Lily’s Story
Blessed Solanus Casey

Lily was born with her right hip dislocated from the socket, and she was unable to walk. She wore various harnesses that did not correct her condition and underwent her first surgery at age 10 months. After surgery she was in a cast and continued to wear harnesses again. In a follow-up appointment the surgeon gave us some “bad news.” He indicated that her hip was drifting away from the socket and she was in need of a second surgery, which was expected to be more invasive, e.g., possibly modifying the bone. Lily’s parents were devastated at the thought of a second surgery with an even longer recovery for her. The surgery was scheduled on her parent’s wedding anniversary.
Best friends began invoking the intercession of Blessed Solanus as soon as they heard the news of a second surgery for Lily. One friend’s mother prayed weekly in her prayer group at her church, saying “Lily is going to be a miracle to support his case for Sainthood.” Weeks later the surgeon reported that Lily did NOT need surgery. He just shook his head and said, “This doesn’t make sense.” God’s gifts to us seldom do!
Lily began walking shortly after the cancelled surgery. Her hip remains healthy, and she continues to grow as a beautiful and precious child of God. Deo Gratias!