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Make My Heart One with Your Love

June 6, 2024
Blessed Solanus Casey

Father Solanus Guild Reflection by Br. Steven Kropp, OFM Cap. – June 6, 2024

In the small chapel behind the main church at Saint Bonaventure Monastery, which the Brothers call “the Choir”, there is an altar from the late 19th century which was handmade by Br. Lucius Fuchs (one of the founding members of St. Bonaventure Monastery in 1882).  In that altar, just above the tabernacle are three statues- two Angels holding a cross and a spear (instruments of the crucifixion) and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  In the tiniest but most perfect script on a decorative band surrounding the niche for the Sacred Heart is written this inscription (in Latin):  “Heart of Jesus, make my heart one with Your Love”.

This simple statement of trust and devotion is a beautiful summary of what the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus- which we celebrate this year on June 7- is about: the irresistible love of Christ that draws us into himself.

This devotion has a long-standing history here at Saint Bonaventure Monastery.  One of our founders, Fr. Francis Hass, dreamed to establish devotion to the Sacred Heart here in our chapel in a significant way. With humble beginnings, his dream was quickly realized when in July 1886 the Sacred Heart Shrine at Saint Bonaventure Chapel became the seat of the Archconfraternity of the Sacred Heart for the United States and the center of all the branch fraternities.  You can still visit this image of the Sacred Heart in our Chapel today.

You can see the extension of Father Francis’ fervor for devotion to the Sacred Heart in many of Blessed Solanus’ letters.  He very often signed his letters “Sincerely in the Sacred Heart of Jesus”, or, “In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary”.  Solanus reflected on the “inexhaustible Love of His (Jesus) Sacred Heart”, a reflection we can see mirrored in his own life, as he reached out in love and compassion to all, but in particular to the sick and the poor. We see in Solanus’ own life an image of Christ, as he draws all people into the Heart of Jesus. May the love of Christ so compel us on our Christian journey: having been formed and nurtured by Christ’s love, may we too draw everyone we encounter into the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to know and be healed by that inexhaustible love.

Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us!

Sincerely in the Sacred heart of Jesus,
Br. Steven Kropp, OFM Cap
Director, Solanus Casey Center

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