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Planning a Visit

Our greatest hope as you come to the center is that you will leave with a refreshed commitment to the Gospel values which Blessed Solanus lived so well.

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Photo of a tour group from St. Michael Parish viewing the Beatititude Statues inside the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit, Michigan.


Group Tour Information: We will gladly meet the needs of your group. Besides a tour, we can include Celebration of the Mass (either your group’s priest or the Center’s), a Blessing, a catered meal, a video of the life of Solanus Casey.

There is ample opportunity for the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance. Confessors are available Tuesday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Docent-Led Tours: Docent-led tours for groups of 10 or more are arranged by contacting Sally McCuen at (313) 579-2100 ext 1149. Adults (18 years and older) suggested donation: $10.00. Students (17 years and under) suggested donation: $5.00.

Bringing a Bus of Pilgrims?

Please notify the Solanus Casey Center if you are bringing a bus to the Solanus Casey Center even if you are not planning to have a docent-led tour. There are myriad activities booked at the center and it is helpful to know when a large group is coming. Contact our Hospitality Coordinator, Sally McCuen at  or (313) 579-2100 ext. 1149.


Self-Guided Audio Tour: A self-guided audio tour is available for purchase at the Solanus Casey Center Gift Shop for a suggested donation of $5.00. The Audio Tour provides a detailed step-by-step tour of the Solanus Casey Center that can be accessed via a smartphone.

Docent Led: For groups of 10 or more, a docent will lead the group on a 1-1/2 hour tour of the Center. Groups seeking a docent-led tour are asked to contact Sally McCuen at 313.579.2100 ext. 1149 or to make arrangements. A Mass can also be included in your docent led tour (either your priest or one of the Center’s priests).

OFM and Capuchin pilgrims touring the Solanus Casey Center with Hospitality Coordinator Sally McCuen leading the group on a tour.
Students from Shrine Elementary in Royal Oak, Michigan on a tour of the Solanus Casey Center in May 2022.

Students, Teachers and Parents

To teachers and parents:  We have a number of materials to assist your children for their pilgrimage. The Solanus Casey Center, opened in 2002, continues a long legacy of compassion and caring, begun by Blessed Solanus Casey and continued by thousands of caring people, like yourselves, who wish to be enlivened by faith and to spread the love of God to everyone.

The Solanus Casey Center is a tribute to Blessed Solanus Casey and an opportunity for all of us to explore the richness and diversity of our faith in a loving and merciful God.

Prepare for your pilgrimage

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