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An Update on the Father Solanus Guild in Huntington, IN

November 8, 2024
Blessed Solanus Casey
Blessed Solanus Casey in Huntington.
We are very happy to share with you some wonderful experiences from our recent visit to Father Solanus Guild Circle in Huntington, Indiana. On September 13, the Father Solanus Guild went to Huntington, where Blessed Solanus Casey lived from 1946 to 1956. We share with you some interesting things that we saw at St. Felix Friary which used to be one of the formation houses for the Capuchins. We had our meeting with the Guild members at St. Felix Friary. Dennis facilitated the meeting with administrative perspectives.

New Leadership Council: We had the election for the leadership council members for the Guild Circle.  I am pleased to introduce you to all the leadership members, Steve Rennels, President, Mike Woehnker, Vice President, Debra Kriegbaum, Secretary, and Linda Leist, Treasurer. I am happy with this new leadership council within whom I could see much interest in spreading the spirituality of Blessed Solanus in and around the diocese. I have to acknowledge that they are very joyful and prayerful.

Vision for the Future: The Father Solanus Guild Circle in Huntington has decided to meet monthly. They will have a Day of Reflection twice a year in Huntington and will make a pilgrimage to the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit once a year. There will be a quarterly newsletter from the Huntington Circle as well.

St. Felix Friary: Gaby Mayo and her husband Scott Mayo are wonderful caretakers of the beautiful friary where Blessed Solanus lived. Gaby is a very active member of the Huntington Guild Circle. They keep this friary as Solanus’ sacred place. I felt homecoming when I entered the friary. Gaby promotes the spirituality of Solanus to whoever visits this holy place.

Spiritual Assistant: Fr. Tony who is the Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul, Huntington is one of the faithful devotees of Blessed Solanus and has come forward to be the Spiritual Assistant for the Guild members in Huntington. Fr. Tony has put a beautiful mural of Blessed Solanus Casey at the Sanctuary of Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Huntington. We are very grateful to him for all that he is doing to promote the cause of Blessed Solanus Casey in Huntington.

Book: Memorable Graces – Richard Beemer and Linda Leist, faithful devotees of Solanus Casey, have written a beautiful book on Solanus’ favors to many people. These stories are inspiring and heartwarming. I suggest you read this book to know the power of Solanus’ intercession in the lives of many people. This book is available in the Gift Shop at Solanus Center or on Amazon. May this Fall wither all your burdens and bring you peace and joy! Blessings!

Br. Peter and members of the Father Solanus Guild pose around the statue of Blessed Solanus Casey at the former St. Felix Friary in Huntington, Indiana.

Br. Peter and members of the Fr. Solanus Guild pose around the statue of Blessed Solanus Casey at the former St. Felix Friary in Huntington, Indiana.

The Father Solanus Guild Leadership Team

Gaby and Scott Mayo pose for a photo with Br. Peter

Gaby and Scott Mayo are the husband and wife team taking care of St. Felix Friary.

Fr. Tony (third from left) is the Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul in Huntington and is the spirtual assistant for the Guild Circle in Huntington.

Cover photo of the book "Memorable Graces."

“Memorable Graces” is now available at the Solanus Casey Center Gift Shop or through other online retailers.

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