonished) 34, 36, (broken back and scull; now perfect condition) 42, (lame) 44, (given up 6 yo) 44, (TB, enrolled, now 100%) 46, (bleeder, enrolled, never bled since) 47, (given up, in perfect health today) 47, (hopelessly full of pertenitis – now normal) 56, (almost blind, now ok) 57, (accident, paralyzed, blood-clot on brain, now ok) 61, (cancer, improved immediately after enrolled, now entirely gone) 66, (4 days to live, enrolled, astonishingly improved) 67, (from blindness) 70, (brain tumor 5 yo, now in perfect health) 73, (prayed for at St. Bonaventure Devotions, no longer dying) 74, (cancer of face) 75, (convulsions stopped since perpetual enrollment) 75, (infantile paralysis, Drs. Astonished at miracle) 76, (lukemia, hoped now possibly a miracle) 77, (4 yo sees again perfectly, Dr. “most marvelous ever seen”) 78, (prayed to Our Lady of Victory, doctors astonished) 79, (tuomer dissolving for 7 yo) 80, (believed to be dying; blood circulation came back) 84, (28 month old prayed for, now can almost stand alone) 84, (threatened foot amputation, came to monastery and enrolled; foot saved, alive again) 84, (all astonished, 23 month normal) 90, (14 yo cancer on back, completely cured) 91, (infantile paralysis cured) 93, (doctors astonished) 98, (lukemia, 3-4 days to live, fast becoming normal) 103, (3 ½ yo hopeless, now seemingly cured) 108, (bleeder seeming cured) 110, (TB, through frequent communion) 123, (bleeding tuomer, no operation, in perfect health) 125, (goitre vanished) 125, (fearful accident, Drs. absolutely hopeless, in perfect condition) 128, (extraordinary ski/nail eruption, incurable) 131, (threatening condition from tuomer, Drs positively astonished) 132, (ulcerated eye, terrible pain, gone day after enrolled) 133, (throat cancer) 141, (spinal meningitis, given up as hopeless, today perfect health) 146, (brain tuomer partly removed, in coma, blind and deaf, walking and can hear and see) 147, (9 yo, brain tuomer, pneumonia, paralyzed; pronounced cured) 149, (baby with strangled hernia, Drs. astonished no operation necessary) 150, (operation entirely averted, Drs. astonished) 163, (lukemia, given up, astonishing doctors) 164, (hopeless cancer of tongue) 166, (cancer, 3 months to live, gained 50 lbs., very active) 180, (doctor’s advised let patient die, enrolled, now looking fine) 182, (baby born with water on brain, head girth shrank from 17 ¼ to 14 ¼ inches; “phenominal!”) 183, (17 years spinal paralysis, came to blessings for 9 Wednesdays, reports perfectly cured) 183, (serious trolley accident, spinal fraction, drs. astonished, sat up walked, some refuse to believe cure) 187, (restored to perfect hearing by coming for bl. Twice a week for a whole year) 197, (contrary to scientific predictions that he’d never walk or talk he does both, now in 3rd grade) 198, (enrolled for cancer, next day no trace of ugly sore on lip) 199, (dying to all appearance, then baptized, back to work) 203, (arthritis, told never walk again, enrolled, now walks perfectly) 206, (blin, but anointed and now sight perfect) 208, (detached retina but can see; already miraculous; hope to complete the miracle) 209, (kidney to be removed, enrolled, operation cancelled) 224, (8 months, pronounced dying, father asked for prayers, now a “bright hustler of 9 years”) 225, (4 yo could not sit up, only hope mental institution; now “a live wire – normal every way) 228, (4 yo could not sit up, only hope mental institution; now “a live wire – normal every way) 228, (8 yo, food allergies, convulsions, fearfully asthmatic, enrolled, perfect health ever since) 228, (terrible spells, enrolled, Drs said nothing could be done, never had another spell) 232, (7 yo, operations, “draining,” enrolled, draining stopped, boy in perfect health since) 235, (astonishing recovery of dead finger) 241, (18 mo, encephalitis of brain, 24 hours to live, enrolled, stops for blessing on way home) 245, (blind, little hope, enrolled, sight now OK) 246, (son and ship crew enrolled, struck mine, ship and cargo went down, no one of 2500 was lost: miraculous) 247, (2 ½ y, given up by all specialists, enrolled, improved, Dr.’s astonished) 247, (serious operation for sinus, enrolled, operation cancelled, 85% better) 247, (expecting bra tumor operation, Drs astounded to find no tumor atal!) 252, (2 ½ lukemia given 3 months, today lively and normal) 255, (son nearly killed, now married, father wants record of his cure) 261, (4 yo, incurable, enrolled, now quite well) 262, (8 yo struck by car, unconscious 40 days, no hope of recovery, here today quite improved) 265, (given up by all doctors, enrolled, now seemingly on way to recovery) 266, (notable case: 6 yo para lukemia, first communion in bed, here bright and smiling; then back to school, no traces of lukemia) 268, (cancer of neck and mouth, enrolled, told not live over a month, now astonishes) 269; app. 2: (only God can work miracles) 62
sacrifice in thanksgiving for, vol. 2:185, 196, 245, 248; vol. 3:84
wants a miracle, vol. 3:102
Miscarriage (miscarriage) – vol. 3:159, 191
Missing person – vol. 3: (found next day) 1, (lost child found) 56, 65 (x3), (vanished) 73, 79, 86, (wayward 18 year) 130, (lost 3 years) 142, 151, (absent 5 years) 169, 172, 188, (accident?) 189, (vanished) 211, (vanished, then returned) 230, (vanished) 235, (vanished) 247, (16 year old failed in school and left home) 250, (14 year old orphan ran away) 259, (no trace) 260, (wife comes to U.S. from Columbia to find husband, no trace) 269, (vanished) 278, (17 year old no trace) 278, (away for 5 years) 296, (away for 10 years, had turned back to church and planning to come home when suddenly died) 303, (son, violinist, wandering, about the time of his enrollment sleeping out in field a huge snake awaked him) 304; vol. 4:9, (21 year old wandered away from husband and baby) 11, (vanished) 38, 55, (vanished) 57, (son missing since World War) 82, (car found, not trace, wife expecting) 101, (15 yo serious accident, wandered away) 116, (15 yo girl came home) 121, (19 yo disappeared 7 weeks ago) 126, (15 yo vanished) 133, (deceptive 17 now missing) 136, (13 yo, left note, going to San Fr-isco) 156, (16 yo vanished) 171, (17 yo) 173, (22 yo, fear drowned) 175, (left home looking for work, no word or trace) 180, (50 yo did not come home after work) 218, (husband away from home 9 months) 221, (21 yo away 9 months) 234, (50 yo gone 3 years) 236, 240, (fire man) 242, (19 yo gone 42 months) 248, (wandered away 14 months ago, homesick, back with mother) 250, (16 yo) 260, (16 yo missing 3 months) 262, (anxious that friend did away with herself) 263,
also see, “Family distress,” “Kidnapped,” “Prodigal Son story,” “Wayward”
Mission, missionary – vol. 1:19, 111, 116, 148 (x2), 149, 169 (x2), 182, 197, 202, 205, 216, 227, 243; vol. 2:26, 44, 53 (x2), 63 (x2), 211, 248 (x2) (as catholic action) 242, (suffering as) 255, 282, 300, 315; vol. 3: (donation to) 290; vol. 4: (prayer for “colored” missions) 121, (missionary among colored asks for prayers) 200, (childless family offers $100 for missions) 241, (donation for poor Missions) 265, (statistics from Mission Digest) 268; app. 1:30; app. 3: (signed “Sincerely in Christ and his mission works) 16, (call to be a missionary) 19
Christ as the Master Missioner, vol. 2:176; app. 3:8
Mission Band – vol. 3:78
Missions Digest – vol. 4:230
Mission Band – see “Eucharistic Mission Band”
Misunderstanding – vol. 2: (the world is full of) 212; vol. 3: (between friends and lovers) 8, (misunderstood & persecuted) 156, 197
Modest – vol. 3:268
Mongolian baby, Mongolian like – vol. 4:158, 202, 205
Monson, Thomas (The Lord shapes the back to the burden) – vol. 2:57
Monstrance – vol. 3: (vision of) 124
Montana – vol. 3: (no rain in Montana) 297; vol. 4: (grass-hoppers come like clouds) 33
Moral, morality, moralize – vol. 1:30; vol. 2:46, 274, 299;
moral degeneracy/degeneresy, vol. 2:268, 320, 326;
moral depravity, vol. 2:283, 303;
moral insanity, vol. 2:165, 166, 242, 244;
moral obligation, vol. 2:205;
immorality, vol. 2:166, 243
Mormon, Morman– vol. 3:133; vol. 4:170
Morphea – vol. 4:207
also see, “Skin”
Mortification – vol. 1:14, 69, 107, 243, 247, 258, 259, 263; app. 2:11
Moses – vol. 2:271
Mothers – vol. 2:287
Mouth problems – vol. 3: (cancer) 79, 105; vol. 4: (trench mouth) 134
Mt. Clemens cemetery – vol. 3:173
Multiple sclerosis – see, “Sclerosis”
Mumps – vol. 3:287; vol. 4:146
Murder – vol. 3:173
Muscular dystrophy – vol. 3:305; vol. 4:8, 19, (antrophy) 30, 63
Music, musician; vol. 2:210; vol. 2:1 “Daddy and Mother Machree,”; vol. 3: (musician with brain tuomer) 288; vol. 4: (14 yo musical genius, now paralized!, blind, deaf) 266; app. 1: (of birds) 32; app. 2: (“Daddy and Mother Machree) 17; app. 3: (for parent’s Golden Jubilee) 43
also see, “Song”
Muslim – vol. 3: (Mohamidan) 258
Myasthenia gravis, mysesthenia – vol. 4:211
Mystical City of God – vol. 1:168, 172, 173 (x2), 178 (x2), 189 (x2), 268-289; vol. 2:20, 22, 91, 120, 149, 160, 161, 215 (x3), 231, 348, 359; vol. 3: (promises to read if husband goes to sacraments) 244, (lame man advised to read) 306, (daughter promises to read “Conception” if mother is spared) 307, (Christian Scientist promises to read if husband changes) 309, (promises to read if daughter and sister is cured) 309, (mother promises to read if son’s operation is avoided) 309, (promising to read if outlook on cancer brightens) 309; vol. 4: (promises to read) 1 (x2), (takes 4th volume) 9, ($10) 14; (Husband reads and wife’s mind cleared up) 15, (promise to read if son is spared) 31; (promises to read if daughter is release from prison) 34, (Presbiterian parents took) 51, (promises to read if wife is spared) 60, (promises to read if niece is spared) 63, (promises to read with husband if things go well) 69, (promises to read if father is cured) 69, (promises to read if niece spared) 70, 73, (promise to read if child is cured), 73, (promises to read if child spared) 74, (possible miracle, take no. II) 77, (promises to read at least one book if cured) 78, (distressed wife takes I) 78, (promises to read) 79, (wife promises to read) 81, (mother promises to read) 86, (recommended) 86, (wife proposes to read) 87, (sister will read) 87, (taken by Lutheran) 89, (taken by husband of dying wife), (sister for dishonest brother) 95, (promises) 96, (daughter takes) 98, (parents promise) 103, (promises to read if friend changes view towards God) 107, (parents promise for seminarian son) 107, (promises to read if improves) 108, (father promises) 108, (promises to promote if improves) 109, (sister promises) 109, (mother promises) 112 (x2), 115, 120, 124, 127, 129, (promises if sight restored) 184, 188, (given to read) 210, (mother promises to read if things brighten) 266, (promises to read 4 vols. If cured) 267; app. 1:23, 43; app. 2: 7, (notes on) 13, (money for promoting) 39
also see, “Mary Agreda”
Nazarene, Nazarine – vol. 4: (Jewish husband objects to little boy being taught religion) 258,
Nazi, Nazies – (in Detroit) vol. 2:356; vol. 4: 237
also see, “World War II”
Neck – vol. 3: (broken) 169, (hurt playing football) 187 & 189; vol. 4: (broken) 158, 219
Negro Mission – vol. 4:64
also see, “African American,” “Black,” “Colored,”
Neighbor – vol. 1:12, 35, 71, 85, 92; vol. 2:34, 333; vol. 3: (bad) 166; vol. 4: (disagreeable) 84, (breaking up neighbor’s home) 110
also see, “Love, “Science”
Nephritis, nefritis, nephritus, pneufritis – vol. 3: 197, 264; vol. 4:112, 120, 262
also see, “Brights,” “Kidney”
Nerves, nerve problems, nervous, nerveous – vol. 3:80 (x2), 82 (x2), 99, 102, 103 (x2), 106, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116 (x3), 117, 122 (x2), 126, 127, 128, 136, 138, 140, 146, 149, 150, (sometimes like dead) 157, 160, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 172, 174, 175 (2), (child) 183, 185, 188 (x3), 193, 195, 197, 203, 208, 209, 210 (x2), 212, 214, 221, 224, (nerve problem) 226 (x2), 230 (x2), 231, 234, 238, 242, 244, 245, 247, 250, 252, 259, 263, 264, 266, 268, 276, 277, 278, 285, 286, 288, 293, 296, 300, 306, 307, 308, (was to be married, now?) 308; vol. 4:4, 10, 16 (x2), 19 (x2), 20, 25 (x2), 28, 30, (since son was dround) 32 (x2), 40 (x3), 42, 44, (unfortunate marriage) 48, 49, 50, (nerve trouble) 54, 58, (nerve problem become deformed) 60, (break) 62, 63, (threatened with breakdown) 65, 66, 67, 68 (x2), 70, 73, (siatic) 76, (decay of nerves) 76, 82, (buried husband) 89, 93, (lost husband and sister-in-law) 94, 95, 96, 101 (x2), 102, 103, 106, (sent home from seminary) 107, 108, 112, 115, 119 (x3), 121, 122 (3), 125, 131, 132, 133 (x2), 142 (x2), 144, (extremely – mind threatening) 145, (nerve weakness) 146, 146, 153, 154, (siatic nerve) 156, 157, 162, 163, (druling, moaning) 168, 172, 174, 176, 177 (x2), 179 (x2), (upset) 179, 181, 182, 184, 187, 199, 208, 211, 216, (extremely nerveous 7 yo) 216, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225 (x2), 227, 228, (very nerveous, bordering on insanity) 228, 238, (lost one of her twins) 238, 239, 241, 249, 250, 251 (x2), 255, 257, 258, 264 (x2), 265 (x2),
also see, “Breakdown,” “Mental illness”
Neuralgia – vol. 3: (facial) 292
Neuritis – vol. 3:142, 170, 235, 252; vol. 4:14, 48, 93, 210
Newspaper – vol. 4: (president of News Paper Union enrolls in SMA for harmony, prayers for guidance) 261
also see, “Irish World, “Wanderer”
Nicholas, St., Feast of – vol. 2:114
Noll, (Archbishop) John – vol. 4: (housekeeper) 103; app. 3:41
also see, “Anglican,” “Atheist,” “Baptist,” “Bahai’,” “Christian Church,” “Christian Scientist,” “Church of Christ,” “Congregationalist,” “Episcopalian,” “Evangelical,” “Evanglish,” “Evangelist,” “Holynes Church,” “Huguenot,” “Jew,” “Lutheran,” “Methodist,” “Mennonite,” “Mormon,” “Muslim,” “Nazarene,” “Presbyterian,” “Protestant,” “Orthodox,” “Quaker,” “Salvation Army,” “Unitarian”
Nose problems – vol. 3:83, 99, (nose-bleed) 264, (nose-bleed) 292 (x2); vol. 4: (sore on) 5, (bleed) 67, (bleeds) 113, (nose-bleed) 174
Notebooks of favors – vol. 2:147, 159
Notre Dame Sisters of Milwaukee – vol. 2:277
Notre Dame University – vol. 4: (student slight stroke) 131; app. 1:42; app. 2:39
Novena – vol. 4: (made 54 day) 104, (for husband) 120
also see, Ascension, St. Ann, St. Antonius Immaculate Conception, St. Jude, Perpetual Help, St. Therese
Novice, novitiate – vol 1:6, 7, 183, 195, 200, 243; vol. 2:22 (x2), 115, 131 (x2), 132, 133 (x2), 187 (x2), 219 (x2), 237 (x2), 285, 319; vol. 4: (mother of novice) 226; app. 1: (30 novices) 30, (moved to Detroit) 32
Numb, numbness – vol. 4:46, 195,
Obedience – vol. 1:8, 66, 68, 250, 254 (x2), 255 (x2), 258, 261 (x3), 290; vol. 1: (blind) 66; app. 2:3, 5, 8, 11
Obligation – vol. 1:31, 32, 33 (4x), 36
Obstruction – vol. 3: (bowel) 161; vol. 4:109, (bowel) 118, 124, 183, (intestinal) 206, (bowel) 250,
Office, Divine – vol. 2:227; app. 1:8
Officer McClellan – vol. 2:180-81
Oil burner Company – vol. 4:92
Oppenheimer’s disease – vol. 4:236
Orangeman – vol. 3: (conversion of) 116
Ordination – vol. 3: (brother of accident victim to be ordained) 165
Orphan, orphanage – vol. 1:262 (x2); vol. 4:36, 93, (adopted an orphan) 106, (adopted) 114, (raising 4 orphaned boys) 125, 170, (worked on farm 8 years, no home) 171
Orthodox, Orthadox – vol. 3: (Syrian) 127, 154, 171, (Greek) 216, 237, 252; vol. 4: (Romanian) 30, 92, 148, (Syrian) 162, (Greek) 168, 184, (Greek) 184, (Greek) 186, 234, 248, (Greek) 256 (x2),
Osteomyelitis, ostemelitis, ostomelitis, ostamalitis, ostemolitis, ostemalitis, ostimelitis, ostematitis, ostimolitis – vol. 3:146, 155, 177, 241, 246, 301; vol. 4:5, 20, 34, 35, 43, 45, 46 (x2), 58, 75, 151, 156, 174, 180 (x2), 187, 189 (x2), 191 (x2), 201, 207, 215, 245, 254
Our Father – vol. 2:23
also see, “Pater Noster”
Overweight (heavy) – vol. 3:79, 200, 225; vol. 4: (very stout) 223
Oxygen tent, oxygen, oxygen, oxigan, oxygen, oxegin, oxygen, oxigen oxigin tank – vol. 4:19, 53 (x2), 69, 70, 87, 89, 101, 103, (few days to live) 117, 122, 131, 155, 170, 172, 173, 211, 212, 213, 221, (talks only of going to heaven) 222, 223, 270,
Pacific us, St. – vol. 1:8
Padre Pio – vol. 1:137; vol. 2:63, 112 (x2)
Pain – vol. 2:84; vol. 3: (screams with) 285; vol. 4: (severe) 206
Palm Sunday – app. 1:34; app. 3: (5” of snow) 23, 39
Palsey, palsy – vol 3:74, 146, 149, 211, 233; vol. 4: 92, 93, 102, 109, 133, 138, (fireman) 155, 180, 183, 199, 201, 225, 229, 257, (cerebral!) 270,
also see, “Paralysis”
Pandey – vol. 4:113
Papal infallibility – vol. 2:268
Paralysis, paralysis, paralisis, parlisis, parylized, paralyzed, paraplsed, para lyzed? – vol. 3:12 (x2), 13, 23 (x2), 25, 26 (x2), 27, 29, 34, 38, 41, 44, 45, 53, 54, 55, 55 (x2), 62, 67, 68 (x2), 69 (x2), 73, 81, 83, 88, 90 (x2), 92 (x2), 95, 96, 98, 99, 103, 105, 106, 109, 113, 114, 117, 120, 121, 123 (x2), 124, 126, 127, 131 (x2), 133, 135, 137, 139, 143, 146, 151 (x2), 157, 160 (x2), 168, 170 (x3), 172, 173, 182, 187, 195, 201, 203, 204, (neck) 205, 211, 230, 235, 236, 237, 244 (x2), 246 (x2), 247, 253, 256, 266, 286, 299, 302, 304, 305; vol. 4:11, (not able to walk) 12, 22 (x2), 32, (space-paralysis) 51, (hopelessly paralysed) 52, 55, 56, 57, 71, 81, 90, 92, 94, 96, 106, 115, 118, 120, (“plastic” paralysis) 120, 120, 126, 131, 145, (spastic) 154, 158, (spastic) 179, (spasicic!) 182, (shaking) 190, 193, 213, (left side of neck paralyzed) 218, 218, 220, 225, 227, 230, 226, 241, (creeping) 253, 257, (spacia, slow paralysis) 269
infant/infantile – vol. 3:97, 119, 135, 136, 141, 148, 166, 167, 168, 177, 200, 224, 227 (x2), 228, 236 (x2), 238 (x2), 247, 250, 257, 268, 270, 278 (x2), 280, 281, 285, 300 (x2), 305 (x2) ; vol. 4:9, 30, 36, 41, 49, 70, 71, 72, 77, 79, 84, 87, 103, 118, 119, 122, 127, 136, 138 (x2), 143, 152, 154, 158, 182, 183 (x2), 186, 187, 191, 194, 202, 203, 205, 208, 213, 229, 237, 240 (x2), (spastic) 246, 250, (paralytic since birth) 253, 266; app. 3:14
also see, “Crippled,” “Lame,” “Palsey”
Parent(s), parental – vol. 1:47, 48, 71, 132, 142; vol. 2:105, 160, 205 (x3), 294
also see, “Casey Family, “Family”
Parish – vol. 3: (prayer for peace in Holy Cross parish) 117; vol. 4: (Christ the King building addition to school) 111
Parole – vol. 3:213, (to be) 282
also see, “Incarceration,” “Prison,” “Prisoners of War,” “Probation,” “Stillwater Prison”
Participating in God’s work – vol. 2:235
Passion Play, Oberamergam – app. 3:26
Passion Sunday – app. 2:50
Passionist – vol. 4:100
Pastor(s) – vol. 4: (meeting of) 7
Pater Nester – vol. 1:8; vol. 2:204
also see, “Our Father”
Patience, patiently – vol. 1:12, 30, 42, 51, 57, 71, 90, 101, 153, 156, 157, 178, 182, 195, 238 (x2), 247, 254, 256; vol. 2:43, 81, 94, 100, 103, 107, 120, 163 (x2), 213, 224, 225, 232, 256, 290, 310, 317, 328, 351; vol. 3:162; app. 1: (God’s) 37; app. 2:11, 55; app. 3:5 (x2), 7
impatience, vol 2:191; vol. 4:224
Patrick, St., Feast of – vol. 2:34, 358; app. 1:23; app. 3: (parade in NY postponed) 22
Paul of the Cross, St. – vol. 1:3, 9
Paul, St. – vol. 2:293, 309; vol. 4: (Feast of conversion) 95; app. 1:18
also see, Scriptural index on Paul
Paulinus of Nola, St. – vol. 1:3
Pax et Bonum – vol. 2:119, 299, 301, 311, 326, 329, 357; app. 1:48
Panyard, Doris – app. 2:22-45
Panyard, Grace – app. 2:46-49
Peace, peaceful – vol. 1:10, 21, 26 (x6), 28, 35, 36, 40 (x5), 69, 72, 76 (x7), 85, 96, 108, 113, 118, 129, 132, 136, 139, 142, 148 (x2), 161, 176, 195, 199, 216, 222, 234, 249, 264; vol. 2:24, 41, 58, 59 (x2), 80, 82 (x3), 179, 203 (x2), 205 (x3), 206, 250, 255, 268, 270, 281, 283, 289, 291, 293, 296, 301 (x2), 309, 328 (x4), (prayer for peace) 343, (diocesan prayer for peace) 344; app. 2: (of mind) 19, (God’s) 68
Peculiar – vol. 3:211
Penance – vol. 1:16, 255 (x5), 256 (x2); vol. 2:120, 193 (x2);
sacrament of, vol. 1:264; vol. 4: (left church after refused absolution) 16
also see, “Confession”
Pentecost Sunday – vol. 2:199, 309; app. 1: (Mary and her little family waiting and pleading for coming on the Hoy Ghost) 31
Pentecostal, Penticosals – vol. 4:172
Penticitis, pendicitis – see “Appendicitis”
Perfect, perfection – vol. 1:4; vol 2:58; app. 2:6 (x2), (striving for) 8, 8
desire of, vol. 1:4
Perfume(s) – vol. 3: (difficulty with) 96
Periodontitis, pyrea – vol. 3:276
also see, “Teeth”
Peritonitis, perenitis, pertenitis, pertinites, pertinitis, pertini’us, pertenitis – vol. 3:40, 48, 51, 69, 81, 112, 173, 174, 184, 205, 270, 298; vol 4: (abcesses pertenitis) 42, 56, 89, 101, 139, 174
Persecuted – vol. 4: (because she is convert) 36
Perseverance, persevere, persevering – vol. 1:104, 122, 149, 215, 240, 250, 252, 263; vol. 2:76, 100, 132, 192, 259, 308, 316, 317, 327, 346; vol. 3: (prayer for against temptation) 219; app. 2:6
Pestered – vol. 4:26
Peter Chrysologus, St. – vol. 1:13
Peter of Alcantara, St. – vol. 1:8
Peter, St. – vol. 1:52; app. 2:11
Pharisees – vol. 2:334
Philosophers, philosophy – vol. 2:264, (go into eternity blowing bubbles) 273, 273
Phlebitis, flebitis – vol. 3:142, 160; vol. 4:143, 191,
Piles, afflicted with – vol. 3:19, 257
also see, “Hemorrhoids,”
Pilgrim, pilgrimage – vol. 1:215; vol. 4: (mother makes to Carey OH) 240
Pius X, Pope – vol. 1:15, 18, 28, 52, 62, 74, 75; vol. 2:273
Pius XI, Pope – vol. 2:340
Pius XII, Pope – vol. 2:265, 268, 269, 273, 299, 340; app. 1:44; app. 2:43, 44
Pius the stigmatic! from Foligno, Fr. – app. 2:26
Place for everything and everything in its place – vol. 2:235
Pleurisy, pleurisy, pleurisy, pluricy, plurisy – vol. 3:91; vol. 4:59, 117, 151, 182
Pneumonia – vol. 3:2, 17, 18, 19, 42, 45, 51, 52, 61 (2), 68, 69, 71, 76, 80 (x2), 82, 84, 87, 91, 94, 95, 101, 110, 111 (x2), 113, 117, 118, 120, 124 (x2), 125, 137, 139 (x2), 141, 142, 148, 152, 153, 154, 157, 158, 164, 165, 173, 190, 195, 200, 202, 212, 225, (ether-pneumonia) 229, 230, 239, 242, 249, 251, 256, 257, 281, 282, 286, 295, 299, 310; vol. 4:1, 5 (x2), 14, 16 (x2), 19, 34, 45, 53, 54, 59, 86, 90, 91 (x2), 92, 95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 103 (x2), 119, (double) 125, 142, 147, 157, 162, (not expected to live) 164, 165, 170 (x2), (13 mo) 175, 178, 183, 188 (x2), 198, 206, 208, 225, 233, 234, 248, 254, 260,
Poetry, poem – vol. 2:154, 156, 210, (of Edward Casey) 218, 299, (of Edward Casey) 332, 342, 350, (Solanus’) 354; app. 1:1, 4, (of Edward) 7, (new composition with Edward) 8, (song in honor of St. Louis from Edward) 10, 11; app. 2:1-2, (Solanus’) 5; app. 2: (Fr. E’d’s) 8, (“Purgatory”) 13, (Rev. E’d F. Casey x 2) 14, (“If I knew,” “Vocation,” “Kindness,” “Christ and the Children,” “Priest to the Panthiest,” “Help One Another) 14, (“The Better Land,” “The Three Ants,” “Who?” “What shall I do with my Penny,” “Suppose,” “The Infant Jesus,” “What would you do?” “Thanksgiving”) 15, (“Little Talk with Jesus,” “Irish Poem”) 16; app. 3: (Consolation of E.F. Casey) 6, (for Parent’s Golden Jubilee) 43
also see, “Christmas,” “Longfellow,” “Purpose of Existence,” “Rhyme letter (of Edward Casey),” “Ryan, Fr.”
Poison – vol. 2: (ptomane) 221; vol. 3: (uremic) 77, (face and eyes) 103, (knee) 119, 175, (poisoned system) 187; vol. 4: (poisoned) 4, (liver) 24, (poisoned) 57, (in system) 95, (uremic) 126, (food) 186
also see, “Blood poisoning,” “Trichinosis”
Polio, poleo – vol. 2:195, 357; vol. 4:161, 240 (x2), 248,
Polyneuritis, polinuritis – vol. 4: 261
Pontius Pilate – vol. 2:271 (x2), 291
Poor – vol. 1:13, 17, 20, 36, 39, 53, 71, 76 (x 2) 94 (x3), 95; vol. 2:11, 199; vol. 4: (poor people) 9; app. 1:19
Poor Souls – vol. 1:39, 80; vol. 3:2, 3 (x2), 46, 48, 53, 66, 67, 68, 78, 97, 164, 169, 179 (x2), 183, 187, 244, 297, 306; vol. 4: (bargains with them) 1, 24, 71, (urged to enroll them) 177, (in thanksgiving father offers $20 for), (enrolls) 188, (enrolls) 196, (enrolls 100 times in thanksgiving) 199, (enrolls) 201, (enrolls) 217, (enrolls 50 times) 241, 245 (x2), (enrolled) 247 (x2), (special enrollment of) 254, ($100 for) 260, (enrolls) 263, (enrolled) 265, 266 (x3), (enrolled) 268, (enrolled) 269, (enrolled) 270; app. 1: (promise to enroll) 23, 34; app. 2: (enrolled) 23, (enrolled) 47, (as intercessors) 59 (x2); app. 3: (our poor souls) 5, (enrolled) 13,
also see, “Souls”
Pope – see, “Benedict XV, Pope,” “Innocent III, Pope,” “Innocent XI, Pope,” “Leo XIII, Pope,” “Pius X, Pope,” “Pius XI, Pope,” “Pius XII, Pope,”
Porter, ministry of – vol. 2:119
Portiuncula, Feast of – app. 3:33, 41
Poverty – vol. 1:8, 68 (x 2), 254, 260 (x2), 261, 264 (x2); vol. 2:256; app. 2:3, (queen of Seraphic perfection) 5, (outstanding charkteristic! of Seraphic order) 8, 10, 16
Possessed – vol. 3:58, (acts like) 119, (seemingly) 123, 124, (seems bewitched) 140, 143, 148, (believed to be possessed) 166, 168 (x2), (like possessed) 204, 280; vol. 4: (believes to be, disgusted husband wants divorce) 20, (fears she is) 21, (believed to be) 28, (thinks she is) 30, 32, (6 yo acts like “obsessed”) 73, (believes himself to be) 108, (Lutheran thrown out of ed and chucked against wall by invisible power; fearful looking demon appears, two pairs of glasses smashed) 170, (believes to be) 177, (acts like) 251, (believes to be, bit father, violent at times, upper body and arms half naked bound with clothes line; returned 80% improved) 268,
also see, “Demon possession,” “Exorcism”
Possession fiend – vol. 4:87
Praised be Jesus Christ (and Mary, Praise God, and other variations) – 63, 99, 112, 115, 126, 138, 150, 178, 182, 183, 184, 214, 211, 220, 227, 236, 241, 243, 277; vol. 2:4, 5, 7, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31, 42, 43, 46, 57, 62, 64, 69, 90, 93, 96, 97, 99, 101, 105, 118, 120, 126 (x2), 127, 128, 129, 130, 166, 177, 182, 219, 221, 223, 236, 238, 239, 249, 256, 277, 279, 280, 332; vol. 3:31; app. 1:3, (Praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament!) 4, 6, 7, (in the Sacred Heart) 9, 12, 13, 20, 23, 24, (the merciful God) 26, 28, (God be prais’d) 33, (his holy name) 38; app. 2:20, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 48, (Jesus, Mary, Joseph) 49, (his adorable name) 51, 56, 60, 62, 64; app. 3: (Praise God’s Holy name) 10, 12, 13, 20 (x3),
also see, “Laudetur “
Pray, prayer(s) – vol. 1:5 (x 2), 7, 13 (x 2), 16, 43 (x 2), 46, 55, 56, 59, 70, 71, 89, 92 (x2), 107, 125 (x 3), 139 (x2), 144 (x3), 151, 154, 156, 168 (x3), 170, 173 (x3), 178, 188, 190, 196, 239, 261, 262; vol. 2:1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 21 (x2), 26, 28, 29 (x2), 30, 35, 37, 39, 43, 48, 50, 51, 63 (x2), 65, 67, 72 (x2), 73 (x2), 74, 78, 81, 82, 94, 103, 107, 128, 133, 142, 144, 146, 155, 162, 171, 174, 178, 179, 190, 202, 206, 211, 212, 213, 237, 241, 246, 247, 250, 250, 258, 260, 283, 284, 293, 295, 296, 299, 308, 310 (x2), 311, 313, (to Maurice Joachim and Stephen Eckert) 315, 322, 325, (for cure) 327, 338; app. 2:4
apostilate! of, app. 2:6
example of prayer Solanus says, vol. 2:78
for Peace – vol. 2:313
mental, app. 2:6
Preaching – vol. 1:256, (at Maurice’s funeral) 276; app. 2: (to children, “never spoke better”) 12; app. 3: (gave exhortation) 29 & 30, (addressed assembly and graduates) 32,
Prediction of healing – vol. 2:114
Pregnant – vol. 4: (given up by doctors expecting twins) 14, (46 yo old expecting) 134, (praying for a family) 167, (complications) 213
Presbyterian, Presbiterian, presbitarn, presbitirian, presbiternia, presbiterism – vol. 2:230 (x3); vol. 3:112, 123, 138, 139, 140, 151, (Scottish Presbiterian) 151, (in England) 154, 155, 162, 181, 185, 202, 227, 231, 249 (x2), 254, 265, 269, 271, 273 (x2), 289, 291, 301, 306; vol. 4: (enrolled in SMA) 1, 17, 27, 30, (life sentence) 34, 35, 38, (wants to return to Catholic Church) 46, (went to confession 1st in 20 years) 50, (spascic-paralysis – parents taking City of God) 51, 54, 59, 65, 66, 80, 89, (enrolled) 92, 114, 119, 128, (enrolled) 130, 137, 140, 155, 158, 188, 192, 195, 197, (enrolls Catholic husband) 202, 207, 217, 220, (was) 222, 225, 226, 231, (convert from) 237, 239, (missing in action over Aachen) 246, 250, 253, 258, 262
Prescott – vol. 1:120, 142, 158, 198 (x3), 205 (x2), 206, 208, 216 (x2), 248; vol. 2:52
Press, Catholic – vol. 1:28, 74-78;
power of – vol. 1:28
also see, “Wanderer, The”
Pride – vol. 1:37, 62
Priest as Judas – 254
Priest, priesthood – vol. 1:153, 155, 260, 286; vol. 2:44 (x 3); funds for educating a candidate, vol. 2:17-18, 19; vol. 3: (to be ordained soon) 71, (studying for) 123, (slow learner wants to be priest) 84; vol. 4: (drinking, working as laborer, cancer patient offers her pain for his conversion, to return to bishop) 105, (wants to be priest) 213, (miraculously recovered 9 yo wants to be priest) 225, (in camp 8 months, wants to get back to seminary) 234; also see, “Seminarian,” “Vocation”
Prison – vol. 3:74, (life sentence) 133, (10-20 years) 142; vol. 4: (woman life sentence) 34
also see, “Incarceration,” “Parole,” “Prisoners of War,” “Probation” “Stillwater Penitentiary”
Prisoners of war – vol. 2:97
also see, “Incarceration,” “Parole,” “Prison,” “Probation,” “Stillwater Prison”
Privilege – vol. 1:26 (x 3), 28, 36, 48, 51
Prodigal Son story – vol. 3:159
Probation – vol. 4:11
also see, “Incarceration,” “Parole,” “Prison,” “Prisoners of War,” “Stillwater Prison”
Promises – of God, 1:43; of Mary
also see, “Communion,” “Mass,” “Seraphic Mass Association,” “Vocation”
Property sale, to sell – vol. 3:22, 45, 54, 60 (x2), 70,71, 74, 77, 80, 88, 89, 98, 103, 160, 174, 185, (wants to sell beer garden) 219, 225, (wants to sell store or lose it) 238, 274, (3 acres to sell) 292; vol 4: (has farm to sell) 40
also see, “Financial struggles”
Prophecy, prophets – vol. 2:270, 316; vol. 3 (new prophet from India = Baha’i) 166,
Protestants, Protestantism – see, “Baptist,” “Bahai’,” “Christian Church,” “Christian Scientist,” “Church of Christ,” “Congregationalist,” “Disciples of Christ,” “Episcopalian,” “Evanglish,” “Holynes,” “Huguenot,” “Lutheran,” “Methodist,” “Mennonite,” “Mormon,” “Muslim,” “Presbyterian,” “Quaker,” “Salvation Army,” “Unitarian”
Providence (divine), providentially – vol. 1:3, 80, 103, 157, 159, 173 (x2), 197, 198 (x 2), 207, 234, 246
Province of St. Joseph – app. 1: (its 1952 division) 32, (provincial headquarters) 34; app. 2:6 (New Years promise of prayers to Provincial Gerald) 70, (Nameday congratulations to Provincial Gerald) 70
Prude, proode – vol. 4:8
Prudence, prudent – vol. 1:81, 83, 254; app. 1:18
Pure, purity – vol. 1:17, 46, 61, 101, 231, 247, 308
Psoriasis, seriasus, surisis – vol. 3:169, 219, 255, 301; vol. 4:68
also see, “Eczema”
Psychopathic, psiocopathic, psycopathis, psycotic – vol. 4:184, 193, 202
also see, “Mental”
Purgatory – vol. 1:39; souls in, vol. 1:39 (x5), 119, 149, 186, 244; vol. 2:61, 245, 304, 346, 349 (x2), 257; vol. 3: (child believes he is going to) 108, (phone call “why purgatory”) 255; app. 1:34
also see, “Souls”
Purification – vol. 1:8; vol. 2:255
feast of – vol. 1:13; vol. 2:13, 96, 307; app. 3:30, 39
Purpose of existence = to know, love and serve God [and variants] – vol. 1: 129, 141, 239, 253, 254; vol. 2:38, 46, 80 85, 92, 151, 154, 165, 168, 170, 171, 208, 224, 252, 253, 261, 263, 342, 354, 261 (x2), 262, 263, 264, 270, 333, 342, 350, 354; app. 1: (rhyme) 19; app. 2:5, 50, (rhyme) 50; app. 3: (rhyme) 4
also see, “Love”
Quaker – vol. 3:175; vol. 4:248
Quinsy (peritonsillar abscess) – vol. 3:44
Radio – vol. 1:95
Radium treatment – vol. 4:125, 264
Rain – vol. 3: (for crops, only fell in parish limits) 77, (no rain in Montana) 297
also see, “Farming”
Raphael, Archangel – vol. 2:125; vol. 3:138; app. 2:29
Rational, rationals, reason, reasonable – vol. 1:7 (x2), 8, 13, 14, 25, 30, 31, 32 (x4), 75 (x2), 78, 80, 92 (x2), 106 (x 2), 123, 136, 141 (3), 147, 215, 253, 260; vol. 2:59, 80, 92, 141, 151, 162, 165, 166, 171, 172 (x2), 203 (x2), 205 (x2), 210, 222, 223 (x2), 235, (purpose of the rational creature) 252, 263, 264, 270, 272, 273, 301, 305, 316, 318, 320, 333, 342, 345, (purpose of rational creature) 350, 354; app. 1:34; app. 2: (purpose of rational creatures) 50
irrational, unreasonable, vol. 1:6, 35, 73
Raynaud’s disease, Reinhard disease– vol. 4:31, 236
Reading – vol. 1:28 (x 4), 50, 167-68;
spiritual, vol. 1:70, 167-8, 173 (x6), 262
Real Presence – vol. 3:168
Recipe – baked beans, vol 2:135-6
Rectum – vol. 3: (artificial) 199
Redemption – vol. 1:41, 178, 273, 275;
Mary as mother of, vol. 2:287
Redemptorist – vol. 3:160; vol. 4:28, 170
Relic – vol. 2:91, 126 (x2), 277, (plant from grave) 330 (x3); vol. 3: (taking relic to sick person) 47, (kissed) 60, (blessing with) 88, (Stephen Eckert) 176, (Stephen Eckert) 209; vol. 4: (Stephen Eckert) 19, (blessed with) 23, (blessed with Cross-relic) 28, (Stephen Eckert) 84, (blessed Lutheran with relic of Cross) 265, (blessed with relic of Cross) 268, (please Methodist father and once Catholic mother with Cross relic) 269,
Religion – vol. 1:26, 27, 30, 36, 44, 127, 140 (x 3), 165, 197, 210, 211, 234, 240, 265, 268 (x 2), 269; vol. 2:225, 265-6, (as foundation of science) 273;
as science of our happy relationship/dependence with God and our neighbor (and variations), vol. 1:124, 140, 234 (x 2), 240, 246, 250, 262; vol. 2:59 (x2), 70, 85, 139, 170, 172, 179, 191, 195, 198, 210, 216, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228 (x2), 232, 266, 267, 272, 280, 283, 288 (x3), 289 (x2), 301, 303, 320, 323, 324, (the science of saving our souls, the science of charity) 324, 333, 342, (the science of saving souls) 250 (x2), 353; app. 2:68
as science of the saints, vol. 2:301;
irreligion, irreligious, vol. 1:50, 72, 172, 174, 168, 174, 194, (grandchildren in “irrelitious” surroundings) 107, (husband) 255
true, vol. 3:81
Religious – vol. 1:65, 68 (x 2); vol. 3: (prayer for religious vocation) 2, (daughter of ailing mother to make religious profession) 111, (had to leave Dominican novitiate) 115, (rejected from convent because nervous) 150, (for harmony in religious community) 169, (daughter in convent) 199, (had to leave convent) 266; vol. 4: (Carmelite novice leaves, parents against his Catholicism) 3, (wants to start order) 25, (left convent to help at home) 32, (convert, husband has deserted, wants to enter convent) 36, (alcoholic father won’t let daughter go to convent) 101, (wants to join sisters in Dubuque) 118, (novice fears her vocation) 163,
also see, “Vocation”
Remedy, remedies – vol. 2:131
Reparation – vol. 1:65 (x 2)
Restorium – vol. 4:21
Resurrection – vol. 1:44, 195; vol. 2:295; app. 1: (my soul .. will claim my whole risen self) 42; app. 2:6; app. 3:18
Retreat – vol. 1:16, 66, 68; retreat notes 253-64; vol. 2:61, 91, 124, 146; app. 1:13; app. 2:3-12, 23
Reverence – vol 1:49, 168, 173 (x2); vol. 2:316
Rheumatic, rhumatic, rumatic, rheumatism, rheumatism, rhumtizm, rheumatism, rhumatism – vol. 3:55, 56, 72, 73, 75, 81, 89, 91, 100, 101, 106, 114 (x2), 115, 127 (x2), 131, 134, 136, 138, 163, 164, 171, 199, 207, 210, 211, (partially cured) 217, 225, 236, 240 (x2), 262 (x2), 265, 269, 273, 280, 283, 284, 285, 290; vol. 4:5, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 50, 71, 85, 98, 102, 104, 110, 121, 123, 132, 135, 141, (fever – now ok) 153, 158, 166, (fever) 169, (fever) 170, 176, 179, 201, 219, 222, 245, 249
Rhyme letter of Edward Casey – vol. 2:282
Rich – vol. 4: (very rich) 177
Rickets – vol. 3:304; vol. 4:172
Robbery – vol. 3:99, 207; vol. 4:13, (lost purse and all she had $1.11, rosary, etc) 56, (robbed of furniture) 87, (father held up and killed) 125, (mail carrier would like the guilt plea guilty) 127, (enemies planning to rob her of good name and property) 140, (car stolen while distributing easter charities) 227
also see, “Crooked,” “Stealing/theft,” “Swindled”
Rome – vol. 2:360
Romoald, St. – vol. 1:16
Roosevelt, Franklin – vol. 4: (pray for) 52; app. 1:19; app. 2:43 (x3), 44
Roosevelt, Theodore – app. 3: (shot) 35
Rosary – vol. 1:6 (x2), 14, 71, 121, 147, 186, 204, 205 (x2), 209 (x2), 210, 216, 217; vol. 2:45, 248; vol. 4:5, (doctor urges patient to say) 131, (non catholic learning) 215, (golden rosary found) 253; app. 2:4 (x2), 9 (x2), 10, 67, 70, (a novena of) 70
feast of, vol. 2:303
promises, vol. 4: (promises 3 rosaries a day, and an hour later on her feet) 131
Rule (Capuchin, of Francis) – vol 1:72, 182, 253, 255; app. 2: (chp. 6) 5, (chp. 1) 5, 6, 10, (chp. 1) 10, (excellence of) 12,
Rupture – vol. 3:94, 129, 142, (bowel) 149, 158, 166, 167, 169, 193, 268, 269; vol. 4:12, 182
also see, “Appendix”
Russia – vol. 2:201, 267, 303, (iron-curtain) 326; vol. 3: (Russian Jew) 167
Ryan, Fr. (poet) – vol. 2:141; app. 2: (poem “Song of the Mistic!” – a nerve tonic from the tales of misfortune and of sorrow and disappointment so almost continually brought to the monastery office) 52
Sacraments – vol. 2:37, 134, 312, 337, 338; vol. 2: (without priest) 235, 318, 349; vol. 3:9 (death bed sacraments); (away from) 11, 14, 16, 17, (return) 35, (return) 42 (x2), (return) 45, (away from) 58, (return) 61, (return) 76, (return) 88, (return) 111, (away from) 118, (return) 120, (return) 121, (away) 121, (122) return, (return) 124, (return) 126, (religious daughter offers sacrifice for father’s return) 134, (away from) 135, (away from Easter duty) 163, 171, 172 (x2), (young away from) 174, (away from 32 years) 278, (mother and son return) 280, 293; vol. 4: (elderly charitable couple away from) 4, (away 54 years) 16, (hoping for grace to return) 17, (something holds him back) 19, (away from 20 years) 25, (away from) 30, (away from 20 years) 36, (away from 53 years) 52, (prayers to return) 53, (careless about Church and sacraments) 73, (away from 35 years) 88, (married out of Church) 91, (away from 52 years, received communion, extreme unction, died on Christmas) 132, (even after reconciled has many doubts, still has Protestant mind) 192, (away 60 years) 195, (children anxious for father to pray) 209, (bad marriage blessed) 212, (daughter married outside church to one without faith) 215, (dying man returns after many years away from sacraments) 215, (away 3 years) 230, (away from sacraments since marrying a Lutheran) 235, (away 6-7 years) 241, (away from for years) 255, (away from for years) 269; app. 1: (away from) 27,
promises to return in prayer for cure, vol. 3: 28, 69, 177, 214; vol. 4: (their baby) 55, (no sacraments) 60, (a long time) 63, 134, (20 yo, mother laments) 139, 196, 207
also see, “Anointed,” “Communion,” “Confession,” “Fallen away Catholic,” “Last Rites”
Sacred Heart(s) – vol. 1:20, 41 (x8), 44, 45 (x2), 47 (x2), 69, 70, 73, 78, 107, 114, 116, 123, 177 (x4), 181, 188, 212, 246, 277, 287; vol. 2:11, 29, 38, 58, 91, 122, 125, 127, 256, 281, 317; vol. 3: (wants to build a chapel in honor of) 202; app. 1:1 (x2), 3 , 4, 5, 6, 9, 23, (of Jesus and Mary) 27 (x2); app. 2:21, 47, (of Jesus and his Blessed Mother) 69, (Corde Jesus and S. Francis) 70; app. 3: (intentions of) 7
badge, vol. 2:151; vol. 4: (won with brain tuomer, refuses to use Sacred Heart Badge) 150,
feast of, vol. 1:250; vol. 2:143; vol. 3: (Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu = SS. Cord.) 57, 67; app. 3:40
league of, app. 3:22
School, app. 3: (school wins library contest) 22
also see, “Litany”
Sacrifice – vol. 1:9; 17; 34, 65, 68, 77 (x2), 132, 148 (x3), 249; vol. 2:48, 281, 293, 297, 319; app. 2:11
for a cure, vol. 3:81; vol. 4:85, 223; app. 3:18
in thanksgiving for cure, vol. 2:185;
of Jesus, vol. 1:40, 41 (x 5), 42; app. 2:8
Sacristan, ministry of – vol. 2:119
Sad – vol. 3:157
also see, “Dark night of the Soul,” “Depression,” “Despair,” “Despondent,” “Discouraged,” “Low”
Saintly characteristics – vol. 1:11; vol. 4: (saint of our own day dying of cancer) 108, (saintly sufferer) 136
Saints, Communion of the saints – vol. 1:178, 181, 190; vol. 2:34, 45, 49, 55, 72, 81, 83, 140, 217, 299 (x2), (reading life of saints as source of cure) 299, 349; app. 1: 2, 4 (x2), 6, 12, 31; app. 2: (family’s “little saint”) 64
Feast of All Saints, vol. 2:186
Salvation – vol. 2:88, 164, 171, 194, 199, 243, 254, 293, 311; app. 3:1 (see that you save your Souls!) 20
Salvation Army – vol. 3:232
Sanctity – vol 2:164
Sarcoma – see “Cancer”
Satan – vol. 1:4, 23, 47; vol. 2:141, 166; app. 1:40
also see, “Lucifer”
Scalded – vol. 3:110
Scalp problems – vol. 3:180, 230
Scandal, scandalize, scandalous, scandalous, scandalyzed – vol. 1:3, 32, 50 (x 2); vol. 2:66. 255, 268, 271, 272, 274, 348, 351 (x6); vol. 3:54; vol. 4:2, 148, 161, (parents married out of church, children scandalized, no sacraments) 162,
of cross, vol. 2:254 (x3), 269 (x3), 274, 279, 336, 351;
priests and bishops as source of, vol. 2:254;
Solanus as a source of, vol. 2:149, 242
Scapular – vol. 2:248
Scared – vol. 4:82, 85, (frightened) 99, (Solanus scared) 184
Scarlet fever – vol. 3:85, 104, 118, 139, 176, 188, 201, 204, 208, 213, 287; vol. 4:14, 20, 29, 51, 55, 86, 92, 163, 169 (x3 including twins),
Schizophrenia, scaphfrenia – vol. 4:225
Sciatica – vol. 3:196; vol. 4:125
Science, scientists – vol. 2:166, 210 (botony, zoology, astronomy, mathematics), 301, 316, (problem of religion and science) 323, 345; vol. 3:222; vol. 4: (science absolutely 0!) 33, (baffled) 86, (baffled) 159,
also see, “Religion”
Sclerosis, silrosis, sorosis, sorosus, corosis, sclosis, sculosis – vol. 3: (liver) 51, (liver) 199; vol. 4:5, (multiple) 60, 83, 121, (multiple) 141, (liver) 174, (liver) 233, (multiple, no hope of recovery) 250, (multiple) 262,
Scolding, Solanus – vol. 2:305
Scotland – vol. 4: (kidney) 29, 69, 74
Scrupulous, scrupulous, scrupulosity, scrupulos – vol. 1:31, 209; vol. 3:36, 53, 91, 118, 192, 307; vol. 4:28, 56, 144, 241
Seizures, seizurs, seizured – vol. 4:192, 222, 247, 249
also see, “Convulsions,” “Epilepsy,” “Fits,” “Spasms”
Seminarian – vol 3: (seminarian has paraletic stroke) 211, (seminarian with infected finger) 220, (seminarian with TB) 229, (former) 264
also see, “Priesthood,” “Vocation”
Sephlis (syphilis?) – vol. 4:32
Seraphic Mass Association – vol. 1:83, 85, 100 (x2), 102, 103, 105 (x2), 107, 108, 111, 118, 119, 130 (x2), 131 (x3), 135, 176, 180, 190, 239 (x2), 241, 243, 244; vol. 2:2, 3 (2), 9, 14, 21, 26, 28, 31, 37 (x2), 38, 50, 53, 54, 55, 75 (x 2), 91, 92 (x2), 105, 109, 111, 112, 127, 129, 138-9, 146, 147 (x4), 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159, 167 (x2), 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 197, 214 (x2), 227, 230, 236, 237, 240, 241, 245, 247, 260, 285, 304, 306, 308, 322, 337, 346, 353, 355, 357; vols. 3-4: (basically whole volumes); vol. 4: (atheist enrolled) 35; app. 1:23, 24, 28, (enrolling family) 35, (enrolling car companies) 35, 39, 42, 45, (benefits of) 47, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66; app. 3:1, 2, 7, 8, 13 (x3), 16, 17, 20 (x2),
as missionary activity, vol. 2:15, 23, 26, 84, 85, 139, 175, 177, 195, 240, 242, 288, 329, 346; vol. 4: (expenses for escaped operation to missions) 1, 196; app. 1:35; app. 3:16, (“being a missionary … that’s being a real member of the privileged S.M.A.) 19
emergency list, vol. 2:213, 215, 257, 279, 280, 308, 341; app. 1:34; app. 2:54, 56; app. 3:13
Non-Catholic, Protestant enrollments or promises of enrollment
ooAtheist, vol. 4:35
ooBaptist, vol. 4:122, 178, 224
ooChristian Church, vol. 4:154
ooChristian Scientist, vol. 3:43
ooCongregationalist, vol. 4:160, 218
ooDisciples, vol. 4:93
ooEpiscopalian, vol. 4:123, 172, 194, 229,
ooJewish, vol. 3:47, 157; vol. 4:91, 139, 141 (x2), 145, 153, 162, 163, 229
ooLutheran, vol. 3:31, 205; vol. 4:20, 23, 67, 71, 124, 140, 175, 189, 195, 196, 198, 222, 228, 252, 259
ooMethodist, vol. 4:188, 228 (x2),
ooNon-Catholic, vol. 3:9, 10; vol. 4:110, 189, (unbaptized) 200, 213, 220, 266, 268
ooOrthodox, vol. 4:148, (Syrian) 162, (Greek) 168, (Greek) 184, 248, 256 (x2)
ooPresbyterian, vol. 3:151, 161; vol. 4:1, 35, 92, 128, 130, 188, 192, 195, 197, 207 (x2), (missing in action) 246, 253
ooQuaker, vol. 4:248
ooSpiritest, vol. 4:158
ooUnbaptized, vol. 4:183
promise of (perpetual) enrollment in Seraphic Mass Association if prayer answered, vol. 3:3, 5 (x2), 13, 17, 19, 46, 47 (x2), 50 (x2), 51, 53, 59, 67, 68 (x3), 78, 80, 84 (x2), 89, 100, 118, 129, 130, 136, 138, 143, 159, 169, 172, 201, 204, 212, 220, 223, 231, 232, 236, 243, 251, 265, 267, 274, 286, 288; vol. 4:9, 14, 18, 22, 25, 63, 64, 68, 119, 127, 160, 165, 171, (now in perfect condition) 177, 186, 191, 219, 233, 245
promises to be earnest in looking up religion if helped, vol. 3: (Presbyterian) 151, 161, (Lutheran) 205; vol. 4: (Presbyterian) 35
promises to enroll Poor Souls if cured or helped, vol. 3:187, 260, 274, 284, 286, 287, 290; vol. 4:1, 7, 9, (promises operation expenses to them if no operation) 33, 190, 266
Solanus enrolled, vol. 2: 51, 237;
source of cures/favors, vol. 2:147, 185, 196, 234, 237, 240, 280, 285; vol. 3:14, (settles legal dispute) 14, (mental breakdown) 15, (happy death) 15;
also see, “Miraculous cures”
Seraphim ab Asculo, St. – vol. 1:8
Sermon(s) – vol. 1:262;
as source of conversion, vol. 2:233
Shell-shocked – vol. 3:173, 249, 256
Shin – vol. 4: (injured) 31
also see, “Ankle,” “Knee,” “Leg”
Shingles – vol. 3:175; vol. 4: 91
Shock treatment – vol. 4: (Dr. say will either kill or cure her) 266
Shoulder, sholder – vol. 4: (swollen) 14, 58, (sprained) 132, (broken) 179
also see, “Cancer,” “Tumor”
Sick – vol. 1:16; vol. 3: (wants to devote life to sick if cured) 276
Solanus’, vol. 2:98, 173, 175, 245; (feared losing lower legs) 221, 277; (ptomane poisoning) 221, 277, 281
Silence – vol. 1:70
Simplicity – vol. 1:254 (x2) ; vol. 2:28; app. 2:5
fraternal, vol. 2:209
Sin(s), sinful, sinned, sinner(s) – vol. 1:4, 7, 9 (x 2), 10, 17, 21 (x 3), 26 (x 12), 37, 40, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 61, 65, 87, 92, 104, 117, 119 (x2), 129, 137, 149, 154, 156, 158, 159, 194, 209, 215, 255 (x2), 260 (x2), 261, 264 (x2), 286; vol. 2:8, 15, 31, 58, 63, 76, 118, 119, 120, 127, 140, 150, 152, 155, 157, 162, 202, 205, 224, 250, 256, 261 (x2), 310, 313, 317, 351; app. 2:55, (Solanus as) 55; app. 3: (pray for the conversion of, always including 1st yourself) 6
mortal, vol. 1:37, 70, 105, 261 (x3); vol. 2:201, 293; app. 2:4, 8 (x2), 10, (Solanus as poor sinner) 34,
venial – vol. 1:70, 261 (x2); app. 2:4, 8
Sinus problem, sinis – vol. 3:51, 69, 78, 89, 92, 95, 116, 134, 139, 140, 158, 180, 185, 188, 215, 218, 236, 239; vol. 4:36, 39, 45, 54, 94, 99, 142 (x2), 194, 207, 223, 231, 236, 247
Sist – see, “Cyst”
Sistine Chapel – vol. 2:349
Skin disease, infection – vol. 3:150, 210, 216, 305; vol. 4: 51, 92, 185, 207, 251
also see, “Morphea”
Skull, scull, scul – vol. 3: (fracture) 76, 88, (fracture) 90, (fracture) 104, (fractured) 107, (fractured), 157, (fractured) 306; vol. 4: (softening of) 2, (fractured) 29, 68, 110, (fractured) 132, (fractured) 140. (fracured!) 147, (fractured) 151, (fractured) 156, (fractured) 185,
Sleeping disorder (sickness) – vol. 3:20, 23, 26, 29, 52, 66, 68, 93, 100, 129, 138, 157, 175, (sleepless) 220, 245, 264, 286; vol. 4:25, 74, 107, 131, 134, (sleeping for 3 weeks) 168, 173, 235, 259
Smoking – vol. 4: (promises to give up if sister-in-law is cured) 238
Sneezing – vol. 4: (sneezing 5 days) 235
Snowed under – see workload
Social Order – vol. 1:93
Solanus, St. – vol. 1:64, 72; app. 3:41
Song(s) – vol. 1:67; app. 1: (Edward to write song on St. Louis, Patron of Third Order) 10 + 11,
Sorbonne – vol. 1:281, 283, 284, 285, 287
Sorrow – vol. 1:7, 58 (x3), 67 (x7), 86, 99 (x2), 270; vol. 2:55, 84 (x2), 87, 88 (x2)
Solders of Jesus Christ – app. 1:4
Souls – vol. 1:10 (x2), 11, 12, 27 (x3), 28 (x2), 41, 48 (x2), 51 (x2), 64, 69 (x2), 76, 84, 86, 119, 132, 136, 137, 142, 147, 148, 149, 151, 160, 161, 168, 174, 178 (x3), 190 (x2), 208, 209, 211, 216, 244, 246, 248, 251, 256 (x2), 257, 260; vol. 2:24, 58, 83; poor, vol. 1:39 (x 5), 106, 130, 131, 208, 225, 241, 260, 261 (x2); vol. 2:26 (x2), 61, 67 (x2), 91, 111, 147, 184, 199 (x2), 203, 206, 224, 228, 240, 245, 248, 250, 286 (x2), 289, 317 (x2), 346, 357;
God as lover of souls, vol. 2:293;
Isle of Lost Souls, vol. 3:131
losing, vol. 2:228;
suffering, vol. 2:149;
also see, “Purgatory“
Spain – vol. 4: (prayers needed in) 54
Spasms – vol. 4:43, (5 years) 264
also see, “Convulsions,” “Epilepsy,” “Fits”
Speech – vol. 3: (defect) 55, (lost voice) 89, (lost voice) 113, (speechless) 117 (x2), (speechless) 135, (cannot speak) 220, (lost) 266, (speechless) 281, (dumb) 287 (x2), (speechless) 295, (lost speech when 3) 296, (unable to speak) 298, (4 year old unable to speak) 307; vol. 4: (lost hearing at 3, now forgotten how to talk) 31, (difficulty) 50, (cannot talk but understands) 81, (lost voice) 108, (6 yo unable to speak for over 2 years) 122, (Sister whose voice is threatened) 131, (voice gone) 134, (voice and speech gone) 195, (lost voice) 208, (91 yo lost speech) 224, (grow in vocal cords, operation, now can only whisper) 249,
also see, “Deafness” (deaf and dumb), “Dumb,” “Stammering”
Spells – vol. 3:9, (fainting) 86, (fainting) 89, 100, (fainting) 109, 114, (fainted) 130, (fainting) 133, 141, 149, 167, 184, 190, (fainting) 196, 207, 213, 220, 230, 252, (mysterious) 256, 261, 263, 280, 283; vol. 4:5, 12, 40, 48, 94, 96, (fainting) 146, 174, 187, 204, 216, (weak) 225, 230 (x2),
also see, “Epilepsy,” “Fits”
Spinal problems, (meningitis, meningitis, meningitis, maingitis, maningitis), spine – vol. 3:2, 40, 42, 46, 59, 61 (x2), 67, 83, 88, 100, 102, 106, 112, 122, 124. 134, 139, 148, 154, 161, 165, 174 (x2), 183, 188, 193, 196, 197, 230, 233, 254, 256, 293, 300, 305 (x2), 306; vol. 4:3, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 25, 34, (hopeless, now almost OK) 41, 44, 52, 67, 70, 71 (x2), 72, 95, 104 (x2), 104, 115, 136, 179, 183, 187, 192, 195, 196, 198, 203, 211, (22 months old) 212, (unbaptized 19 mo) 214, 215, 217, 218, 218, 219 (x2), 221, 223, 225 (x2), 228, 234, 238 (x2), 240, (4 yo never walk without miracle) 241, (Dr’s a sea about trouble) 249, 250, 262
also see, “Curvature,” “Meningitis,”
Spiritism, Spiritualist, Spiritest, Spirits – vol. 3:119, 163, 201, 258, 290; vol. 4:158, (4 people turning to spiritism, devil’s work) 190
also see, “Healer,” “Superstition,” “Wigwam”
Spirits – vol. 3: (claims voices, spirits) 248; vol. 4: (pestered by spirit) 44
Spiritual Intention – vol. 3: 177
Spleen problems – vol. 3:25, 211; vol. 4: (removed) 26, 120, (swollen) 190,
St. Dominic – vol. 4: (sisters of) 206, (nun of) 264,
St. Francis Seminary – app. 3: (visited, met old professors and class-mates) 25
St. Lawrence Seminary – vol. 2:277
St. Paul Seminary – app. 3:25
St. Vitis Dance, Vitas, Vitis – vol. 3:25, 72, 73, 119, 289
Stammering – vol. 4:31
Stamp, Fr. Solanus – vol. 2:125
Staph, staph (infection) – vol. 4:70
Starvation, starving – vol. 2:97, 100; vol. 3: (oneself to “reduce”) 98, 288
Stations – app. 2:4 (x2), 7
Stealing, theft – vol. 3:11, 152
also see, “Crooked,” “Robbery,” “Swindled”
Sterilization, sterilization – vol. 3:118
Stile Nacht – vol. 1:6
Stillwater Penitentiary – vol. 1:201; vol. 2:32, 186
Stipend, Mass – vol. 2:249
Stomach disorder – vol. 3:42, 43 (2), 56, 100, 106, 115, 139, 176, 197, 202, 212, 233, 239, 240, 246, 246, 260, 267, 275, 278, 282, 289, 292, 295, 305, 308; vol. 4:3, 4, 9, 10, 15, (losing weight) 44, 48, 65, 66, (stomach up-side-down) 68, 81, 88, 99, 109, 110, 116, 130, 131, 135, 138, 140, 141, 159, (with headaches 50 years in agon) 189, 192, 208, 217, 220, 223, 224, 234, 235, 236 (x2), 250, (6 mo) 256, 266
also see, “Abdomen,” “Antrum, ““Cancer,” “Indigestion”
Stoned to Death – vol. 4:30
Streptococcus, strep, strepticoptic, streptacoctic, strepticotic infection – vol. 3:36, 79, 87, 91 (x2), 93, 123, 126, 174, 177, (throat) 196, (blood) 275, 292 (x2), 293, 295; vol. 4:2, 7, 14, 20, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52 (x2), (throat) 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 93, 98, 100, 102, 119, 127, 142, 147, 152, 162, 165, 170, (strep infection of liver?) 172, 181, 191, 210 (x2), 211, 222, 223, 240 (x2), 241
Stretcher – vol. 4: (hopeless cancer, visited on stretcher) 166,
Stroke – vol. 3:2, 39, 41, 85, 86, 92, 104, 109, 114, 125, 129, 131, 143, 144, 152, 154, 158, 162, 164 (x2), 164, 165, 167, 175, 176 (x2), 181, 182, 191, 200, 206, 211, 214, 218, 220, 221, 222, 226, 227, 228, 229, 237, 241, 250, 259 (x2), 260, 265, 267, 270, 278, 287, 290 (x2), 292, 294, 295, 304; vol. 4:2, 6, 7 (x2), 11, (2nd) 12, 17, 23, 27, 29, 31 (x2), 33, 43, (speechless 12 yrs.) 49, 49, 51, 52 (x2), 53, 54, 68, 71, 72, 73, 77, 80, 83, 84, 90, 96, 97, 99 (x2), 100, 102, 110, 111 (x2), 114, 116, 125, 128, 131, 137, 140, 141, 142 (x2), 148, 149, 151, (3rd stroke) 157, 157, 164, 165, 166, 169, (17 yo, getting quite helpless) 171, 175, 176 (x2), 177, 178 (x2), 188, 197, (2 year old has 2 strokes) 199, 204, 205, (lost memory) 216, 218, 219, 222, 226, 227, 230, 233, 247, 249 (x2), 259, 260; app. 1:34
Student – vol. 3: (wanted at Brescia Hall) 261, (wants to continue in catholic high school) 269, (insisted on going to Catholic High School) 279
Study – vol. 1:8
Stupidity – vol. 1:200; vol. 2:93, 94, 105, 166, 197, 200, 242, 297, 256, (stupid humanity) 355
Stuttering – vol. 3:101
Subdeacon – vol. 3: (breakdown) 128
Suffer, Suffering – vol. 1:3, 10, 11, 19, 39 (x3), 42, 64, 84 (x2), 99, 107, 131, 154, 171, 236, 254 (x2); vol. 2:37, 44, 46, 48, 58, 81, 100, 116, 217-18, 281, 317, 327; app. 1 (nephew Edwin) 29; app. 3:18
God chose, vol. 1:7;
Jesus’, vol. 1:40, 42 (x3), 119, 327;
Mary’s, vol. 1:254
also see, “Cross”
Suicide – vol. 2:201, 229; vol. 3:17, 203, 243, (attempted) 262, (attempted after death of child) 277; vol. 4: (dreaming about) 20, (phone call about) 38, 155
Sun – vol. 1:45 (x 3), 46 (x 3)
Sunday(s) – vol 3: (work on) 287
5th Sunday after Epiphany – vol. 1:49
8th Sunday after Pentecost – vol. 1:50
Sunday Visitor – app. 3:36, 41
Also see, “Noll, (Archbishop) John”
Sun stroke – vol. 4:34
Superstition – vol. 3: (victim of) 257
also see, “Curse,” “Fortune teller,” “Healer,” “Magic,” “Spiritism,” “Witch”
Supreme Court – vol. 2:165
Suspicion – app. 2:11
Sweden, Sweeden – vol. 4:68
Sweetheart, divine (God as) – app. 1:18
Sweepstakes ticket, sweapstakes – vol. 3: (wants one) 306
Swindled – vol. 3:279; vol. 4: (con. deal?) 145, (lent money fears dishonesty) 146
also see, “Crooked,” Robbery,” “Stealing/theft”
Sylvester, St. – app. 2:16; app. 3:37
Synobitis, synovitis – vol. 3:37
Syrian, Serian – vol. 4:191
also see, “Orthodox”
Tabernacle – app. 3:5, 8
Tall – vol. 3: (grew too fast, 6’4 at 16 year old) 257
Tape worm, tapeworm – vol. 4:47, 217, 233
Taylor, Emily (poet) – vol. 1:200
Teachers – vol. 1:48, 202, 238
also see, “Educators”
Tears – vol. 2:89, 193,209 (x2), 218, 310; vale of, vol. 2:46, 310
Teeth, tooth – vol. 3: (bleeding to death from extracted teeth) 235, 251, 276
also see, “Periodontitis”
Temper – vol. 3: (13 year old has terrible temper) 123
Temptation(s), tempted – vol. 1:3, 6, 9, 52, 123, 125 (x2), 147; vol. 2:301, 308, 316, 317; vol. 4: (terribly tempted) 64; app. 2:3, (not necessarily sinful) 5
Ten commandments – vol 2:316
Teresa, St. – vol. 1:7, 13, 69; vol. 2:48; app. 2:4
also see, “Therese”
Testament of St. Francis – app. 2: (no. 20) 10
Thank God, thanked God, thanks to – vol. 1:72, 89, 94, 100, 131, 153 (x3), 155, 157, 159, 165, 175, 176, 187, 196, 198, 211, 213, 243, 253, 262 (x2); vol. 2:2, 9, 33, 38, 52, 54, 58, 114, 141, 169, 221, 226, 254, 255, 256, 310; ahead of time (and variants), vol. 1:119, 131, 256; vol. 2:58, 107, 111, 162, 163 (x4), 182, 185, 191, 310, 320; vol. 3:41; vol. 4:15, 16, 17, 41, 57, 136, 183, 184, 188, 195, 213; app. 1:4, 17, 18, 20, 25, (ahead of time) 34, 36; app. 2:10, 57 (x2); app. 3:20 (x2),
also see, “Deo Gratias,” “Thanks be to God”
Thankful, thanksgiving – vol. 1:100; vol. 3: (daughter has given up undesirable company) 186, (husband changed attitude to religion) 194, (boy improving) 194, (for curing their baby) 198, 205, 222, 233, 237, 249, 251, (for family) 251, (escaped cancer) 255, 260, (complete restoration) 275, 278, (birth of only child) 283, (for all who prayed for him) 285, 290, (recovered) 291, (threatened with stomach cancer) 297; vol. 4: (after operation) 5, (expected to die, now fine) 9, 10, (for great improvement) 22, (for good health) 23, (for recovery) 26, (lost mind, give up hopeless, now fine) 41, (no operation needed) 42, (cured of cleptomenia) 45, (only child after 12 years of praying) 46, (cured from TB) 46, 47, (operation averted) 49, (family quarrel smoothed, peace restored, divorce abandoned) 49, (smiling and astonished) 50, (successful examination civil servant) 53, (Fife Electric bowlers championship over Strohs) 57, (improved sight) 60, (after 8 operations improving) 63, (improved after bone-sist in arm, repetedly broken, surprised) 65, (stopped drinking) 70, 76, (Louis came home) 78, (can see ok) 79, (infantile – today perfect) 79, (orphaned since 5, kept company with someone without religion, now to be married to a good young man) 93, (successful removal of threating growth) 94, (lying brother seems improved) 95, (hopeless with hemoraging; here today) 96, 97, (one keeping undesirable company now good) 98, (home from sanitorium) 100, (not expected to live, now fine) 100, (much improved) 107, (for returning to sacraments) 107-108, (successful operation) 118, 121 (x2), 121, (enemies planning to rob her of good name and property) 140, (82 yo given up as hopeless) 145, (9 yo recovering from brain surgery) 147, (pneumonia, no hope, no ok) 154, (for conversion before death) 157, (6 yo condition cleared up) 175, (twice on operating table, twice cancelled) 177, 6 weeks (between life and death, better than ever) 178, (eye cured) 180, (17 yo recovered from infantile paralysis) 186, (broken pelvis, now a soldier) 191, 196, (dying, now home) 199, (2 yo, Drs. said never walk, walking now) 199, (8 yo kicked by horse, unconscious, enrolled, now asking for wieners! – perfectly rationally) 200, (hopeless, unable to walk, now up) 202, (4 yo could not sit up, only hope mental institution; now “a live wire – normal every way) 228, (8 yo, food allergies, convulsions, fearfully asthmatic, enrolled, perfect health ever since) 228, (brought from insane asylum, now perfect health) 229, (11 years on back, now quite ok) 229, (7 yo, stiff neck, enrolled, father bitter non catholic, child ok, father figuering! on becoming Catholic) 238, (6 yo operation cancelled, child ok) 239, (3 days to live, enrolled, in perfect health) 239, (Quaker woman given up as hopeless, today not too bad) 248, (sist-like tumor resolved) 252, (son missing in action found after 33 days on raft) 252, (missing 19 yo released from Navy prison after 89 days) 263, (soldier had broken back, spinal concussion from shell-blast; her today OK) 263, (fearful abdominal swelling, here today looking swell) 263
Thanks be to God [and variations] – vol. 1:71, 100, 102, 106, 111, 113, 117, 121, 121, 130 (x2), 131, 135, 138, 142 (x2), 144, 147, 162, 171, 175, 177, 178, 179 (x2), 181 (x3), 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 195 (x2), 197, 198, 199 (x2), 200, 202, 204 (x2), 207, 208, 209 (x2), 210, 215 (x2), 237, 238, 241, 245, 251, 267, 287; vol. 2:2, 3, 7, 20, 21, 22 (x2), 24, 26 (x2), 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 43, 44, 51, 56, 84, 92, 98, 101, 106, 112 (x2), 115, 120 (x2), 124, 125, 144, 147, 176, 184, 187 (x2), 208, 215, 234, 237, 238, 280, 297, 300, 307, 309, (a billion) 315, 320, 347, 348; vol. 3:10, 11, 12, 15, 24 (x2), 25, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34 (x3), 38, 51, 88, 91, 153, 164, 167, 193, 194, 221, 225, 235, (and Blessed Mother) 299; vol. 4:84; app. 1:1, 2 (x2), 5 (5), 6, 9, 21, 22 (x2), 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32; app. 2:7, 23, 24, 26, 28 (x2), 30 (x2), 36, 38, 40, 51, 54
also see, “Deo Gratias” “Thank God”
Thanksgiving Day – vol. 1:19; vol. 2:242, 328, 339; app. 3:36
Theology, queen of all sciences – vol. 2:264
Therese (Theresa), St. – vol. 1:64, 131; vol. 2:300, 310; vol. 3: (promise to read her life), (novena to) 138, (feast) 183; app. 1: (autobiography) 3; app. 2:42
also see, “Teresa”
Third Order – vol. 2:89, 94; vol. 3:115, 181; vol. 4:19, (joined) 87, (operation) 107; app. 1: (parents for 20 years) 10; app. 2: (convention) 7, 66
Thomas Aquinas, St. – vol. 1:8
Thomas Moore, St. – vol. 1:92, 136
Threatened – vol. 4:61
Throat ailment – vol. 3:62, 99, 132, 168, 178, 181, (sore) 299; vol. 4:114, 117, 147, (fearful sore) 209, 209, 261, 265, (2 yo with uncanny groth over juggler!) 269,
also see, “Cancer”
Thyroid, thoride – vol. 4:50, (19 yo weighs 219 lbs) 197,
Tigers – app. 2:7
Tinker – vol. 3:255
Titanic – app. 3:31
To know, love and serve God – see, “Purpose of existence”
Toe problem – vol. 3:101, 161
Tonsils, toncils, tonsel – vol. 3:82, 210, 234
Tobias (of Old Testament) – vol. 2:28; app. 2:29
Tolstoi, Leo – vol. 1:249
Tongue – vol. 3: (bad) 214, 254; vol. 4: (swollen) 146
Transfers of Solanus
Huntington – vol. 2:121-122, 175; vol. 4: 267; app. 2: (leaving today for) 20; (ideal place to work and pray and study) 28
New York (Our Lady of Sorrows) – app. 1:7
also see, “Detroit, Wanting to return”
Travel – vol. 4: (undertaking long journey) 65; app. 1: (would enjoy trip to Quebec) 42
Trichinosis, triconosis – vol. 4: 186
also see, “Poison”
Trifle(s) – vol. 1:154 (x4), 259f
Trimbelle – vol. 1:71 (x2), 143, 144, 145, 158, 164, 165, 199, 206, 207 (x2), 209, 210, 215, 236, 248; app. 1:21-2; app. 2: (pioneer West Wisconsin) 50,
Trinity, Holy – vol. 1:34, 240, 251, 261 (x2); vol. 2:116, 223, 287; app. 1:41 (x2), 44; app. 3:12
Transfusions – vol. 3:72, 114, 148, (gone wrong) 158, 245, 293, (twenty) 294, 296, 300, (20 in 23 months) 300, (expecting 25th) 308; vol. 4: (every day) 8, 10, 11, 35, 43, (had 17) 46, 53, 87, (had 5) 151, (had 13, all seemed [in] vain) 168, (13 yo had about 25) 190, (had 10) 205, 211
Transplant – vol. 3:182
Trolley – vol. 1:202, 203, 208, 209; vol. 2:57, 186; app. 3:29, (Yonker’s Trolley Strike) 38
Trust, trusting – vol. 1:6, 30, 99, 134, 196, 258; vol. 2:28, 111, 115, 163, 174; vol. 3: (we’ll trust in God) 240; app. 2: (leave everything we have, and every thing we ourselves – in God’s holy keeping) 24
Truth, truthful – vol. 1:7, 37 (x 2), 42, 44, 50, 51, 55 (x 2), 58, 66, 67, 69, 74 (x 2), 75 (x 2), 76, 77, 80, 88, 136, 138, 252 (x2); vol. 2:168, 171, 173, 191, 252, 267 (x2), 268 (x4), 270 (x5), 271 (x8), 272 (x3), 293
Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuburcular – vol. 3:16, 17, 19, 21, 33, 35, 47, 54, 61 (x2), 62, 63, 65, 69 (x2), 71, 73, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82 (x2), 83, 85 (x2), 87 (x2), 88, 89, 93 (x3), 96, 99, 100 (x2), 101, 102, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110 (x2), 113, 114, 117, 119, 121, 123, 128, 130 (x2), 131, 132, 134 (x2), 135, 136, 142, 143 (x3), 144, 145, (in sanatorium) 149, 154 (x2), 155, 158, 159 (x2), 164, 165, 166, 167, 170, 172, 173, 180, 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 193, 198, (in sanatorium) 205, 209, 214, 218, 222, 224, 225, 229 (x5), 230, 231, (delayed vocation) 232 (x2), 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241, 243, 245, 251, 252, 253, 264, 265, 271, 275, 276, 281 (x2), 282 (x3), 283, (spine) 285, 286, 288, 289, (knee bone) 290, 291 (X2), 292, 294, 296, 297 (x2), 298, 302 (x4), 305, 306; vol. 4:2 (x2), 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, (nurse in TB Sanatorium now threatened with TB) 24 (x2), 26, 28, 31, 34, 37, 46, 48 (x2), 51, 55, 58 (x2), 63 (x2), 67, 68 (x2), 69, 75, 76, 82, 84, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 101, 109, (cured) 110, 111, 114 (x2), 115, 117, 119 (x2), 120, 121, 123, 125 (x2), 126, 129 (x2), 130, 132, 134, 138, 141, 143 (x2), 150, 151 (x2), 152, 153, 154, 155, 157 (x2), 161 (x2), 162 (x2), 164, 167, (of brain) 168, 169, 176, 177, 187, (kidney) 193, 193, 194 (x2), 196 (x3), 198, 207, 208, 211, 214, 218, 219, 222, 226 (x2), 228, 233, 234 (x2), 236, (newly married) 238, 246, 270
also see, “Consumption”
Tumor, tumer, tuomer, Toomer, tuomer – vol. 1:130, 131 (x2); vol 2:159 (brain); vol. 3:10, (brain) 34, 32, (brain) 54, (liver) 55, (brain) 74, 74, (brain) 75, 75, (bone) 81, (brain) 84, 84, (brain) 92, 97, (brain) 99, 102, (brain and spine) 104, (cancerous) 108, 109, (brain) 110, (brain) 113, (all over breast) 115, (brain) 117, (brain) 120, 121 (brain) 121, (top of head) 125, 131, 134, (brain) 135, (chest) 139, 140, (brain) 140, (lungs) 140, 144, (bladder) 155, 156 (x2), (brain) 158, (brain) 163, (brain) 168, 174, (lung) 180, 184, (uterus) 185, (breast) 193, (breast) 210, (stomach/kidney) 211, 214, 220, (stomach) 223, (nose) 223, 233, 234, (womb) 236, (brain) 240, 243, (brain) 252 (x2), 256, 257 (x2), (brain) 258, 259, (breast) 262, (hip) 264, 265, 267, 271, 274, 275, 288, (brain) 288, (brain) 290, (brain) 291, (brain) 293, 295, 296, (brain) 303, 304; vol. 4:7, (brain) 17, 18, 21, (brain) 23, 24, (brain) 25, (brain) 25, (optic nerve) 30, (brain) 31, (brain) 34, 38, (shoulder) 41, 44, (brain) 46 (x2), 48, (brain) 48, (shoulder) 49, (temple) 54, 54, 60, 62, (pelvic bone and lungs) 64, (infant with blood tuomer on head) 65, (stomach) 65, 69, (brain) 72, (brain) 73, 74, 85, (brain) 90 (x3), (brain) 94, 95, 97, 103, (brain) 104 (x2), (between shoulders) 104, 106, 108, (brain) 109, (bladder) 112, (blood) 113, 115, (jaw) 115, (brain) 116, (brain) 117, (brain) 118, 120, (shoulder) 121, 125 (x2), (brain) 126, 132 tuomer, 127, 128, 137, (brain) 139, (brain) 143, 144, 146 (x2), 147, (spinal on 1 month old) 147, (brain) 148, (brain) 149, 150, (base of brain) 150, 150, (brain) 152, 152, (brain) 153, (under arm) 155, (stomach) 157, (breast) 158, 159, 163, (sholder! and neck) 164, (fibroid tuomer) 166, (operation on brain tuomer) 175, (lungs) 178, (brain) 181, (brain) 182, (brain) 184, (brain) 186, (brain) 188, (lung) 189, (stomach) 192, 195, (brain) 195, 196, (brain) 196, (brain and chest) 198, (eye) 204, (5 week old stomach) 204, (bleeding) 205, (brain) 207, (shoulder) 213, (brain) 217, 218, (ear) 221, (malignant on liver, 3 yo) 229, (inoperable brain) 230, 231, (blood tumor broke) 231, (arm) 232, (brain) 236, (breast) 241, (breast and abdomen) 246, 246, 248, 249, (rectum) 254, 256, (breast) 257, (chest) 257, (brain) 258, (brain) 259, (6 tumors removed) 261, (brain) 261, 263, (infant, brain) 268
also see, “Cyst,” “Growth,” “Wart”
Twitching – vol. 4: (of head) 20, (face and eye, embarising!) 256
Typhoid – vol. 3:19, 236
Ulcer, ulser – vol. 3:53, 56, 68, 85 (x2), 91, 110, 111, 118, 119, 124, (back of head) 125, (stomach) 138, (bladder) 141, (stomach) 167, (feet) 183, (stomach) 188, (stomach) 203 (x2), (stomach) 211, (stomach) 214, (stomach) 225, (stomach) 239, (verecose) 246, (head) 263, 269, (stomach) 286, (uter.) 300; vol. 4:9, (stomach) 10 (x2), 14, (stomach) 15, (stomach) 20, (stomach) 22, (ankle) 27, (stomach) 32, 32, (leg) 38, (vericose) 40, (stomach) 74, (gastric) 82, (liver) 84, (eye) 86, (stomach) 89, 100, (foot and ankle) 112, (stomach) 118, (stomach) 123, 136, (stomach) 137, (stomach) 144, (intestines) 168, (stomach) 178, (stomach) 210, 210, (vericose) 222, 223, (stomach) 229, (stomach) 232, (intestines) 233, (stomach) 234, 239, (eye) 264
Unbeliever – vol. 3:109, 130
Uncharitable thoughts – vol. 1:9
Unconscious – vol. 3:164
Unemployment – see “Employment (distress)”
Union, Unity – vol. 1:34, 35; vol. 3: (prayer for) 248
Unitarian, Unitarinism, United Church – vol. 3:210; vol. 4:80
Ursulines – vol. 4:67
Vanity, vanities – vol. 1:8. 15
Vascular disease – vol. 4: 257
Vatican – vol. 2:360
Varicose, vericose veins – vol. 3:99, 125, 207, (ulcer) 245, (ulcers) 258, 267 (x2), 275, 303; vol. 4:59, 61, 86, (ulcers) 123, 175, (veins) 200,
also see, “Ulcer”
Vertigo – vol. 3:146
Viaticum – vol. 3:120
Violence – vol. 3: (family) 197, (beats wife) 209, (daughter strikes mother) 232, (husband breaks wife’s neck) 255, (child strike) 276, (9 year old severely punished) 289; vol. 4: (her 23 year old son beats her) 20, (threatened by gangster) 221,
also see, “Gun Shot,” “Murder”
Violin – vol. 2:29, 210; vol. 3: (young violinist) 304; app. 2: (supplies) 28
Strings, vol. 2:71
Virtue – vol. 1:4 (x3), 14, 51, 52, 68, 153, 155, 247 (x3), 260; vol. 2:162, 165, 169; app. 1:41; app. 2:4; app. 3:5 (x2),
also see, “Charity,” “Courage,” “Faith,” “Hope,” “Love,” “Prudence,” etc.
lost virtue, vol. 2:142
virtue from emergency, vol. 2:100;
Vision – vol. 3: (report vision of monstrance) 124
Vitus Dance – vol. 3:8, 35, 91, 112
Vocation – vol. 1:16 (x 2), 18, 48, 66, 57, 147 (x2), 169, 186 (x2), 254, 263, 279-280; vol. 2:63, (as Capuchin) 120, 132 (x3), 164, 239 (x2, every vocation, vocation of flowers, birds, bees), 241 (to religious life), 250, 276, 292, 293, 299, 300 (x5), (praying for) 302; vol. 3: (saved) 68, (doubting) 74, (son to be priest) 76, (threatened) 87, 179, (16 year old) 180, (delayed because of TB) 232, (undecided) 239; vol. 4:32, (mother of 3 priests, 2 nuns) 79, (sent home from seminary because of nerveous hysteria) 107, (mother unhappy son is going to missions) 119, (studied for priesthood, went to war, lost vocation) 126, (losing) 185, (priest apparently lost his) 216, (Methodist widow wants to take instruction and eventually join an order) 230, 237; app. 1:2 (Solanus hopes of family members becoming religious); app. 2: (gratitude for) 5, 5; app. 3: (need for speeding up of) 17
Promises to study for priesthood if cured – vol. 3:55
Solanus’ Capuchin vocation – app. 2:3
Wants to be brother – vol. 3:115
Wants to be Capuchin – vol. 3:168; vol. 4: (medical student, wants to dedicate himself to God) 267
Wanted to be Missioner – vol. 3:228; vol. 4:261
Wants to be nun – vol. 3:121, (wants permission to enter convent) 148
Wants to be priest – vol. 3:20, 31, 42, 54 , 70, 74, 98, 202, (former Episcopalian), 286; vol. 4: (infantile 10 yo) 63, (orphan) 125, (8 yo) 190
Wants to return to seminary – vol. 3:79, (mother lost money) 104
Also see, “Capuchin,” “Religious,” “Vows”
Vow(s), vowing – vol. 1:18, 68, 254, 260 (x2), 261 (x4), 279, 280
Wanderer, The (newspaper) – vol. 2:336
War, warfare
life as – vol 2:47, 66. 316
World War I – vol. 1:51; vol. 2:270; vol. 3: (mentally deranged from) 34; vol. 4:126, (father of twins 1 month old when killed) 254; app. 3: (war between Italy and Tripoli) 26, 28
World War II – vol. 2:281, 356; vol. 4: (Austrian mother starving, 5 sons in war: 1 dead, 1 wounded) 149, (sailor on destroyer U.S. Whipple) 160, (inlisting!) 168, (leaving for army) 169, (sent home from army) 174, (50,000 solders shipped away, including 2 sons, no one knowing “whither”) 175, (soldier with broken back hyped into camp) 183, (marine mental problems) 186, (non catholic sailor’s boat torpedoed, in water for 3 hours, gone back to action) 189, (soldier) 191, (sailor Great Lakes Navy Yard) 192, (private has nervous break) 194, (soldier in Jamaica, family prays he is sent nearer) 195, (prisoner of war in Germany) 196, (discontented soldier) 202, (recovered from eye problem, now expert marksman) 203, (worries about friends in service) 204, (parents want son to be deferred) 206, (solder in difficulties through small falsification) 213, (soldier nervous breakdown) 214, (wounded in action in Sicely!) 216, (soldier in battle of Tarawa in S. Pacific) 217, (missing in action in South Pacific) 219, (sick soldier) 224, (sailor in Navy training, wrestling, paralyzed from sholders! Down) 226, (officer in draft, asks for prayers that he be guided in deferments) 226, (soldier discouraged) 227, (marine) 233, (in South Sea service, needed at home) 234, (wounded in battle) 235, (missing in action) 235, (twin brother off the service) 237, (Nazis report killed in action, comrads say no, his plane light ok) 237, (19 yo marine Southern Pacific, not heard from) 238, (10 air bombideers missing in action over Germany) 242, (missing in action over Aachen) 246¸ (son and ship crew enrolled, struck mine, ship and cargo went down, no one of 2500 was lost: miraculous) 247, (missing in action) 248, (soldier expecting to go over seas, fears no return) 248, (wounded in S. Pacific) 248, (breakdown as anxious about son overseas) 249, (boys in Service) 249, (missing in action) 249, (wounded in Germany) 251, (missing in action over Germany) 252, (plane shot down bombing Japs; 2 lost, 2 missing, six other after 33 days on raft saved) 252, (practicing setting mines, one exploded killing 3 associates and blinding him) 253, (father of twin sons killed when they were 1 month old in World War I, now one is recovering from shrapnel would received in France, the other on his way to Germany) 254, (flying officer missing in action over Germany; had been hoping to resume studies for priesthood) 254 , (nearly killed fighting Japs in southern Pacific, honorably discharged, met with resentment at his old job) 255, (wounded in France, lost one foot, possible further amputation) 255, (missing in action over Luxemburg) 256, (19 yo in service, mother’s only support) 257, (Mother anxious, no word in 6 weeks across seas) 258, (escaped battle of Iwojima, lay three days in front line after wounded, miraculous escape) 260, (asks only son be sent home, honorably discharged) 260, (reported MIA, thankful to be home) 260, (OFM Chaplin! reported missing) 261, (19 yo reported missing, released from Navy prison after 89 days) 263, (shell-blast in France, broken back and spinal concussion, here OK) 263, (Sgt lost memory in New Guinea) 263, (wounded in Germany, prison, lost one leg) 264, (in service 3 years, nervous break, now in Ft. Eustis) 265, (missing in action) 270, (flyer missing) 270; app. 2: (wartime correspondence between Roosevelt and Pius XII) 43 & 44,
also see, “Prisoner of”
Wart – vol. 3:231
also see, “Cyst,” “Growth,” “Tumor,” “Wart”
Wasting away – vol. 3:118, 122
Water-board – vol. 3:170
Water (fluid) on brain – vol. 3: 184, 203; vol. 4:2, 32, 85, 114, 122, 128, 167, 183, 185, (3 mo) 200, (16 mo) 236, (3 yo) 254,
Wayward, wayword – vol. 3:4, 40, 95, 105, 130, 133, 134, 136, 143, 144, 157, 159, 163, (going mad for pleasure) 175, 179, 192, 193, (wayward husband) 221, 223, (10 ½ year old adopted inclined to be wayward) 227, 229, (7 year old) 240, (away from home – beer garden) 247, (husband away) 257, (18 year old away and in dangerous company) 257, (father and daughter) 261, (daughter) 265; vol. 4: (disobedient 18 year old) 3, (husband away from family) 4, (away from home 20 years) 16, 20, (refuses to listen but still goes to church) 26, (keeping company with non-Cath and Divorced) 26, (abandoning religion and family) 29, 39, (disobedient 17 yo) 41, 47, (living with bad company) 49, (bad company, dangerous hours) 50, (bad company, drinks) 57, (20 yo away from home) 91, 9not heard from in 7 months, was in reformatory) 107, (independent, bad company) 109, (14 yo, mother dead, father in army) 127, (27 yo left home) 155, 166
also see, “Family distress,” “Missing person,” “Prodigal Son story”
Weak, weakness – vol. 1:3, 12, 59, 62, 74, 92, 156, 182; vol. 2:45, 58, 86, 87, 107, 162, 200, 256, 283, 310, 349, 351
Wedding garment – vol. 1:37–38
Wheel chair, wheel-cahir – vol. 4: 144
Whooping cough, hooping – vol. 3:81, 155, 187, 203, 204, 221, 228, 245; vol. 4:14, 35, 64, 146, 157
Wicked – vol. 1:60, 61
Wigwam – vol. 4: (Mrs. Willet’s Wigwam) 53
also see, “Curse,” “Fortune teller,” “Healer,” “Superstition,” “Witchcraft”
Divine – vol. 1:5, 66, 67;
God’s – vol. 1:8, 19, 71, 182; vol. 2:81; app. 1:7, 42 (x2), 47; app. 2:10, 62; app. 3: (God knows what is best for our Souls) 10, 12
human – vol. 1:29
Wilson, Woodrow – app. 3:33, 35
Wisdom, wise – vol. 1:27, 49, 53, 59 (x 2), 60, 63, 91, 92 (x2), 117, 153, 155, 158, 168, 170, 172, 174, 186, 194, 247, 255, 277; vol. 2:105, 148, 161, 162, 248, 253, 261, 291, 310 (x2), 311, 315, 329, 344, 355; app. 2:8; app. 3: (God’s) 15,
Witchcraft, witch-Kraft – vol. 3: (Witch-like fortune teller) 38, (practicing magic/witchcraft) 204, 220
also see, “Curse,” “Fortune teller,” “Healer,” “Magic,” “Superstition,” “Wigwam”
Wizened – vol. 3: (hand) 57, (face) 234, (face) 234
Women after forty-five – vol. 2:225
Word of God – vol. 1:27, 28 (x 3), 50
Also see, “Scripture,” Scriptural index which follows
Workload, overworked (Solanus) – vol. 1:108, 120, 127, 130, 157, 171, 180, 181, 183, 235, 242, 243; vol. 2:11, 40, 95, 99, 100, 106, 110, 117, (nearly collapsing) 119-20, 128, 131, 151 (11:00 p.m.), 168, 171, 175 (hospitalized, working 5 am – 11 pm), 186 (big problem is my correspondence), 220 (just struck 11 pm), 239, 290, (snowed under) 322, (striking 10 pm) 335; vol 4: (six entries for Christmas day) 132; app. 1:6, (19 letters broke my record toda with a few bunches untouched since last week) 13, (50 or more letters piled up here for me) 14, (enough to keep me busy at least 18 hours a day) 18, (50 letters behind) 24, (I get no where with my correspondence) 36, 43; app. 2: (so drousey could have dropped down and slept in my quiet corner but Third Order delegates demanded attention) 7, (pray that I get some system whereby to catchup with my correspondence) 23, (over fifty unexamined letters) 33, (just struck 11) 38, 54, (always falling behind) 55; app. 3: (very seldom catch up with my letters) 20
World, worldly honors, worldliness – vol. 1:4; app. 2:3, 6 (x2), 11;
allures of, vol. 2:293;
crazy worldings, vol. 2:256;
divesting of worldly goods, vol. 2:122-3;
renounce the world, vol. 1:3
unworldness, app. 2:5
Worms – vol. 4: (2 ½ yo) 229
Worry, worrying – vol 1: (don’t trouble yourself about the future) 4; vol. 2:58 (x 3), 62, 67, 79, 98, 105, 107, 182, 183, 185 (x2), 188, 247, (shake off excessive) 353; vol. 3:149, (young couple worried about trifles) 250; app. 1:15 (x3), 17 (x2), (shake off that worry) 38; app. 2:19 (x2), 24, (“Cure for the Blues”) 25, 55 (x2); app. 3:9, 12, 14
also see, “Anxiety”
Wrath – vol. 1:137, 138, 174
Wrist – vol. 4:26
also see, “Arm”
Zealous – vol. 3:162
Scriptural Index
Gen, notes on – vol. 1:265 Gen 3:7 – vol. 2:348 Gen 12:1 – vol. 1:57 |
Exod, notes on – vol. 1:265-66 Exod 9:16 – vol. 1:59 Exod 20:2-3 – vol. 2:265, 271 Exod 20:12 – vol. 2:197 Exod 20:14 – vol. 1:104 |
Num, notes on – vol. 1:266 Num 20:17 – vol. 1:55 Num 24:5 – vol. 1:56 Num 24:17 – vol. 1:55, 56 |
Deut, notes on – vol. 1:266-267 Deut 6:5 – vol. 2:264 Deut 15:2 – vol. 1:20 |
1 Sam 13:14 – vol. 2:193 |
1 Kings 3:11-12 – vol. 1:92 |
Ecclesiastes 2:4-5, 8-9, 10-11, 25-26 – vol. 1:63 |
Book of Sirach Ecclesiasticus 1:21 – app. 2:10 Ecclesiasticus 10:8 – vol. 1:60 Ecclesiasticus 14:22 – vol. 1:59 Ecclesiasticus 16:1-2 – vol. 1:63 Ecclesiasticus 18:22 – app. 2:10 Ecclesiasticus 24:24 – app. 2:14 Ecclesiasticus 24:25 – app. 2:14 Ecclesiasticus 24:24-28 – vol. 1:55
Psalms are numbered according to the Vulgate Psalm 3:32 – app. 2:16 Psalm 13:1 – vol. 1:21 Psalm 14:1 – vol. 2:261, 264 Psalm 24:1-2 – vol. 1:258 Psalm 19:1 – vol. 1:34 Psalm 33:1 – vol. 1:58 Psalm 33: 6 – vol. 1:57 Psalm 36:35 – app. 2:16 Psalm 40:1 – vol. 1:39 Psalm 50:3, 12 – vol. 1:65 Psalm 50: 10 – vol. 1:258 Psalm 51:10 – vol. 1:66 (x 2) Psalm 72:1 – vol. 2:143 Psalm 79:20 – vol. 1:92 Psalm 80:12 – vol. 1:55 Psalm 89 – vol. 1:58 Psalm 90:15 – app. 2:16 Psalm 92:5 – app. 1:37 Psalm 102:8 – app. 2:16 Psalm 103 – vol 2:219 Psalm 104 – vol. 1:58 Psalm 111:4 – vol. 1:57 Psalm 114:3 (116:3) – vol. 1:58 Psalm 115:1 – vol. 1:153, 155 (x2) Psalm 115:12 – vol. 1:58; vol. 2:276 Psalm 116:12 – vol. 2:208 Psalm 120:1 – vol. 1:57 Psalm 126: vol. 2:204 Psalm 127:1 – vol. 2:74 Psalm 132:1 – vol. 1:258, 262 Psalm 136 – vol. 1:59 Psalm 144 – vol. 1:55; app. 2:16 Psalm 145:9 – vol. 2:177 Psalm 146:11 – vol. 1:61 Psalm 148 – vol. 2:163 |
Wisdom 4:1-2 – vol. 1:61 Wisdom 4:20 – vol. 1:61 Wisdom 5:1-4 – vol. 1:61 Wisdom 6:12 – vol. 1:56 Wisdom 7:3 – vol. 1:56 |
Pro 1:5 – vol. 4:243 Prov. 1:7 – vol. 4:243 Prov 3:12 – vol 2:52 Prov 6:16 – vol. 4:243 Prov. 12:1 – vol. 4:243 Prov. 15:1 – vol. 4:243 Prov 16:15 – vol. 1:62 Prov 16:24 – vol. 4:243 Prov 17:3 – vol. 4:243 Prov 17:15 – vol. 1:60; vol. 4:243 Prov 18:12 – vol. 4:243 Prov 19:11 – vol. 1:57 Prov 19:17 – app. 2:16 Prov 21:23 – vol. 4:243 Prov 21:28 – app. 2:12 Prov 21:30 – vol. 4:243 Prov 25:11 – vol. 4:243 Prov 28:8 – vol. 4:244 Prov 28:23 – vol. 4:243 Prov 29:9 – vol. 4:244 Prov 29:11 – vol. 4:244 Prov 29:21 – vol. 4:244 Prov 30:18-19 – vol. 4:244 |
Job 7:1 – vol. 1:92, 328 Job 21:18 – vol. 1:62 Job 21:22 – vol. 1:62 Job 40:25 – vol. 1:62 Job 41:21 – vol. 1:62 |
Isa 27:1 – vol. 1:62 Isa 55:8 – app. 1:37 Isa 60:1 – vol. 1:55 |
Jer 1:12 – vol. 1:55 Jer 9:23 – vol. 1:60 Jer 9:23-24 – vol. 2:216, 264 Jer 12:11 – vol. 2:270, 273, 316 Jer 17:13 – vol. 1:61, 67 Jer 21:12 – vol. 1:60 Jer 50:17 – vol. 1:55 Jer 50:20 – vol. 1:55 |
Amos 6:8 – vol. 1:62 |
Dan 3:57 – vol. 1:34, 45, 160, 237; vol. 2:5, 23, 98, 115, 128, 130, 184, 186, 188; app. 1:25; app. 2:20, 30, 56 |
Matt 5-6-7th chps. – vol. 2:140 Matt 5:1 – app. 1:17 Matt 5:3 – vol. 1:254, 258 Matt 5:7 – vol. 1:5, 39 Matt 5:8 – vol. 1:254; app. 2:10, 12 (x2), Matt 5:9 – vol. 1:118; vol. 2:203; app. 2:23 Matt 5:11 – vol. 1:73 Matt 5:16 – vol 1: 256 Matt 5:44 – vol. 1:73 Matt 5:48 – app. 2:12 Matt 6:25-34 – app. 1:17 Matt 6:26 – app. 1:15 Matt 6:33 – vol. 2:105; vol. 4:266 Matt 6:34 – vol 2:53, app. 1:15 Matt 7:7 – vol. 1:5 Matt 7:21 – app. 2:8 Matt 8:12 – vol. 2:261, 264 Matt 8:25 – vol. 2:317 Matt 9:37 – app. 1:30; app. 3:16 Matt 9:38 – vol. 2:133, 211; app. 3:8, 16 Matt 11:28 – vol. 1:49, 101, 125; app. 3:20 Matt 11:29 – vol. 1:149; vol. 2:310 Matt 12:30 – vol. 2:205, 225 Matt 13:28: – vol. 1:49 Matt 16:18 – vol. 1:42, 43; vol. 2:225 Matt 18:3 – vol. 1:133 Matt 18:7: – vol. 2:251 Matt 18:10 – vol. 1:23 Matt 19:14 – vol. 1:47 (x3), 48 (x2), 63 Matt 19:21 – vol. 1:68, 264 Matt 19:29 – vol. 2:48 Matt 22 – vol. 1:37 Matt 23:12 – vol. 1:156; app. 2:12 Matt 24:6-9 – vol. 2:270 Matt 25:34 – vol. 1:134 Matt 25:40 – vol. 1:132, vol. 2:179, 237, app. 2:68 Matt 28:20 – vol. 2:225; app. 2:10 |
Mark 8:36 – vol. 1:149 Mark 10:13 – vol. 1:63 Mark 10:15 – vol. 1:62 Mark 14:38 – vol. 1:52 |
Luke 1:37 – vol. 1:44 Luke 1:38 – vol. 1:46 Luke 1:46 – vol. 2:342 Luke 1:68 – vol. 1:58 Luke 2:7 – vol. 2:156 Luke 2:14 – app. 1:31 Luke 2:22 – vol. 1:40 Luke 8:5 – vol. 1:26 Luke 9:58 – vol 2:100 Luke 10:13 – vol. 1:23 Luke 10:16 – vol. 2:205, 225 Luke 10:38-42 – vol. 1:149 Luke 11:15 – vol. 1:27 Luke 12:49 – vol. 1:69 Luke 15:2 – vol. 1:50 Luke 15:18 – vol. 1:259 Luke 19:41 – vol. 2:268 Luke 19:41-42 – vol. 2:270 Luke 22:42 – app. 3:12 Acts 14:22 – vol. 2:309, 318 |
John 2:1 – vol. 1:35 John 4:35 – vol. 1:21 John 6:48-51 – vol. 2:274 John 6:48-56 – vol. 1:60 John 6:49 – vol. 1:49 John 6:51 – vol. 1:49 John 6:52 – app. 2:12 John 6:55 – vol. 1:21; John 6:57 – vol. 1:34, 35 John 8:1-11 – vol. 2:334 John 8:10 – vol. 2:274 John 8:32 – vol. 2:268, 270 (x2), 329 John 11:25 – app. 3:30 John 13:35 – vol. 1:255 John 14:6 – vol. 1:21, 66; vol. 2:282, 286, 287 John 14:27 – vol. 2:203, 211, 255, 301 John 15:5 – vol. 1:101; vol. 2:205 John 15:13 – vol. 2:146 John 16:3 – vol. 2:270 John 19:26-27 – vol. 2:280, 287 John 19:27 – vol. 1:67 John 21 – vol. 1:21 |
Paul Rom 4:11 – vol. 2:193 Rom 8:31 – vol. 1:42, 44 Rom 8:18 – app. 1: (paraphrased) 18 Rom 11:33 – vol. 1:49, 132, 179, 247; vol. 2:40, 192, 262, 360; app. 2:51 Rom 11:34 – vol. 2:330 Rom 13:12 – app. 2:16 Rom 14:21 – vol. 1:3 Eph 4:1 – vol. 1:66 Eph 4:23 – vol. 1:66 Phil 1:21 – app. 2:10 Phil 1:23 – app. 1:18 Phil 2:8 – vol. 1:261 Phil 4:7 – vol. 1:129; vol. 2:59, 301 Phil 4:11 – vol. 1:57 Phil 4:13 – vol. 1:48 Gal 5:17 – vol. 1:51 Gal 6:16 – vol. 1:69 1 Cor 1:27-8 – vol. 1:59, 62, vol. 2:39 1 Cor 2:9 – vol. 1:162; 257; vol. 2:323, 332; app. 1:40; app. 2:9 1 Cor 3:7 – vol. 1:62 1 Cor 3:18 – vol. 1:69 1 Cor 9:16 – app. 2:16 1 Cor 13:1 – vol. 1:59 1 Cor 13:4 – app. 1: (paraphrased) 9 2 Cor 4:17 – vol. 1:57 2 Cor 12:9 – vol. 2:308 1 Tim 5:8 – vol. 2:206 |
1 Peter 3:12 – vol. 1:59 1 Peter 5:8 – vol. 1:52; app. 2:10 Titus 1:15 – app. 1:14 |
1 John 4:7 – vol. 1:278; vol. 2: (paraphrased) 272 1 John 4:16 – app. 2:5 |
Hebrews 12:6 – vol. 1:96; vol. 2:116, 257, 301, 327; app. 1:46; app. 2:29 |
Revelation Apoc 3:16 – vol. 1:259 Apoc 14:4 – vol. 1:68 |