Benny’s Story
Blessed Solanus Casey

Andra and Nicholas were told that their baby would not survive delivery. The couple prayed for the intercession of Blessed Solanus Casey. This is what happened.
When Andra and Nicolas were 20 weeks pregnant with their first child, they attended a Lenten mission and heard the story of Blessed Solanus. In one of the talks, the presenter told a story of how Blessed Solanus prayed over a woman with no amniotic fluid and she carried her baby to term. At that same mission Andra was blessed with a first-class relic of Blessed Solanus.
The day after the talk, Andra and Nicolas learned that their baby had several issues, including a heart defect. The most pressing concern at the time, however, was the amount of amniotic fluid that Andra had: less than 3 cm while the average is 8-18 cm. They were told that their son’s lungs could not develop with this amount and he would likely not survive delivery.
Over the next week they prayed the prayer for Blessed Solanus’ canonization, and asked his intercession to save the baby. At the next doctor’s appointment the amniotic fluid levels were normal and stayed in the normal range for the rest of the pregnancy. The baby, Benedict Solanus, was born in 2019. Benny had open heart surgery when he was one year old. The intercession of Blessed Solanus was also invoked at that time. He is now a healthy boy who is learning to play the violin. Thanks be to God!