Join the Capuchin Franciscan friars and the St. Bonaventure Fraternity of Secular Franciscans as we celebrate the Feast of Our Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi.
Blessed Solanus Casey, Detroit’s beloved Capuchin priest on the road to sainthood in the Catholic Church, will be remembered at the Solanus Casey Center with a nine-day novena beginning on July 22, culminating with the Feast of Solanus Casey on July 30.
Join us as we celebrate the feast of our brother, Blessed Solanus Casey.
Here at the Solanus Casey Center stories of “miracles” or favors come to us so frequently that it’s sometimes easy to take for granted the wonderful favors God is granting to those who put their trust in His mercy.
Join us at the Solanus Casey Center and St. Bonaventure Chapel for the novena and feast of Blessed Solanus Casey. Download and view the novena prayers, updated in 2021, here.