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Museum Renovation Update

February 4, 2025
Blessed Solanus Casey

by Br. Steve Kropp, OFM Cap. – February 4, 2025

We are thankful for your patience during the museum renovation project… and we promise it will be well worth the wait! We are in the final stages, preparing for the displays that will adorn the walls of the newly designed museum and are hopeful to have it ready for our pilgrims to enjoy by the end of February. Once the museum is complete, you’ll have the opportunity to “encounter” Father Solanus in his office, like so many did each day when he was alive. You’ll learn about his family, his discernment of a vocation and his ministry here in Detroit and beyond. You’ll see many pictures, perhaps some you may not have seen before, and be able to view many important “relics” from his life. We look forward to welcoming you in to experience Father Solanus in a new way and a new space!

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