As we prepare for the incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, join us for an Advent Day of Reflection at the Solanus Casey Center. We’ll explore the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love/Charity as witnessed by Blessed Solanus Casey.
Blessed Solanus Casey was born November 25, 1870 on a rural homestead near Prescott, Wisconsin.
Br. Gary Wegner recaps his experience of getting to know the stories of Blessed Solanus Casey during his tenure as a Capuchin.
A new film “The Violinist: Stories of Solanus Casey” will hold its public premiere at the Solanus Casey Center on July 28 and will be available on the Formed streaming platform.
A highlight of the month of July in the USA is our celebration of Independence Day. This year, the 4th of July marks the 248th anniversary of our founders’ declaration that we would be free from the rule of…
Blessed Solanus Casey, Detroit’s beloved Capuchin priest on the road to sainthood in the Catholic Church, will be remembered at the Solanus Casey Center with a nine-day novena beginning on July 22, culminating with the Feast of Solanus Casey on July 30.
In the small chapel behind the main church at Saint Bonaventure Monastery, which the Brothers call “the Choir”, there is an altar from the late 19th century which was handmade by Br. Lucius Fuchs…
Join us as we celebrate the feast of our brother, Blessed Solanus Casey.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central event of the Christian faith, celebrated joyfully year after year at Easter. There is no doubt about the historical reality of Jesus’ rising from the dead…
As we embark upon the Lenten season, a time of profound spiritual renewal and preparation, the Preface for Lent offers a poignant reflection on the journey toward the Paschal Mystery.